

单词 旧车
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔allowance〕an allowance of $500 on an old car 一辆旧车价格中500美元的折扣英汉大词典〔banger〕banger racing 旧车比赛英汉大词典〔banger〕banger racing破旧车赛外研社新世纪〔bat〕an old car to bat around in 开着到处跑的旧车英汉大词典〔broken-down〕a broken-down old car/horse 出了毛病的旧车;衰老的马牛津高阶〔car〕a used car salesman 旧车推销员牛津搭配〔condition〕a used car in perfect condition 车况完好的旧车牛津高阶〔cranky〕an old Maxwell,cranky beyond repair 一辆坏得没法修的马克斯韦尔牌旧车英汉大词典〔decay〕old cars in various stages of decay 损坏程度不等的旧车朗文当代〔ditch〕ditch an old car 丢弃旧车英汉大词典〔judge〕a good judge of used cars; a poor judge of character. 鉴定旧车的行家;不会判断性格的人美国传统〔lot〕a used-car lot 旧车场朗文当代〔markup〕selling used cars at high markups 以很高的提价幅度出售旧车韦氏高阶〔mart〕a used car mart 旧车市场牛津高阶〔mot〕to pass/fail the MOT 旧车性能检测合格╱不合格牛津高阶〔old〕one of his old cars 他的一部旧车韦氏高阶〔paint job〕old cars that are given a quick paint job before being sold 出售前匆匆漆过的旧车朗文当代〔poky〕a poky old car 行驶缓慢的旧车韦氏高阶〔rackety〕his rackety old car 他那辆咔咔乱响的旧车麦克米伦高阶〔rust away〕an old car which had been rusting away for years. 生锈好几年的旧车柯林斯高阶〔souped-up〕a souped-up old car 增加了马力的旧车文馨英汉〔super〕an old car in super condition 一辆状态极好的旧车朗文当代〔trade〕bought a new, smaller car, trading the old one down for economy. 为了节约,卖掉了旧车买了一辆更小的新汽车美国传统〔used〕used cars 旧车文馨英汉a used car in perfect condition 车况完好的旧车牛津商务




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