

单词 撞针
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cap gun〕A toy pistol with a hammer action that detonates a mildly explosive cap.玩具手枪:一种玩具手枪,其所带铁锤撞针可引爆一张爆炸性微小的火药纸美国传统〔fan〕To fire (a nonautomatic gun) rapidly by chopping the hammer with the palm.急速击发:通过手掌迅速扳动撞针而开枪(非自动手枪)美国传统〔hammer〕The part of a gunlock that hits the primer or firing pin or explodes the percussion cap and causes the gun to fire.击铁,击锤:枪机中用来击发底火或击动撞针以击穿火帽,使得枪炮得以发射的部分美国传统〔plunger〕A machine part, such as a piston, that operates with a thrusting or plunging movement.撞针杆:一种带有猛烈的冲或扎运动来运作的机器部件,如撞针美国传统〔sear〕The catch in a gunlock that keeps the hammer halfcocked or fully cocked.击针键:枪膛中控制撞针被半扳起或全扳起的击发状态的挂钩美国传统〔striker〕One that strikes, as the clapper in a bell or the firing pin in a gun.钟锤,撞针:打击物,如钟内的铃锤或枪中的点火栓美国传统〔trigger〕The lever pressed by the finger to discharge a firearm.扳机:用手指扳动即能释放子弹的击铁或撞针的械杆美国传统〔wire〕Computer Science A pin in the print head of a computer printer.【计算机科学】 撞针:计算机打印机的印刷头上的撞针美国传统




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