

单词 放哨
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔combat〕Since then he has flown on combat missions and even done sentry duty.从那时起, 他就执行作战飞行任务, 甚至还放哨。外研社新世纪〔guard〕One of the men kept guard, while the other broke into the house.一人放哨,另一人则闯进了房子里。牛津高阶〔lookout〕The troops posted a lookout for the night.部队布下一名哨兵夜间放哨。韦氏高阶〔sentinel〕A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance.一个警察站在入口处放哨。剑桥高阶〔sentry〕My squad were on sentry duty last night.我的班昨天晚上站岗放哨。剑桥高阶〔sentry〕Who is on sentry duty tonight? 今晚是谁放哨?英汉大词典〔watchman〕A man who is employed to stand guard or keep watch.看守者:被雇佣来站岗或放哨的人美国传统〔watch〕A policeman stood watching.一个警察站岗放哨。外研社新世纪〔watch〕I'll keep watch while you go through his papers(= watch and warn you if somebody is coming).你查阅他的文件,我来放哨。牛津高阶〔watch〕One of them was asleep and the other on watch.他们两人一人在睡觉, 一人放哨。外研社新世纪〔watch〕The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.放哨,站岗:警卫、哨兵或观望哨的责任岗位或时段美国传统A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance.一名警察在入口处放哨。剑桥国际My squad were on sentry duty last night.昨晚,我的班在值班放哨。剑桥国际Sentries are mounted outside the palace at all times.哨兵们一直在宫殿外放哨。剑桥国际




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