

单词 无地自容
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSING〕When I realized that Sally had heard every word I said about her, I could have died. 我发现萨莉听到了我说她的每一个字,我简直无地自容。朗文写作活用〔ashamed〕Anna felt thoroughly ashamed when she realized what she'd said.安娜意识到自己说了些什么,感到无地自容。朗文当代〔ashamed〕She ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself - talking to her mother like that! 她应该感到无地自容才对——她怎么能那样和她母亲说话!剑桥高阶〔ashamed〕She was ashamed that she looked so shabby.她因为自己衣衫褴褛而感到无地自容。柯林斯高阶〔ashamed〕The football riots made me ashamed to be English.足球骚乱事件使我身为英国人汗颜得无地自容。牛津高阶〔cringe〕Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.当安开始拿起吉他演奏时, 莫莉感到无地自容。外研社新世纪〔die〕I nearly died when I saw him there(= it was very embarrassing).看到他在那里我简直无地自容。牛津高阶〔disgusted〕I was disgusted with myself for eating so much.我吃得太多,自己也觉得无地自容。牛津高阶〔extreme〕There is a sense of shame, sometimes carried to extremes.心中有羞愧感,有时候甚至无地自容。柯林斯高阶〔full〕He knew full well he'd be ashamed of himself later.他很清楚地知道自己过后会无地自容。柯林斯高阶〔grossly〕I feel disgusted and wonder how I could ever have been so gross.我感到无地自容,不知道自己怎么会变得如此粗俗。柯林斯高阶〔imperious〕From across the desk she gave him a witheringly imperious look.她隔着桌子盛气凌人地看了他一眼, 令他无地自容。外研社新世纪〔impertinence〕The boy's bold impertinence greatly embarrassed the class and his teacher.男孩大胆无礼的举动使全班同学和教师感到无地自容。英汉大词典〔inflate〕One could inflate or diminish a person by a few words.人们寥寥数语可以把一个人捧得趾高气扬,也可以把一个人贬得无地自容。英汉大词典〔mortified〕I was completely mortified when I realized who she was.当我认出她是谁时,我感到无地自容。韦氏高阶〔mortify〕She was mortified to realize he had heard every word she said.她意识到自己的每句话都被他听到了,直羞得无地自容。牛津高阶〔overpower〕I was so overpowered by my guilt and my shame that I was unable to speak.内疚和羞愧令我无地自容, 难以启齿。外研社新世纪〔overpower〕I was so overpowered by my guilt and my shame that I was unable to speak.内疚和羞愧令我无地自容,难以启齿。柯林斯高阶〔put your foot in it〕I really put my foot in my mouth – I asked her if Jane was her mother, but she said Jane is her sister.我真的让自己无地自容:我问她简是不是她母亲,但是她说简是她姐姐。剑桥高阶〔put〕Dad suddenly stood up and started dancing – I didn't know where to put myself.父亲突然站起来开始跳舞,我真是无地自容。麦克米伦高阶〔razz〕They razzed the life out of me.他们把我嘲弄得无地自容。英汉大词典〔shame〕He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.别人知道了事情的真相,他羞得无地自容。牛津高阶〔shame〕The shame of the scandal was so great that he shot himself a few weeks later.这件丑闻让他无地自容,所以几个星期后他开枪自杀了。剑桥高阶〔shame〕Your productivity has put the rest of us to shame.你的高效率使我们其他人无地自容美国传统〔squirm〕He made me squirm with embarrassment.他使我窘得无地自容。朗文当代〔squirm〕It made him squirm to think how badly he'd messed up the interview.一想到自己把面试搞得有多糟,他就觉得无地自容。牛津高阶〔withering〕Deborah Jane's mother gave her a withering look.德博拉•简的妈妈看了她一眼, 让她感到无地自容。外研社新世纪〔wither〕She withered him with derision.她对他的嘲笑使他无地自容。21世纪英汉〔wither〕Tom withered him with derision.汤姆嘲笑得他无地自容。英汉大词典〔writhe〕He was writhing(= suffering a lot)with embarrassment.他难堪得无地自容。牛津高阶I just wanted to curl up and die (=I felt very ashamed and sorry) when I spilt coffee on their new carpet! 当我把咖啡洒在他们崭新的地毯上时,我简直愧疚得无地自容。剑桥国际She withered him with a scornful look. 她轻蔑的一瞥使他无地自容。译典通




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