

单词 时下
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OPINION〕The report goes against current thinking on what is best for working parents. 这份报告对于上班族父母怎么做最好的观点与时下普遍的看法不符。朗文写作活用〔a sign of the times〕Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times.学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。韦氏高阶〔affinity〕His work shows some affinity with current trends in design.他的作品与时下的设计趋势有某些相似之处。牛津搭配〔banner〕The new banner is “community control”.时下新的口号是“社区控制”。英汉大词典〔bawdy〕The Bard was sometimes bawdy.诗人莎翁有时下笔污秽。英汉大词典〔blaze〕The afternoon sun blazed down on us as we walked.我们步行时下午的阳光直射在身上。麦克米伦高阶〔bluff〕Games To try to mislead (opponents) in a card game by heavy betting on a poor hand or by little or no betting on a good one.【游戏】 玩牌戏中下大注迷惑对手:玩牌游戏中手气坏时下大注或手气好时下小注或不下注,以迷惑(对手)美国传统〔cadence〕A falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.声音降落,降句调:发音时下降的音调美国传统〔callback〕Callbacks of laid-off workers have resumed.已重新开始召回暂时下岗的工人。英汉大词典〔calm〕The pennant floats or droops in breeze or calm.三角旗有风时飘扬,无风时下垂。英汉大词典〔chattering classes〕Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.激进的女权主义是时下清淡阶层热议的话题。柯林斯高阶〔circle〕We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style.风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。柯林斯高阶〔close〕Steels closed two points down.钢铁股收盘时下跌了两个百分点。外研社新世纪〔come〕Rain came on toward noon.近中午时下起雨来。 英汉大词典〔contribute〕Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.恩雅的成功极大地引发了时下人们对凯尔特音乐的兴趣。朗文当代〔credulous〕She hated the modern credulous popular faith in occult powers.她讨厌时下盛行的因轻信产生的对超自然力量的迷信。外研社新世纪〔crop〕The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.时下出现的这些有关玛丽莲·梦露的书和纪录片是借她逝世30周年之际推出的。柯林斯高阶〔day〕Are students interested in classical music these days? 目前[时下]学生古典音乐有兴趣吗?文馨英汉〔day〕Back in March I thought it was still early days and business was bound to pick up.三月份的时候我以为当时下结论为时过早, 生意肯定会好转。外研社新世纪〔dive〕The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.潜艇及时下潜,刚好躲过了敌人的攻击。剑桥高阶〔downhill〕It is easier to ride a bike downhill than uphill.骑自行车时下坡比上坡容易。韦氏高阶〔drizzle〕It drizzled on and off yesterday.昨日细雨时下时停。文馨英汉〔drop-off〕This area is for student drop-offs.这里是学生临时下车区。韦氏高阶〔dull〕The photograph was taken on a very wet, dull day.这张照片拍摄时下着雨, 天色阴沉。外研社新世纪〔energy〕The hills sapped his energy and he got off his bike for frequent rests.骑车上山消耗体力,他不时下车休息一下。牛津搭配〔ever〕It was raining harder than ever.当时下着前所未有的大雨。牛津高阶〔extra-〕They competed for power through a combination of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary methods.他们在议会内外同时下手争夺权力。柯林斯高阶〔fang〕These days, film stars' fangs must register somewhere between 'neon white' and 'blindingly white'.时下的电影明星, 其牙齿必须“白得发亮”甚至“白得耀眼”。外研社新世纪〔furlough〕The factories have begun furloughing hundreds of workers.这些工厂已经开始让数百名工人暂时下岗。柯林斯高阶〔furlough〕This could mean a massive furlough of government workers.这可能意味着大量的政府工作人员要暂时下岗。外研社新世纪〔furlough〕This could mean a massive furlough of government workers.这可能意味着大量的政府工作人员要暂时下岗。柯林斯高阶〔homeward〕Commuters were heading homeward at the end of the day.一天结束时下班的人们正赶着回家。牛津高阶〔index〕The hundred shares index closed down 15 points.百种股票综合指数收盘时下跌了 15 点。牛津搭配〔in〕Long skirts are in at the moment.时下流行穿长裙。朗文当代〔knock off〕We knocked off an hour early.我们提前了一个小时下班。外研社新世纪〔melt away〕When the ship docks in Liverpool I'll melt away.我在船抵达利物浦港时下船。外研社新世纪〔need〕Research is currently driven by the need to reduce pollution.