

单词 旅馆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIR〕The hotel room was hot and stuffy, and I woke up with a terrible headache. 旅馆的房间又闷又热,我醒来时头疼得厉害。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕If you enjoy a whodunnit, you'll lap up Janet Laurence's ‘Hotel Morgue’. 假如你爱读侦探小说,肯定会对珍尼特·劳伦斯的《旅馆内的停尸间》着迷。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The hotel rooms vary in size, but all have televisions and telephones. 旅馆客房的面积大小各异,但所有客房都有电视机和电话。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕The hotel staff were very friendly and helpful. 这家旅馆的员工非常友好,乐于助人。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕The hotel staff stood in a row to greet their important guests. 旅馆员工排成一排迎接贵宾。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕The hotel seemed to be full of newlyweds. 旅馆里似乎住满了新婚夫妇。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕We made our way through the noise and confusion of the marketplace to our hotel. 我们穿过闹哄哄的市场来到下榻的旅馆。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕The cost of the six-day trip includes meals and motel accommodations. 六日游的价格包括膳食和汽车旅馆的住宿。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕They told me the old cinema had been turned into a guest house. 他们告诉我说,那家旧电影院已经改建成小旅馆了。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕I've made a booking at the hotel, but it's only provisional - I'll have to confirm it soon. 我在旅馆订了房间,但只是暂定—我得马上确认一下。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting. 旅馆的那个人以惯常的招呼方式欢迎我们。朗文写作活用〔arrive〕We arrived at the hotel late.我们很晚才到旅馆。牛津搭配〔ask〕We ask guests not to smoke in the hotel.我们要求客人不要在旅馆吸烟。麦克米伦高阶〔bed-and-breakfast〕We stayed the night at a nice bed-and-breakfast near the beach.我们在一家提供住宿和早餐的舒适的海滨小旅馆过夜。韦氏高阶〔better〕You're better off at that hotel; they're civil to you in there.你住在那个旅馆里比较幸运,那里的人礼貌待客。英汉大词典〔beyond〕She drove through Westport, and stopped a few miles beyond at a wayside inn.她驱车穿过西港,继续开了几英里在一个路边旅馆停了下来。朗文当代〔book in〕Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney.今天,马奥尼自己到悉尼最好的一家旅馆办理了入住手续。柯林斯高阶〔break〕Finding a hotel with a vacancy and low prices was a lucky/good break for us.能找到有空房而且价格优惠的旅馆,我们真的是交好运了。韦氏高阶〔caravansary〕A large inn or hostelry.旅馆:大旅店,客栈美国传统〔cater to〕The inn caters exclusively to foreign tourists.这家旅馆专为外国游客提供服务。韦氏高阶〔chain〕A number of establishments, such as stores, theaters, or hotels, under common ownership or management.联号:拥有共同产权或统一管理的一系列企业或机构,如商店、剧院或旅馆等美国传统〔chambermaid〕A maid who cleans and cares for bedrooms, as in a hotel.女服务员:如旅馆中的清洁并整理卧室的女服务员美国传统〔checkout〕The act, time, or place of checking out, as at a hotel, library, or supermarket.结帐:在旅馆、图书馆或超级市场等付款离开或办妥手续离开的行为、时间或地点美国传统〔check〕The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year.旅游局至少每年视察一次所有举荐的旅馆。牛津高阶〔comfort〕The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service.这家旅馆提供高标准的舒适享受和优质服务。牛津高阶〔construction〕The hotel is currently under construction.这家旅馆目前正在建造之中。朗文当代〔deposit〕I was whisked off in a taxi and deposited outside the hotel.一辆出租车匆匆把我送到旅馆外面,让我下了车。牛津高阶〔do〕They did him very well at that hotel.那家旅馆把他招待得很周到。