

单词 播送
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIE〕Radio Marti is still there, spewing its US propaganda across the waters toward Cuba. 马蒂广播电台仍在大放厥词,向古巴越洋播送美国的宣传。朗文写作活用〔Muzak〕A trademark used for recorded background music transmitted by wire or radio, as to places of business, on a subscription basis.背景音乐后播送系统:一种在预订的基础上通过电线或者无线电传送录制好的背景音乐的标记,如用于商业地点美国传统〔Teletext〕You can find more details about all this week's films on teletext.通过电视文字播送,你可以看到更多有关本周电影的详细情况。朗文当代〔airing〕The TV show folded after only three airings.那场电视演出播送了3次就停播了。英汉大词典〔airplay〕The broadcasting of a phonograph record, tape, or compact disc on the air by a radio station.唱片播送:无线电台对图片、磁带或唱片的空中播送美国传统〔air〕The radio station airs a Japanese course three times a week.这家无线电台每周播送日语课三次。英汉大词典〔beam at〕We beamed the program at America.我们向美国播送节目。21世纪英汉〔beam to〕The radio station agreed to beam the president's speech to the whole country.广播电台同意将总统的演说向全国播送。21世纪英汉〔beam to〕We beamed the program to the countries of Central America.我们向中美洲国家播送节目。21世纪英汉〔beam〕The concert was beamed (= broadcast) by satellite all over the world.音乐会经卫星播送到世界各地。剑桥高阶〔black ... out〕The network blacked out the New York City area.电视网不向纽约市地区播送这类电视节目。21世纪英汉〔black〕Some big games are blacked out on television to people who live nearby.一些重大比赛的实况不在电视上对居住在附近的人们播送。英汉大词典〔blare forth (或out)〕The colour television blared out the news.彩电里高声播送新闻。21世纪英汉〔blare forth (或out)〕The radio was blaring out music.收音机高声播送音乐。21世纪英汉〔blare〕The loudspeakers blared the speech repeatedly.扬声器里反复播送这篇讲话。英汉大词典〔broadcast〕Communicated by means of television or radio.电视播送的,电台广播的美国传统〔broadcast〕To transmit a radio or television program for public or general use.播放节目:播送电台、电视节目供大众使用美国传统〔broadcast〕We broadcast the news to the local population every morning.我们每天上午向当地居民播送新闻。21世纪英汉〔broadcast〕We were broadcasting on all the major channels.我们在全部主要频道播送节目。21世纪英汉〔cable〕The company broadcasts on satellite and cable.该公司通过卫星和有线电视播送节目。麦克米伦高阶〔feed〕The central services of that broadcasting company to some extent feed off the regional stations.那家广播公司中央台播送的节目在某种程度上是由地方台提供的。英汉大词典〔flash〕A brief news dispatch or transmission.简短的新闻报导或播送美国传统〔hourly〕The news is broadcast hourly.新闻每小时播送一次美国传统〔instalment〕The novel has been serialized for radio in five instalments.这部小说已在电台进行了5次分期播送。剑桥高阶〔message〕A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world.一条总统录音的口讯被播送给全世界的美国军队。柯林斯高阶〔monaural〕Electronics Relating to a system of transmitting, recording, or reproducing sound in which one or more sources are connected to a single channel; monophonic.【电子学】 单声道的:在播送、录音或制作声音系统中一个或多个信号源与一个声道相接的;单声道的美国传统〔network〕A company that produces the programs for these stations.广播公司:播送广播或电视节目的公司美国传统〔network〕To broadcast over a radio or television network.联播:用广播或电视网播送节目美国传统〔pipe〕Music is piped into every store in the mall.音乐播送到购物中心的每个店铺。韦氏高阶〔press〕The collecting and publishing or broadcasting of news; journalism in general.新闻事业:新闻的收集,出版或播送;新闻业的总称美国传统〔press〕The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.新闻界:收集,出版,传播或播送新闻的媒体和机构的总称美国传统〔series〕A succession of regularly aired television programs, each one of which is complete in and of itself.电视系列节目:有规律地播送的连续的电视节目,其中每一个节目都是完整和独立的美国传统〔sign〕To stop transmission after identifying the broadcasting station.在说完广播电台台名之后停止播送美国传统〔simulcast〕To broadcast simultaneously by FM and AM radio or by radio and television.联播:同时在收音机的中波和调频上播送或同时在收音机和电视上播送美国传统〔soundman〕One in charge of recording, transmitting, or amplifying sound or of producing sound effects, as for a television or radio broadcast.调音员:主管录制、播送或者放大声音或者制造音响效果的人,如为电视或广播节目美国传统〔sportscast〕A radio or television broadcast of a sports event or of sports news.体育节目:播送体育节目或体育新闻的电台或电视台美国传统〔superstation〕A television or radio station that broadcasts to a nationwide audience by satellite, cable, or both.超级电台或电视台:信号通过卫星、电缆或两者同时传播,向全国听众或观众播送的电台或电视台美国传统〔teletext〕An electronic communications system in which printed information is broadcast by television signal to sets equipped with decoders.电视文字广播:一种电子通讯系统,打印的消息通过电视信号播送到配有译码器的接收机上美国传统〔televise〕The same network will televise the tournament next year.同一家电视网来年将播送这场锦标赛。韦氏高阶〔test pattern〕A geometric chart transmitted by a television station to assist viewers in adjusting reception.测试图:电视台播送的一种帮助观众调整接受器的几何图象美国传统〔transmission〕The sending of a signal, picture, or other information from a transmitter.播送:从一发射机发送信号、图像或其它信息美国传统〔transmission〕Transmission is good.播送情况良好。英汉大词典〔transmit〕The radio transmits on two different frequencies.这台收音机能播送两种不同频率的信号。韦氏高阶That radio show is still on the air. 那个广播剧还在播送。译典通The leader is now letting the political parties he once banned televise their views for 15 minutes every evening.这位领导现在让他曾经禁止的政党每晚用电视播送15分钟他们的观点。剑桥国际The loudspeakers blared the speech repeatedly. 扬声器里反复大声地播送那篇演讲。译典通The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station that is devoted to classical music.广播业的一个新加盟者是个播送古典音乐的商业台。剑桥国际The newsreader read sonorously and slowly.新闻广播员响亮而清晰地播送新闻。剑桥国际The series was originally broadcast only in the London area, but it was so popular that it was networked (= broadcast on a television network) nationwide.这套节目原先只在伦敦地区播送,因为它太受欢迎,便在全国联播。剑桥国际There was a simultaneous broadcast of the concert on the radio and the television.电台和电视将同时播送这场音乐会。剑桥国际We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions (= broadcasts) this afternoon, caused by an electrical fault.我们为今天下午播送的中断表示歉意,这次中断是因为电故障引起的。剑桥国际




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