研究是针对时下减少污染这一需要展开的。牛津搭配〔printable〕His comment when he heard the news was not printable(= was very rude).他听到这消息时下的评语不宜刊登。牛津高阶〔readily〕You cannot readily get a job these days.时下要找个工作并不容易。文馨英汉〔rebound〕Cotton rebounded from declines early in the day to end at a higher price.棉花价格在今天较早时下跌之后反弹收高。剑桥高阶〔rock〕Wall Street was rocked by the news and shares fell 4.3 per cent by the end of trading.这则消息震惊了整个华尔街,股票在交易日结束时下跌了4.3%。柯林斯高阶〔see beyond〕White and black is the fashionable colour, but it's impossible just yet to see beyond next year.黑白色是时下的流行色,可现在还不清楚明年是否还会流行。21世纪英汉〔see〕To meet (a bet) in card games.下同样的赌注:在玩牌时下同样的赌注美国传统〔sticky wicket〕It's a bit of a sticky wicket.时下的处境有点艰难。韦氏高阶〔stock market〕International stock markets saw declines at the end of the trading day.国际股市在交易日结束时下跌。韦氏高阶〔style〕I don't like the style of dresses that are popular now.我不喜欢时下流行的连衣裙款式。麦克米伦高阶〔talkback〕A system of communications links in a television or radio studio that enables directions to be given while a program is being produced.对讲电话:电视或广播工作室中能在一个节目正在制作的同时下达另一指令的一种通讯联络系统美国传统〔thief〕The thief struck while the family were out.盗贼趁这家人外出时下了手。牛津搭配〔thunderstorm〕A transient, sometimes violent storm of thunder and lightning, often accompanied by rain and sometimes hail.雷暴:短暂且有时很猛烈的雷和闪电的风暴,通常伴有雨且有时下冰雹美国传统〔topicality〕The magazine's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。柯林斯高阶〔topical〕Currently of interest; contemporary.时下关注的:当时很重要的;有时代性的美国传统〔topical〕Genetic engineering is a highly topical issue at the moment.基因工程是时下备受关注的话题。麦克米伦高阶〔topical〕The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.该讨论集中在时下人们所关注的医学问题。剑桥高阶〔topical〕The magazine's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。外研社新世纪〔touch〕The discourse touches many of the issues which are currently popular.这篇论文涉及到了很多时下热门的话题。朗文当代〔trend〕The trend at the moment is for a more natural and less made-up look.时下的潮流是多一分自然,少一些妆容。剑桥高阶〔yesterday〕The radio program features yesterday's songs as well as today's.这档广播节目既播放时下的新歌,也播放过去的老歌。韦氏高阶Bill always works exactly by/according to the clock (=He is always aware of the time so that he does not work longer than he has to).比尔总是按时下班。剑桥国际Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf (= deaf people).许多电视节目播出时下方附有为聋人提供的字幕。剑桥国际The Dow Jones was down 3.6% an hour before the closing bell.道琼斯工业平均指数在收盘铃前一小时下跌了 3.6%。牛津商务The FTSE 100 share index (= record of the value of shares) closed 25. 3 points down.金融时报100种股票指数在收盘时下跌了25.3点。剑桥国际The FTSE index closed down 144.51 points.《金融时报》指数收盘时下跌 144.51 点。牛津商务The book contains much of topical interest and has an extensive bibliography.这本书里有许多时下人们感兴趣的内容,还有详细的参考文献目录。剑桥国际The current fashion for floaty dresses is a reaction against last year's severe suits.时下流行的飘逸服装是对去年一本正经的套装的相反态度。剑桥国际The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine, including the question of being able to choose the sex of a child.这场讨论集中在时下人们所关注的医学上的问题,包括能够选择婴儿性别的问题。剑桥国际The industry is currently undergoing rapid change.该工业时下正产生飞速变化。剑桥国际The material had clearly been chosen some time ago, and it was disappointing to find no up-to-date or topical content.材料显然是一段时间以前挑选的,令人失望的是没有在材料中发现最新的或是时下人们所关注的内容。剑桥国际The teacher dismissed the class on time. 教师按时下课。译典通There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 时下服装设计趋于朴素。译典通




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