

单词 掉入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I opened my eyes, and tried to banish the terrifying images of the plane falling from the sky, and crashing into the sea. 我睁开双眼,想把飞机从空中坠落掉入大海的恐怖景象驱除掉。朗文写作活用〔fall into〕The boy fell into water and had to be pulled out at once.男孩掉入了水中,必须马上拉上来。21世纪英汉〔fall through〕The boy fell through the ice and was drowned.这个男孩子掉入冰窟中淹死了。21世纪英汉〔fish〕The boy fell into the lake and had to be fished out of the water.这个孩子掉入湖中,必须打捞上来。21世纪英汉〔gutter ball〕A ball played in bowling that goes into the gutter and scores no points.洗沟球:在保龄球比赛中掉入沟中而没有赢得任何分数的球美国传统〔head〕He plumped over head and ears into the water.他扑通掉入水中淹没了。英汉大词典〔icy〕He fell into the icy waters of the Moscow river.他掉入莫斯科河刺骨的水中。剑桥高阶〔in〕He almost drowned when he fell in the river.他掉入河里差一点淹死。朗文当代〔miss〕He missed the bank and landed in the water.他未能跳到对岸,而掉入水中。英汉大词典〔poverty trap〕Many unemployed people have fallen into the poverty trap.很多失业者都掉入了贫困陷阱。外研社新世纪〔slump〕The act or an instance of slumping.陷入,掉入:沉下的动作或事美国传统〔snow fence〕Temporary fencing composed of thin upright slats wired together, used to prevent snow from drifting onto walks or roads.防雪栅栏:用细的、竖直的并缠在一起的条板构成的临时栅栏,用来阻挡雪掉入人行道或道路上去美国传统〔work〕The whole works, rod, reel, tackle box, went overboard.全套鱼具,包括钓竿、绕线轮、鱼具箱等,都从船上掉入水中。英汉大词典A metal grid had been placed across the hole to stop people falling in.一个金属格栅被置于洞上防止人们掉入。剑桥国际Before falling into the hoop, the basketball traveled a perfect trajectory. 在掉入篮框之前,篮球走过一道完美的轨迹。译典通He fell splash into the river. 他扑通一声掉入河里。译典通He walked right into the trap. 他不小心掉入陷阱中。译典通She fell five metres to the bottom of the ravine.她向下跌了五米,掉入谷底。剑桥国际She fell overboard and was drowned. 她从船上掉入水中淹死了。译典通She fell, splat, into the water.她啪嗒一声掉入水中。剑桥国际The boat turned over and we all got/had a ducking.小船翻了,我们都掉入水中。剑桥国际We don't want to see our business go down the pan.我们不想看到我们的生意掉入低谷。剑桥国际




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