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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Just fill in the form and take it along to your local bank. 只要填好这张表格,并把它拿到你当地的银行就行了。朗文写作活用〔GCSE〕She quit school as soon as she had taken her GCSEs.她一拿到普通中等教育证书后就没再上学了。柯林斯高阶〔GIVE〕As the delegates entered the room they were each handed a name-badge. 代表们走进房间时,每个人都拿到了一块姓名牌。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Franklin needed an assistant, and he got funding from the department to take one on. 富兰克林需要一名助手,他从部门拿到拨款雇用了一个。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕The quiz show gives losing contestants the chance to see what they would have won. 这个问答比赛节目给输掉比赛的参赛者一个机会,让他们看看自己本来可以拿到什么奖品。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕We're not getting a new car until June, so this one will have to do us until then. 我们要到6月份才能拿到新车,所以在此之前我们得用这辆车。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕The newspaper had somehow got hold of some secret government papers. 报纸不知怎么拿到了政府的一些秘密文件。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I don't have anything in writing, but they said they expected me to start work Monday. 我没有拿到任何书面的东西,但是他们说希望我星期一开始工作。朗文写作活用〔all of〕The team scored all of six points the entire game.整场比赛球队仅拿到六分。韦氏高阶〔angry〕The workers are angry that they haven't been paid for the week.工人们这周没拿到工钱,很气愤。朗文当代〔asap〕I want those files on my desk asap.我要那些文件尽快拿到我桌上来。麦克米伦高阶〔bandy about〕Young players now hear various sums bandied around about how much players are getting.关于运动员能拿到多少报酬, 年轻队员们听到有各种版本在流传。外研社新世纪〔barrier〕I'm hoping to crash the 20-second barrier in the final and get a bronze.我希望决赛的时候能突破 20 秒的关口,拿到一枚铜牌。朗文当代〔bonus〕All employees get an annual bonus before the holidays.假日前,所有的员工都拿到了年度奖金。牛津搭配〔busing〕To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin.为了拿到前往哥伦比亚的签证,我们乘大巴返回麦德林。柯林斯高阶〔bus〕To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin.为了拿到哥伦比亚签证, 我们坐公交车返回麦德林。外研社新世纪〔cash〕He says he wants cash in advance before he'll do the job.他说他要先拿到预付现金才肯干活。剑桥高阶〔certification〕They wanted to get certified as divers.他们想拿到潜水员资格证。柯林斯高阶〔certification〕We successfully completed the certification for open water diving.我们成功地拿到了开放水域潜水证书。朗文当代〔chance〕Which cards you're given is simply a matter of chance.你拿到什么样的牌全靠运气。韦氏高阶〔clear〕I don't know if I can get the car tonight - I'll have to clear it with Mum.我不知道今晚能否拿到车——我得征得母亲的同意。剑桥高阶〔completely〕She completed her degree in two years.她用两年的时间修完了课程,拿到了学位。柯林斯高阶〔conversion〕The try came in the third minute and Jon Bland added the conversion.第三分钟,乔恩・布兰德踢定位球又拿到了附加分。牛津搭配〔copy〕The reporter apparently obtained a copy of Steve's resignation letter.这个记者显然拿到了一份史蒂夫的辞职信复印件。外研社新世纪〔crusted〕He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen.他把所有长期没洗的餐具都拿到厨房。柯林斯高阶〔delay〕Don't delay if you want to get your order in by Christmas.如果你想在圣诞节前拿到订货,就别拖延了。麦克米伦高阶〔delivery〕We expect to take delivery of (= receive) our new car next week.我们预计下周能拿到新车。剑桥高阶〔departure〕You should receive your flight tickets at least a week prior to departure.你应在启程前至少一星期拿到飞机票。牛津搭配〔depression〕I was in the depths of depression after receiving my exam results.拿到考试结果我沮丧极了。