

单词 敌人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕He joined the resistance movement in order to free his country from the enemy. 他加入了抵抗运动,决心要把祖国从敌人的统治下解放出来。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕A marksman was called in to try and hit the enemy's machine gun post. 一名神枪手奉召到场,试图打掉敌人的机枪点。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕Churchill's stirring speeches helped rally his countrymen to fight against the enemy. 丘吉尔一次又一次振奋人心的演说有助把国人团结起来共同抵抗敌人。朗文写作活用〔accusation〕Burton's enemies had made false accusations against him.伯顿的敌人对他提出不实的指责。朗文当代〔batter down〕Our troops battered down the enemy defensive works.我部队以炮火摧毁了敌人防御工事。21世纪英汉〔batter〕Enemy fire battered the walls of the fort.敌人炮火轰击城堡的围墙。21世纪英汉〔before〕They retreated before the enemy.面对敌人,他们撤退了。牛津高阶〔blast〕An enemy submarine blasted a huge hole in the side of the ship.敌人的潜水艇在轮船的一侧炸出了个大洞。麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕He blasted his rival with a pistol.他向敌人开枪。韦氏高阶〔break〕The enemy broke and fled.敌人溃散逃窜。英汉大词典〔brunt〕His troops took the brunt of the enemy attack.面对敌人进攻,他的部队首当其冲。韦氏高阶〔check〕The destruction of the bridge checked the enemy's advance.破坏那座桥阻碍了敌人前进。外研社新世纪〔clear〕We must clear the land of the enemy.我们必须把敌人扫荡干净。21世纪英汉〔compass〕Suddenly enemies compassed them on all sides.敌人突然从四面八方将他们包围。21世纪英汉〔counteroffensive〕A large-scale counterattack by an armed force, intended to stop an enemy offensive.反攻:由武装部队进行的大规模反击,意在阻止敌人进攻美国传统〔counteroffensive〕They mounted/launched a counteroffensive against the enemy.他们向敌人发起反攻。韦氏高阶〔cover〕The officer ordered the soldiers to take cover as the enemy began shooting.敌人开始射击时,长官命令士兵隐蔽起来。韦氏高阶〔defeat〕They defeated the enemy in the battle.他们在那次战斗中打败敌人。21世纪英汉〔deprive〕The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.苏联解体使西方情报机构丧失了主要敌人。外研社新世纪〔disconcert〕The general hoped by this manoeuvre to disconcert the enemy's plan.这位将军希望通过这次作战行动扰乱敌人的计划。外研社新世纪〔dissolve〕One direct hit dissolved the enemy destroyer.直接命中的一炮击毁了敌人的驱逐舰。英汉大词典〔dive〕The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.潜艇及时下潜,刚好躲过了敌人的攻击。剑桥高阶〔endamage〕Their houses were endamaged by the enemy's shellfire.他们的房屋被敌人炮火击毁了。21世纪英汉〔enemy〕The cat uses its claws to protect itself against enemies.那只猫用爪子保护自己,抵御敌人。牛津搭配〔enemy〕They had been labelled enemies of the state.他们被认定为国家的敌人。麦克米伦高阶〔engage〕It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes.从这可以避开敌方鱼雷区对敌人发动进攻。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕One or more warships or planes used to defend or protect other craft from enemy attack.护航舰,护航机:实行保护或防御敌人攻击的护航舰、护航飞机美国传统〔faithless〕It was believed in Gondor that the faithless enemy had trapped the king.刚铎王国的人们认为是背信弃义的敌人抓走了他们的国王。外研社新世纪〔fight〕They fought bravely against the enemy.他们英勇抗击敌人。牛津搭配〔fire at〕The soldiers fired at the enemy.士兵向敌人射击。21世纪英汉〔fire〕These women did vital work, often under enemy fire .这些女性做了至关重要的工作,并且经常暴露在敌人的炮火之下。朗文当代〔firing line〕He was sure he would pin down the enemy between two firing lines.他确信自己能够把敌人压制在两道交火线之间。