

单词 时下
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔absurdity〕the absurdities of fashionable childcare methods. 时下流行的滑稽可笑的育婴法柯林斯高阶〔en-〕the current campaign to enthrone him as our national bard. 时下推崇他为我们的民族诗人的运动柯林斯高阶〔gleamy〕gleamy showers 时下时停的阵雨英汉大词典〔happening〕the most happening place at the moment, the Que Club. 时下最热门的去处——Que俱乐部柯林斯高阶〔microburst〕damaging winds caused by microbursts 由强烈短时下沉气流引起的破坏性大风英汉大词典〔modish〕a short checklist of much that is modish at the moment. 时下潮品的简明一览表柯林斯高阶〔moment〕the mood of the moment 时下的主导气氛朗文当代〔odor〕a doctrine that is not currently in good odor. 一种时下不再走红的学说美国传统〔racket〕the latest weight-reducing racket 时下流行的减肥行当 英汉大词典〔received〕contrary to the received wisdom of the day 与时下流行的常识相反的英汉大词典〔recession〕the impact of the current recession on manufacturing 时下经济萎缩对制造业的影响牛津高阶〔tailor〕a suit tailored to the prevailing mode 一套按时下流行式样裁制的衣服英汉大词典〔villain〕the villain of the moment 时下的首恶英汉大词典




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