

单词 拿破仑
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LOSE〕the defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo 拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中的溃败朗文写作活用〔adherent〕an adherent of Napoleon 拿破仑的追随者英汉大词典〔bronze〕a bronze of Napoleon on horseback. 一尊拿破仑骑马的青铜像柯林斯高阶〔bronze〕a bronze of Napoleon on horseback一座拿破仑骑马的铜像外研社新世纪〔bust〕a bust of Napoleon.拿破仑的半身像。牛津同义词〔chauvinism〕after Nicolas Chauvin , a legendary French soldier famous for his devotion to Napoleon 源自尼古拉斯 沙文 ,传说中以对拿破仑忠诚而闻名的法国士兵 美国传统〔chronicler〕this vast chronicle of Napoleonic times. 这套大部头的拿破仑时代编年史柯林斯高阶〔chronicle〕this vast chronicle of Napoleonic times这部大部头的拿破仑时期大事记外研社新世纪〔corporal〕the Little Corporal 小下士(拿破仑一世的绰号)文馨英汉〔cult〕a cult of Napoleon 对拿破仑的崇拜英汉大词典〔dedicated〕a museum dedicated to Napoleon纪念拿破仑的博物馆外研社新世纪〔do〕do a film on Napoleon 拍摄一部关于拿破仑的影片英汉大词典〔emperor〕the Emperor Napoleon 拿破仑皇帝牛津高阶〔emperor〕the Emperor Napoleon拿破仑皇帝外研社新世纪〔empress〕the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III拿破仑三世的妻子欧仁妮皇后外研社新世纪〔encamp〕the location where Napoleon's troops were encamped 拿破仑军队曾经的驻扎地点韦氏高阶〔extol〕to extol the beauty of Naples赞扬拿破仑的妙处21世纪英汉〔fall〕the story of Napoleon's rise and fall (=period of success followed by failure) 拿破仑的兴衰史朗文当代〔flank〕the huge flanking movements that Napoleon often favoured拿破仑惯用的大规模包抄侧翼的调动外研社新世纪〔follow〕the men who followed Napoleon 追随拿破仑的士兵英汉大词典〔rise〕the rise of Napoleon 拿破仑的崛起朗文当代〔win〕when Napoleon was winning his great battles in Italy. 当拿破仑在意大利战场捷报频传时柯林斯高阶




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