文馨英汉〔expense〕He lived in a hotel at government expense.他住在一家旅馆里,费用由政府负担。英汉大词典〔flophouse〕A cheap, run-down hotel or boarding house.小客栈:一种廉价的破旧小旅馆或住宿处美国传统〔from〕The hotel is on the main road from Newport.旅馆位于从纽波特出来的大路上。朗文当代〔front〕There's parking space in front of the hotel.旅馆前有停车的地方。剑桥高阶〔front〕Used by a desk clerk in a hotel to summon a bellhop.用于旅馆的柜台办事员招呼侍者美国传统〔get down to sth〕I must get down to booking the hotels.我得开始预订我们的旅馆了。剑桥高阶〔give〕I was given to understand she was staying at this hotel.别人告诉我她住在这家旅馆。剑桥高阶〔good〕It's a nice hotel with a good variety of facilities.这个旅馆很不错, 设施也比较齐全。外研社新世纪〔hang〕The hotel wouldn't let her hang on to her room.旅馆不让她保留她的房间。英汉大词典〔haul〕I hauled my luggage to the nearest small hotel.我把行李拖到最近的一家小旅馆。麦克米伦高阶〔hire〕They booked our hotel, and organised car hire.他们为我们订好了旅馆并安排了租车事宜。柯林斯高阶〔hotel〕He always stays in the best hotels.他总是住最好的旅馆。麦克米伦高阶〔hotel〕We stayed at a hotel.我们住在旅馆里。外研社新世纪〔inn〕A public lodging house serving food and drink to travelers; a hotel.旅馆,客栈:为旅游者提供食品和饮料的公共寄宿机构;旅馆美国传统〔install〕The hotel chain has recently installed a new booking system.这家连锁旅馆最近安装了新的预订系统。牛津高阶〔interior〕The original interior of the hotel has been replaced.旅馆原来的内部装潢已经更换掉了。牛津搭配〔keg〕The hotel expected to go through about 100 kegs of beer.旅馆希望卖完大约100桶啤酒。外研社新世纪〔laundry〕The hotel has a laundry service.旅馆提供洗衣服务。牛津高阶〔life〕Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life! 我如今身在一家破旧的旅馆里,没有干净衣服,没有一分钱,又惊魂未定。这是什么日子啊!柯林斯高阶〔long-distance〕As soon as he reached the hotel, he long-distanced his wife.他一到旅馆就给他妻子打长途电话。英汉大词典〔map〕I'll draw you a quick map if you're worried about finding the hotel.如果你担心找不到那家旅馆,我给你画张简单的示意图。剑桥高阶〔modified American plan〕Details of the modified American plan will vary based on the hotel or resort you choose.根据你选择的旅馆和度假村,有关修正式美式计价的细节将会有所不同。剑桥高阶〔motel〕We spent a night at a motel on the way.路上我们在一个汽车旅馆过了一夜。牛津搭配〔neutral〕Let's meet somewhere on neutral territory – say a hotel.我们在中立区域的某个地点会面吧,比如说某家旅馆。麦克米伦高阶〔nightly〕The Rutland Arms was full on a nightly basis.拉特兰阿姆斯旅馆每晚都客满。外研社新世纪〔over〕Most hotels are fully booked over the holiday weekend.大部分的旅馆在节假日周末都订满了。麦克米伦高阶〔picturesquely〕The hotel is set picturesquely among olive and lemon groves.这家旅馆坐落在橄榄树和柠檬树丛中, 美丽如画。外研社新世纪〔porter〕A person employed to carry burdens, especially an attendant who carries travelers' baggage at a hotel or transportation station.搬运工,行李搬运员:受雇搬运重物的人,尤指搬运旅客行李的旅馆侍从或车站搬运员美国传统〔punter〕Many hotels are offering discounts in an attempt to attract punters/pull in the punters.许多旅馆在打折以吸引顾客。剑桥高阶〔put〕The motorist decided to put in at the next hotel for a meal.那位驾车者决定在下一家旅馆稍作停留以便进餐。英汉大词典〔reputation〕The hotel has a bad/good reputation.这家旅馆名声很好/坏。剑桥高阶〔ruin〕Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline.庞然大物般的现代旅馆已经完全毁掉了这片曾经如世外桃源般的海岸。剑桥高阶〔run up〕He ran up a £1,400 bill at the hotel.他在旅馆已经欠下了1,400英镑的账款。外研社新世纪〔scuffle〕She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel.在离开所住的旅馆时,她和一些摄影记者发生了冲突。牛津高阶〔season〕Hotels are cheaper out of season.在淡季,旅馆要便宜些。牛津高阶〔season〕Hotels cost more in season.旅馆在旅游旺季房价较高。英汉大词典〔season〕The hotels are always full during the peak season(= when most people are on holiday/vacation).