外研社新世纪〔foe〕Her ability was acknowledged by friend and foe alike.她的能力是朋友和敌人都公认的。韦氏高阶〔foxhole〕A shallow pit dug by a soldier in combat for immediate refuge against enemy fire.散兵坑:在战斗中,士兵为躲避敌人炮火的袭击而挖的小坑,用于临时避难美国传统〔frenemy〕Her only friends are a trio of catty frenemies she hasn't seen in months.她仅有的朋友是三位好几个月都没见着的出言恶毒的假朋友真敌人。剑桥高阶〔gain on〕The horsemen were rapidly gaining on their enemy.骑兵们迅速追上了敌人。21世纪英汉〔go〕The city went down before the enemy.城市被敌人攻占了。英汉大词典〔hand〕The town fell into enemy hands.那个小镇落入敌人手里了。牛津高阶〔head ... off〕It's important to head off the enemy from the airport.抢在敌人之前占据飞机场是至关重要的。21世纪英汉〔hide〕They tried to hide from their enemies.他们试图躲避敌人。牛津搭配〔hurt〕Hit the enemy where it will hurt most.要击中敌人的要害。英汉大词典〔incapacitate〕Using powerful lasers, the device can incapacitate enemy radar systems.这种装置使用了强大的激光,能破坏敌人的雷达系统。麦克米伦高阶〔infiltrate〕Our men have been infiltrated into the enemy.我们的人已打入敌人内部。21世纪英汉〔intelligence〕Secret information, especially about an actual or potential enemy.情报:秘密消息,尤其指有关真正或潜在的敌人的消息美国传统〔join〕The tribes joined to battle their common enemy.几个部落联合起来, 与共同的敌人战斗。外研社新世纪〔lapidate〕The soldier lapidated his enemy after using out his bullets.士兵在打完子弹之后用石头把敌人击毙。21世纪英汉〔limited war〕A war whose objective is of smaller scope than total defeat of the enemy.局部战争:战争目标为较小范围,并不是以全盘打败敌人为目标的美国传统〔loathing〕He approached his enemy with fear and loathing.他怀着既恐惧又憎恶的心情向敌人走去。剑桥高阶〔loop〕The enemy was looping around the south side.敌人正从南侧包抄过来。柯林斯高阶〔machinations〕His plans were defeated by the machinations of his enemies.他的计划被敌人的阴谋诡计破坏了。韦氏高阶〔mercy〕As the army retreated, the people were left to the mercies of the advancing enemy.由于军队撤退了,老百姓对进攻的敌人无力抵抗。韦氏高阶〔move〕The troops moved in while the enemy was sleeping.当敌人还在睡觉的时候部队悄悄逼近了。麦克米伦高阶〔navigate〕Our truck navigated the enemy lines.我们卡车顺利地穿过了敌人的防线。21世纪英汉〔outsmart〕The government must gather large amounts of information in order to outsmart its enemies.为了智取敌人,政府必须收集大量情报。韦氏高阶〔penetrate〕The army penetrated the territory of enemy.部队进入敌人领土。21世纪英汉〔pitilessly〕He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy.他看到了敌人冷酷的眼神。柯林斯高阶〔pluck〕You had to admire the fighters' pluck in resisting their enemy.你不得不钦佩战士们抵抗敌人的勇气。外研社新世纪〔portion〕The enemy has surprised a large portion of the air force grounded on the airfields.敌人突然袭击了停在机场上的大批空军飞机。英汉大词典〔precipitant〕Our men put the enemy to precipitant flight.我军打得敌人仓促溃逃。英汉大词典〔protect〕A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.边界沿线构筑了碉堡,以防敌人进攻该国。21世纪英汉〔push〕All that was needed was one final push, and the enemy would be vanquished once and for all.只需要发动最后一次进攻,就能把敌人彻底消灭。柯林斯高阶〔range〕The enemy opened fire at a range of only 20 yards.敌人在距离仅20码的地方开火了。柯林斯高阶〔relinquish〕The enemy was forced to relinquish the city.敌人被迫撤出了这个城市。21世纪英汉〔revenge〕She wants revenge against her enemies.她想报复她的敌人。韦氏高阶〔rip into〕The bullets from our antiaircraft gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy bomber.我们高射炮的子弹射入敌人轰炸机的机身。21世纪英汉〔rout〕Their enemies were routed and did not return.他们的敌人被击溃, 而且一蹶不振。