

单词 攻势
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PR〕a PR campaign公关攻势外研社新世纪〔agitprop〕a massive agitprop campaign; agitprop filmmaking. 强大的宣传攻势;宣传鼓吹的电影美国传统〔allied〕an allied offensive 联合攻势剑桥高阶〔attack〕be on the attack 采取攻势英汉大词典〔battle〕the Battle of Britain 不列颠战役 (指第二次世界大战中德国于1940年秋季向英国发动的空中攻势) 英汉大词典〔blitzkrieg〕a promotional blitzkrieg 促销闪击攻势韦氏高阶〔blitzkrieg〕a propaganda blitzkrieg 宣传闪击攻势英汉大词典〔blitz〕a month-long media blitz intended to promote a more positive image of nursing为树立更加正面的护理工作形象而进行的为期一个月的媒体宣传攻势外研社新世纪〔charm offensive〕to launch (= start) a charm offensive 展开魅力攻势剑桥高阶〔drumfire〕a propaganda drumfire 持续猛烈的宣传攻势英汉大词典〔launch〕launch a strike (an attack) 发动一场罢工(攻势)英汉大词典〔launch〕launch an offensive against the enemy 对敌人发动攻势文馨英汉〔odd-man〕an odd-man rush. 人海攻势美国传统〔offensively〕a diplomatic offensive. 外交攻势柯林斯高阶〔offensive〕a diplomatic offensive一场外交攻势外研社新世纪〔offensive〕a military offensive against the insurgents 向叛乱者发起的军事攻势牛津搭配〔offensive〕a peace offensive. 和平攻势美国传统〔offensive〕a propaganda offensive against the government 反对政府的宣传攻势英汉大词典〔offensive〕a sales offensive 销售攻势牛津高阶〔offensive〕a two-week military offensive为期两周的军事攻势外研社新世纪〔offensive〕assume (或 take) the offensive 采取攻势英汉大词典〔play〕an elitist political campaign that could never play in Peoria. 政治精英的政治攻势不可能被选民接受美国传统〔pronged〕a two-pronged offensive 钳形攻势英汉大词典〔push〕repulse a push across the border 击退越境的攻势 英汉大词典〔repulse〕to repulse an attack/invasion/offensive 击退一次进攻╱入侵╱攻势牛津高阶〔seize〕seize the offensive 抓住攻势英汉大词典〔slick〕a slick advertising campaign 华而不实的广告攻势牛津高阶〔unleash〕unleash an air offensive 发动空中攻势英汉大词典the most billboarded game of the season 当季宣传攻势最猛的游戏牛津商务




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