牛津搭配〔diploma〕I'm hoping to get my teaching diploma this year.我希望今年能拿到教师证书。朗文当代〔disembark〕To take ashore from a ship.使上岸,使登陆:从船上拿到岸上美国传统〔do ... up〕Do the washing up so that I can take it to the laundry.把要洗的衣物捆好,我好把它们拿到洗衣店去。21世纪英汉〔document〕Documents will be available at the news conference.文件可以在新闻发布会上拿到。牛津搭配〔dump〕Put the rest into a sack to take to the dump .把其余的放进麻袋拿到垃圾场去。朗文当代〔dun〕Those who are dunning me will soon be repaid.那些向我讨债的人很快就会拿到钱。外研社新世纪〔effort〕Her efforts were rewarded with a new contract.她的努力得到了回报——拿到了新合同。韦氏高阶〔evidence〕She produced a letter from the accused as evidence.她出示了一封从被告那里拿到的信作为证据。外研社新世纪〔expropriate〕He expropriated food meant for the refugees and sold it on the black market.他把用来救济难民的粮食据为己有,并拿到黑市上去出售。麦克米伦高阶〔forehand〕Agassi saw his chance and, with another lightning forehand, reached match point.阿加西看准机会, 再次以一个疾如闪电的正手击球拿到了赛点。外研社新世纪〔golden〕He thinks once he gets the money he'll be golden.他认为只要拿到钱就万事大吉了。牛津高阶〔gong〕Spike Milligan has finally got the gong he had been promised.斯派克·米利根最终拿到了先前承诺给他的那块奖章。外研社新世纪〔grant〕He was finally granted a visa.他终于拿到了签证。外研社新世纪〔grit your teeth〕We had to grit our teeth and agree with their conditions because we wanted the contract.因为我们想要拿到那份合同,就必须咬牙答应他们的条件。剑桥高阶〔laundry〕We had to have the washing done at the laundry.我们得把衣服拿到洗衣店去洗。外研社新世纪〔less〕Most of us got £4 an hour, but some received even less.我们中大多数人都是拿每小时四英镑的报酬,但有些人拿到的甚至更少。朗文当代〔mailing〕Get the check ready for mailing and take it to the post office.准备好支票,拿到邮局寄出去。韦氏高阶〔make〕Leeds had possession of the ball several times but made little of it.利兹队几次拿到控球权, 但没有得分。外研社新世纪〔master〕She got her Master's last year.她去年拿到了硕士学位。牛津搭配〔million〕She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.她出演那部电影拿到了800万美元的片酬。剑桥高阶〔money〕I pay my money into the bank as soon as I get paid.我一拿到报酬就存进银行。牛津搭配〔most〕The skippers get the most money, and after them the cooks.船长拿到的钱最多,其次是厨师。柯林斯高阶〔old〕At thirty years old, he was already earning £40 000 a year.他三十岁时已拿到 4 万英镑的年薪了。牛津高阶〔open up〕Once he had his degree, many new opportunities opened up for him.他一拿到学位,许多新的机会就向他招手。韦氏高阶〔pay packet〕He goes out gambling as soon as he gets his pay packet.他一拿到工资就出去赌博。外研社新世纪〔pay〕Some of the workers haven't been paid for weeks.有些工人好几周都没拿到工资了。麦克米伦高阶〔pilfering〕When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market.食品店关门后,他们就行动起来,偷食品拿到黑市上出售。柯林斯高阶〔pip〕She pipped actress Meryl Streep to the part.她击败女演员梅丽尔·斯特里普,拿到了这个角色。柯林斯高阶〔pitiably〕Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay.他们最大的抱怨就是连那少得可怜的工资都没有拿到。外研社新世纪〔pocket money〕How much pocket money do you get? 你可以拿到多少零花钱?朗文当代〔policy〕Each employee is given a handbook on company policy.每名员工都拿到了一本公司的规章手册。韦氏高阶〔public〕She is paid £10,000 for the briefest of public appearances.她只要在公开场合稍稍露一露面就可以拿到 10000 英镑。朗文当代〔qualification〕He left school without any qualifications.他什么学历都没有拿到就离开了学校。外研社新世纪〔random〕He grabbed a pair of random jeans and an old red shirt.他抓了一条随意拿到的牛仔裤和一件旧的红衬衫。牛津高阶〔reach〕The rifle is within easy reach.步枪一伸手就能拿到。英汉大词典〔realist〕I'm a realist - I knew there was no way I could win, so I swam for a good finish, for points.我是个现实主义者——我知道我根本赢不了,所以我只想着尽可能快地游到终点,拿到积分。剑桥高阶〔result〕He expects to have final results later this year.他有望在今年晚些时候拿到最终结果。