在旺季,这些旅馆总是客满。牛津高阶〔see〕We could just see the hotel in the distance.我们只能看见远处的旅馆。牛津搭配〔solid〕He waited two hours solid in the hotel.他在旅馆里等了整整两小时。英汉大词典〔speed〕I had to go back to that cheaper hotel. It was more my speed.我只得回到那家比较便宜的旅馆去,那儿对我来说更为适合。英汉大词典〔splendid〕The hotel stands in splendid isolation, surrounded by moorland.那旅馆岿然独立,周围是一片荒原。牛津高阶〔star〕The cheaper two-star hotels are also within the range of the budget traveller.廉价两星旅馆的价格也在平价旅行者的预算范围内。剑桥高阶〔status〕Hotel development has a priority status in this seaside city.在这个海滨城市,旅馆的发展具有优先地位。英汉大词典〔terrible〕The hotel was absolutely terrible.这家旅馆糟糕透了。朗文当代〔this〕We met this girl (= the girl I am going to tell you about) in the hotel.我们在旅馆里遇到这姑娘。剑桥高阶〔tip-top〕The hotel we stayed in was absolutely tip-top.我们住的旅馆绝对一流。剑桥高阶〔tune〕The hotel has been refurbished to the tune of a million dollars.这家旅馆重新装修花费达一百万元。牛津高阶〔uninviting〕Airport hotels used to be drab, uninviting and inconvenient places.机场旅馆过去一直都是单调乏味、毫无吸引力又很不方便的地方。外研社新世纪〔up〕A limousine drew up (= parked) outside the hotel.一辆大型豪华车开过来,停在旅馆外面。剑桥高阶〔want〕The hotel staff try to satisfy all your wants.旅馆职员设法满足你所有的需要。牛津同义词〔wonderfully〕The hotel is wonderfully comfortable.这家旅馆非常舒适。牛津高阶A black limousine purred up (= drove up making a quiet, continuous, slightly shaking sound) outside the hotel.一辆黑色的豪华轿车在旅馆外低低地震颤着开过。剑桥国际Annie's fall from the hotel window was broken by a restaurant awning.安妮从旅馆的窗口摔下来时被餐馆的雨篷挡了一下。剑桥国际He manages a hotel for his father. 他替他父亲经营一家旅馆。译典通He was lucky to flee the burning hotel. 他很幸运逃出了失火的旅馆。译典通I rang the hotel to reserve a double room (for a week).我打电话给旅馆预订(一个星期的)一个双人房间。剑桥国际I'm looking for a hotel room/a cheap room to rent.我正在寻租一间旅馆房间/一间便宜的房间。剑桥国际Most hotels in the ski resort are full at the height of (= the busiest part of) the season.大多数滑雪胜地旅馆在休假旺季时全部客满。剑桥国际One of the things I like about staying in hotels is that they put clean sheets on the bed every day.我喜欢住在旅馆里的原因之一是他们每天都会换上干净的床单。剑桥国际She is staying at a nearby hotel. 她住在附近一家旅馆里。译典通That hotel is noted for its fine service. 那家旅馆以服务优良著称。译典通The charge for using the phone in your hotel room can be scandalously (= extremely and shockingly) high.在旅馆房间里使用电话收费高得吓人。剑桥国际The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March.这家旅馆在淡季,即从10月到3月,停止营业。剑桥国际The hotel walls were covered in damp patches.旅馆的墙被湿漉漉的斑迹覆盖。剑桥国际The motel manager showed the guests to their room. 汽车旅馆经理把旅客领到他们房间。译典通The proprietors of the hotel are being taken to court over failures to meet various safety regulations.旅馆老板们因为没有达到各项安全规章的要求而被告上法庭。剑桥国际The tariff for rooms and meals was pinned to the door of the hotel.大旅馆门口钉着食宿价目表。剑桥国际Their food is not the general/usual run of (= it is better than ordinary) hotel cooking.这里的食物要比普通旅馆伙食好得多。剑桥国际There are plans to build a hotel on the most northerly (= nearest the north) point of the island.有计划在这个岛屿的最北端造一家旅馆 。剑桥国际They jumped the hotel bill. 他们未付旅馆帐单就溜走了。译典通Transfer from the airport to the hotel is included in the price.票价已包括从机场乘车到旅馆的费用。牛津商务We always stay in the same hotel whenever we go to Rome.我们每次去罗马都住在同一家旅馆内。剑桥国际




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