

单词 早期
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ana〕definitive ana of the early American West. 关于早期美国西部的最可靠的资料文集美国传统〔a〕an early Rembrandt 伦勃朗的一幅早期作品朗文当代〔character〕printing of a very primitive character 一种早期的原始印刷术英汉大词典〔crudity〕a crudity of the early colonial architecture 一种简陋的早期殖民地建筑英汉大词典〔dayspring〕the dayspring of sb.'s youth 某人青春时代的早期英汉大词典〔day〕the early days of computers 计算机早期阶段牛津高阶〔deltaic〕early deltaic civilization 尼罗河三角洲的早期文化英汉大词典〔descendant〕a descendant of the early settlers 早期移民的后裔英汉大词典〔detection〕the early detection of breast cancer乳腺癌早期检查外研社新世纪〔diagnostic〕a blood-based diagnostic for the detection of the early onset of Alzheimer's disease以血液检查为基础的早期阿尔茨海默症的诊断法外研社新世纪〔early-warning〕an early-warning radar 早期警报[预警]雷达文馨英汉〔early〕early in the 19th century19世纪早期外研社新世纪〔echo〕a fashion that is an echo of an earlier style. 仿效早期时尚的流行风潮美国传统〔exploration〕early explorations of the West 西部的早期勘探韦氏高阶〔form〕an early form of bicycle 早期的自行车牛津搭配〔fossil〕fossils of early reptiles 早期爬行动物的化石朗文当代〔history〕the early history of Scotland 苏格兰的早期历史朗文当代〔hundred〕the early nineteen hundreds(= written ‘early 1900s’) *20 世纪早期牛津高阶〔iconoclastic〕the iconoclasm of the early Christians 早期基督徒废除圣像的主张牛津高阶〔identify〕one means of identifying the disease in its early stages 早期确诊这种疾病的一种方法牛津搭配〔iridescence〕the iridescence of the best of one's earliest plays 某人早期最佳剧本的文采斐然英汉大词典〔man〕early/modern/Prehistoric man 早期人;现代人;史前人牛津高阶〔martyr〕the early Christian martyrs 早期的基督教殉道者韦氏高阶〔molybdenum〕from earlier molybdena [lead one] 源自较早期 molybdena [铅一] 美国传统〔pass〕new drugs which have passed early tests to show that they are safe. 通过早期测试显示其具有安全性的新药柯林斯高阶〔patristic〕patristic literature 基督教早期教父文学英汉大词典〔perfect〕a perfect example of the painter's early style 这位画家早期风格的典范牛津高阶〔pioneer〕abandoned settlements of early European pioneers. 已废弃的早期欧洲拓荒者的定居点柯林斯高阶〔primary〕a primary tumour 早期肿瘤朗文当代〔process〕the early dances, films, and process pieces早期的舞蹈、电影及合成作品外研社新世纪〔prophet〕one of the early prophets of socialism 社会主义早期鼓吹者之一英汉大词典〔rabbinical〕early rabbinic scholars. 早期拉比教义学者柯林斯高阶〔schooling〕children's development in the early years of schooling 孩子们在早期学校教育阶段的发展牛津搭配〔settlement〕an early Iron Age settlement 一座铁器时代早期的村落朗文当代〔settlement〕early settlement patterns in South America 南美早期居住地模式牛津搭配〔settler〕early settlers in Australia 澳大利亚的早期移民朗文当代〔stage〕the early stages of a child's development 儿童成长的早期朗文当代〔trader〕early explorers and fur traders 早期的探险者和皮货商韦氏高阶〔version〕an earlier version of this computer software 这种计算机软件的早期版本牛津搭配〔writer〕early writers in sociology 社会学领域早期的作者牛津搭配




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