

单词 持股
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abrupt〕Successful employee-owned companies require abrupt culture changes.经营成功的员工持股公司需要彻底地改变企业文化。外研社新世纪〔innovative〕One of the key reasons for the company's success has been its innovative approach to employee share-ownership.该公司成功的关键因素之一是采用了员工持股这一革新性做法。外研社新世纪〔jump〕Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.一些公众会迫不及待地想要抓住机会成为这家公司的持股人。柯林斯高阶〔net〕Last year he netted a cool three million pounds by selling his holdings.去年他靠卖掉所持股票净赚了整整300万英镑。外研社新世纪〔preferred stock〕Stock having priority over a corporation's commonly held stock in the distribution of dividends and often of assets.优先股:在股利或通常为资产的分配上比公司的一般所持股享有优先权的股票美国传统〔prop〕The government introduced measures to prop up the stock market.政府采取措施来扶持股市。朗文当代An investor can hold his shares in either physical or dematerialized form.投资者可采取实物或电子方式持股。牛津商务In order to prevent people from stagging, investors are being offered a bonus if they keep their shares for longer than two years.为了阻止人们倒卖股票,投资者持股两年以上便会得到一份红利。剑桥国际Investors generally dislike cross-holdings as they reduce the chances of a takeover.投资者一般不喜欢交叉持股的情况,因为这会减少收购机会。牛津商务The chairman increased his holding to 670 000 shares.董事长增持股份到了 67 万股。牛津商务The fluky stock market makes shareholders nervous. 易变的股票市场使持股票者紧张不安。译典通The law requires a shareholder to make a general offer if their shareholding goes above 30%.如果股东持股超过 30%,法律规定要进行全面收购。牛津商务




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