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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔air〕get all the proposals on the table to air the issues and provoke debate 把所有的提议放到桌面上来以引起公众对各种问题的注意并推动辩论英汉大词典〔banish to〕to banish a person to an islet把某人流放到小岛上21世纪英汉〔banishment〕banishment to 'Devil's Island'. 流放到“魔鬼岛”柯林斯高阶〔banishment〕banishment to Devil's Island流放到魔鬼岛外研社新世纪〔banish〕be banished to Siberia 被流放到西伯利亚英汉大词典〔bird〕put the bird in the oven. 把鸡放到烤箱里美国传统〔carbon〕the amount of carbon released to the atmosphere释放到大气中的碳气量外研社新世纪〔deportation〕the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz将犹太人流放到奥特威辛集中营的行为外研社新世纪〔eviscerate〕strangling and eviscerating rabbits for the pot. 将兔子勒死,去除内脏后放到锅里做菜柯林斯高阶〔exile〕dissidents exiled to Siberia 被流放到西伯利亚的持不同政见者韦氏高阶〔heave〕heaved the box of books onto the table.See Synonyms at lift 把装有书的箱子提起放到桌子上 参见 lift美国传统〔lay〕lay a child gently in its crib 轻手轻脚把孩子放到小床里睡觉英汉大词典〔let down〕let a bucket down into a well = let down a bucket into a well 把桶慢慢放到井里韦氏高阶〔lodge〕documents lodged with a trusted associate. 文件放到了一个可以信赖的朋友那里美国传统〔mellow〕a dense hardwood that mellows to a grey finish if left outdoors untreated若放到户外不加处理, 最后会变软成为灰色朽木的一块密实的硬木料外研社新世纪〔mount〕mount a bed on blocks. 把床安放到垫木上美国传统〔ostracizable〕to ostracize someone abroad把某人流放到国外21世纪英汉〔refer〕refer him to his duties. 叫他把注意力放到工作上美国传统〔release〕new products released onto the market 投放到市场的新产品牛津高阶〔set〕set a glass to one's lips 把玻璃杯放到嘴边英汉大词典〔show〕show roses 把玫瑰花放到展览会上评比英汉大词典〔spot〕to spot the black ball把黑色球放到置球点上21世纪英汉〔stow〕stowed his gear in the footlocker. 把他的工具摆放到床脚箱中美国传统〔throw〕threw him into a fit of laughter; threw some supper together; threw her leg over the arm of the chair. 使他发出一阵大笑;把一些晚餐放到一起;她把一条腿搭在椅子的扶手上美国传统〔throw〕threw the tape of vacation highlights up on the screen. 把假期生活的精彩片断投放到屏幕上美国传统




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