外研社新世纪〔sally〕To issue suddenly from a defensive or besieged position to attack an enemy.攻击:由防守或被围困的状态突然攻击敌人美国传统〔scalp〕Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.以前有些部落通过收集人的头皮来证明在战斗中杀死过多少敌人。剑桥高阶〔scupper〕They scuppered enemy's attack once again.他们又打退了敌人的进攻。21世纪英汉〔sight〕They waited until the enemy was in plain sight.他们一直等到敌人清晰地出现在视野里。牛津搭配〔sitting duck〕Out in the open, the soldiers were sitting ducks for enemy fire.在毫无掩蔽的地方,战士们就成了敌人炮火的活靶子。朗文当代〔smoke screen〕A mass of dense artificial smoke used to conceal military areas or operations from an enemy.烟障,烟幕:一团用来对敌人掩盖军事阵地或军事行动的浓雾美国传统〔spy out〕They were trying to spy out the enemy's position.他们正在设法探明敌人的位置。韦氏高阶〔squander〕Many of the enemy squandered.许多敌人四散逃去。英汉大词典〔stand out〕They stood out the enemy's attacks one after the other.他们顶住了敌人一次又一次的进攻。21世纪英汉〔steal on〕We stole on the enemy at midnight.我们在半夜里偷袭敌人。21世纪英汉〔stick〕Inadvertently he gave his enemies a stick to beat him with.他一时疏忽让敌人抓住了把柄。外研社新世纪〔tie ... down〕They tied down 2 enemy divisions.他们钳制了敌人的两个师。21世纪英汉〔traitor〕He was a traitor who betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy.他向敌人出卖军事秘密,是个卖国贼。韦氏高阶〔turn〕The whole army had to be turned about to face the new enemy coming from behind.全军不得不掉转头来对付后面新来的敌人。英汉大词典〔turret〕A tall wooden structure mounted on wheels and used in ancient warfare by besiegers to scale the walls of an enemy fortress.围攻城堡的战车:一种高大的安装在轮子上的木质结构,在古代战争中的攻城者用来攀越敌人要塞的墙美国传统〔wedge〕The battalion formed a wedge and marched toward the enemy.这个营排成楔形队列向敌人进军。韦氏高阶〔worst〕He is my worst enemy.他是我最凶险的敌人。剑桥高阶James was not aware that his own faintness was his greatest enemy. 詹姆斯不知道他自己的懦弱是他最大的敌人。译典通The army made a stand against the fierce attack. 部队抵抗敌人猛烈的进攻。译典通The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队打败了强得多的敌人,赢得奇迹般的胜利。译典通The cavalry charge utterly routed the enemy.骑兵的冲锋彻底击溃了敌人。剑桥国际The commander was confident his troops would be able to stall an enemy attack by destroying bridges and blocking roads.指挥官很有信心,认为他的部队能通过破坏桥梁和阻塞公路来推迟敌人的进攻。剑桥国际The enemy had to cave in and surrender. 敌人只好屈服投降。译典通The enemy killed all the men, but spared the women and children.敌人杀死了所有的男人,但放过了妇女和儿童。剑桥国际The enemy opened fire. 敌人开火了。译典通The enemy retreated under our heavy artillery fire. 敌人在我们的重砲轰击下撤退了。译典通The enemy soon occupied the town. 敌人很快占领了这个城镇。译典通The engagement (= act of beginning to fight) with the enemy will begin at dawn.与敌人的交战将在黎明开始。剑桥国际The general concentrated his attack on the left flank of the opposing army.将军集中力量攻打敌人的左翼。剑桥国际The soldiers raided (= attacked) the enemy camp.战士袭击了敌人营地。剑桥国际There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen. 雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。译典通They parachuted behind enemy lines. 他们在敌人后方跳伞降落。译典通Victory depends on our being able to strike at the heart of the enemy's military command.我们的胜利建立在能打击敌人军事指挥部基础上。剑桥国际With their bullets all gone, the soldiers were sitting ducks for the enemy (= it was easy for the enemy to attack them).用完了所有的子弹后,士兵们成了敌人的话靶子。剑桥国际




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