

单词 提及
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MENTION〕when someone or something is mentioned 提及某人或某事朗文写作活用〔above〕the person named above = the above-named person 上文提及的人韦氏高阶〔elliptically〕elliptical references to problems best not aired in public. 对那些不宜当众谈及的问题的隐诲提及柯林斯高阶〔elliptical〕elliptical references to problems best not aired in public对不宜公开谈论问题的迂回提及外研社新世纪〔elliptic〕elliptic references to a problem 间接提及一个问题文馨英汉〔glancing〕made glancing allusions to the scandal. 不直接地提及了这件丑事美国传统〔implicit〕an implicit agreement not to raise the touchy subject. 不提及敏感话题的含蓄协定美国传统〔minority〕politically correct language about minority groups在提及少数民族群体时所用的政治上正确的语言外研社新世纪〔oblique〕an oblique reference to his drinking problem 拐弯抹角地提及他的酗酒问题朗文当代〔oblique〕an oblique reference to the war 对战争拐弯抹角的提及麦克米伦高阶〔oblique〕an oblique reference/approach/comment 隐约提及;间接途径;婉转的评论牛津高阶〔passing〕a passing mention 顺便的提及英汉大词典〔pretermission〕to pretermit all personal reference in an account在叙述中省略一切提及个人的情况21世纪英汉〔pretermit〕pretermit children in a will 在遗嘱中不提及子女英汉大词典〔reference〕references to an earlier event 提及先前的事情韦氏高阶〔refer〕often mentions his old friend. See also Synonyms at attribute ,resort 常提及他的老朋友 参见同义词 attribute,resort美国传统〔reiterate〕the reiteration of certain themes in the author's books 某些主题在这位作者的作品中的反复提及韦氏高阶〔remotely〕a reluctance to say or do anything that might remotely provoke or offend. 不愿意提及或去做任何可能触怒或冒犯别人的事情柯林斯高阶〔sound〕the names that sounded被提及的名字21世纪英汉〔topical〕a topical joke/reference 时事笑话;提及热门话题牛津高阶〔topical〕a topical reference 提及热门话题韦氏高阶〔unmentionable〕regard sth. as unmentionable 认为某事不宜提及 英汉大词典〔unnamed〕an unnamed foreign country 未提及名字的外国英汉大词典〔worship〕your (或his) Worship the Mayor 市长阁下(直接称呼时用your,间接提及时用his)英汉大词典




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