牛津搭配〔sadly〕If you think you'll get any money from him, you're sadly mistaken.如果你认为可以从他那里拿到钱,你就完全想错了。朗文当代〔scale〕After ten years, she had worked her way to the top of the pay scale.10 年后,她已拿到了最高级别的薪水。牛津搭配〔score〕England scored 282 in their first innings.英格兰队在第一局中就拿到282分。外研社新世纪〔sense〕He clearly sensed that some points could be scored.他清楚地意识到有些分数是可以拿到的。牛津搭配〔several〕We had to wait several more weeks before the results arrived.我们还要再等几个星期才能拿到结果。朗文当代〔shake ... out〕Take your coat out of doors and shake it out.把你的外衣拿到门外去抖干净。21世纪英汉〔simply〕Simply fill in the coupon and take it to your local store.只要把这张优惠券填好,拿到当地的商店去就行。朗文当代〔sniff〕She didn't get even a sniff at a medal.她根本不可能拿到奖牌。牛津高阶〔so-and-so〕It would be a case of 'just do so-and-so and here's your cash'.就是这样一种情况,“只要干某某事,你就能拿到钱”。柯林斯高阶〔sound〕He was being paid danger money from the sound of it.听起来他拿到了危险工作津贴。外研社新世纪〔supplement〕Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement.有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。柯林斯高阶〔take〕She took her things to her room.她把自己的东西拿到了她的房间。韦氏高阶〔test〕When can I get my test results? 我什么时候可以拿到化验结果?牛津高阶〔that〕My watch sometimes goes wrong. When it does that, I take it to a watchmaker.我的表有时走得不准。它走得不准时,我就拿到钟表匠那儿去修。英汉大词典〔undergraduate〕A high-school student who has not yet received a diploma.还未拿到文凭的高中生美国传统〔unemployed〕He graduated with a good degree, only to join the ranks of the unemployed.他拿到很好的学位毕了业,却加入了失业大军的行列。牛津搭配〔upholsterer〕We took the chair to an upholsterer to have it re-covered.我们将椅子拿到家具装饰商处重新做椅套。韦氏高阶〔walk off with sth〕She walked off with the top prize.她轻松地拿到了头奖。剑桥高阶〔waltz〕My cousin Henry, he waltzes in a few months later at three times the salary.我堂弟亨利几个月之后入职时轻而易举地拿到了3倍的薪水。柯林斯高阶〔work〕Bring your work out into the garden.把你的活拿到花园里来做吧。英汉大词典A free factsheet on children's healthcare is available at your doctor's.你可以在医生的诊所拿到免费的关于儿童保健的资料简报。剑桥国际As soon as they get paid they squirrel their money away so they won't be tempted to touch it.他们一拿到薪水便存了起来,这样他们就不会受诱惑而动用它。剑桥国际Bar codes mean customers can have itemized receipts.条码意味着顾客可以拿到逐项列出的收据。牛津商务Before you can get a visa to live in Britain, you need to find someone who will officially sponsor you.在你拿到居留英国的签证之前,你需要有一个能正式资助你的人。剑桥国际He won't be able to draw (= receive) his pension until he's 65.他在65岁以前不可能拿到养老金。剑桥国际I can lend you a few pounds to carry on with till you get paid.我能暂时借你几英镑直到你拿到工资。剑桥国际I put 50p in the machine, but I didn't get anything out of it (drinks/vending machine) 我往自动售货机里投了50便士,但什么也没拿到。剑桥国际My exams finish next week then I'll be sweating it out for a month waiting for the results.下星期我就考完了,然后我得焦急地等一个月才能拿到成绩。剑桥国际My visa still hasn't come through (=I still haven't got it).我还没有拿到签证。剑桥国际Selma is rather disturbed that she hasn't had her exam results yet.塞尔玛还没拿到自己的考试成绩,相当焦虑。剑桥国际The farmer took his corn to the mill. 农民把他的玉米拿到磨坊去。译典通The girl held the flower to her face and the inhalation of its fragrance made her happy. 女孩将花拿到面前闻了一下,花香使她高兴。译典通They were paid extra for overtime. 他们拿到了加班费。译典通We had intended to go driving around Scotland, but unless I can get my licence we're snookered.我们原打算开车周游苏格兰,但计划可能会落空,除非我能拿到驾驶执照。剑桥国际




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