

单词 敌国
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LISTEN〕Satellite technology means that enemy airwaves can be monitored more closely than ever before. 卫星技术意味着可以比任何时候都更严密地监听敌国的广播。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕They accused him of giving secret information to the enemy. 他们指控他将秘密情报给了敌国。朗文写作活用〔alien〕During the war, he was imprisoned as an enemy alien.战争期间,他作为敌国侨民被关押。牛津搭配〔alien〕When war broke out, he was interned as an enemy alien.战争爆发时, 他作为敌国侨民遭到关押。外研社新世纪〔alien〕When war broke out, he was interned as an enemy alien.战争爆发时,他作为敌国人士遭到关押。柯林斯高阶〔depopulate〕The conquerors depopulated the enemy's country by destruction and expulsion.征服者用毁灭和驱逐的方法来减少敌国的人口。21世纪英汉〔enemy〕They believed that his cooperation with the enemy had passed over to collaboration.他们认为他与敌国的合作已演变成通敌行为。外研社新世纪〔intern〕He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.第二次世界大战爆发时他被作为敌国侨民扣押了。柯林斯高阶〔misconception〕It is a misconception that Peggy was fabulously wealthy.人们误以为佩姬富可敌国。外研社新世纪〔walk-in〕One, such as a spy, who initiates defection from one's own country to another, usually hostile country, without having been encouraged to do so.叛逃者:从自己的国家叛逃到另一国家(通常是敌国)且没有被鼓励这样做的人,如间谍美国传统Enemy aliens were imprisoned during the war. 战争期间敌国侨民遭到监禁。译典通




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