

单词 椭圆形的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bermuda bag〕An oval handbag with wooden handles and decorative removable covers.百慕大包:一种椭圆形的带有木柄和装饰性活动盖的手包美国传统〔CIRCLE〕The earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. 地球绕着太阳在椭圆形的轨道上运行。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕Some of the tables are oval in shape and some are round. 有些桌子是椭圆形的,有些是圆形的。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The portrait hung in an oval frame on the wall. 这幅画像挂在墙上一个椭圆形的画框内。朗文写作活用〔base〕The clock stands on an oval marble base, enclosed by a glass dome.钟放在椭圆形的大理石基座上,外罩玻璃罩。柯林斯高阶〔briolette〕A pear-shaped or oval gem, especially a diamond, cut in long triangular facets.梨形钻石:梨形或椭圆形的有长三角形切面的宝石,尤指钻石美国传统〔cartouche〕A structure or figure, often in the shape of an oval shield or oblong scroll, used as an architectural or graphic ornament or to bear a design or inscription.漩涡花饰:一种通常是椭圆形的盾状徽章或是长方形的漩涡装饰的结构或造型,用作建筑或雕刻的装饰物或带有一种设计图案或题字美国传统〔cylindroid〕A cylindrical surface or solid all of whose sections perpendicular to the elements are elliptical.椭圆柱:与组成要素垂直的所有圆柱形表面或柱体的部分是椭圆形的柱体美国传统〔date〕The sweet, edible, oblong or oval fruit of the date palm, containing a narrow, hard seed.海枣:甜的、可食用的长方形或椭圆形的海枣树的果实,含有狭长坚硬的籽美国传统〔discoid〕Having a flat, circular form; disk-shaped.椭圆形的,盘状的:具有扁而圆的形状的;盘状的美国传统〔elliptic〕Of, relating to, or having the shape of an ellipse.椭圆的:椭圆形的、与椭圆形有关的或具有椭圆形的美国传统〔elliptic〕The moon has an elliptic orbit.月球有椭圆形的轨道。文馨英汉〔ewer〕A pitcher, especially a decorative one with a base, an oval body, and a flaring spout.大口水罐:一个具有装饰性的水罐,有一个底,椭圆形的罐体和一个突出来的壶嘴美国传统〔fish stick〕An oblong piece of breaded fish fillet.冻鱼条:涂有面包粉的椭圆形的鱼条美国传统〔ladyfinger〕A small oval sponge cake shaped like a human finger.指状小松糕:一种小的椭圆形的状如人手指的海绵蛋糕美国传统〔oblate〕The earth is an oblate spheroid.地球是个椭圆形的球。英汉大词典〔oblong〕Having the shape of or resembling a rectangle or an ellipse.长方形的或椭圆形的美国传统〔oval〕An egg-shaped or elliptical form or figure.卵形,椭圆形:卵形或椭圆形的形状或图形美国传统〔oval〕Resembling an ellipse in shape; elliptical.椭圆形的:形状类似椭圆的,椭圆的美国传统〔oval〕The handle is oval in shape.把手是椭圆形的。牛津搭配〔oxeye〕A round or oval dormer window.一圆形或椭圆形的装饰窗美国传统〔plum tomato〕A form of the cherry tomato, having somewhat oblong fruit.犁形番茄:樱桃番茄的一种形式,结有略呈椭圆形的果实美国传统〔prolate〕Having the shape of a spheroid generated by rotating an ellipse about its longer axis.长椭圆形的:将椭圆围绕其较长的轴自转而产生的回转椭球体形状的美国传统〔racket〕A device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of strings and a handle, used to strike a ball or shuttlecock in various games.球拍:一种装置,由一个椭圆形的架子和手柄组成,架子上有用绳编成的很紧的网,在各种运动中来击打球或羽毛球美国传统〔shape〕Our table is oval in shape.我们的饭桌是椭圆形的。剑桥高阶〔type〕It's a sort of oval shape.它差不多是椭圆形的样子。朗文当代I've just bought an oval-shaped table (= one in the form of an oval).我刚买了一张椭圆形的桌子。剑桥国际Our table is oval in shape.我们的桌子是椭圆形的。剑桥国际The egg has an elliptical outer appearance. 蛋有个椭圆形的外表。译典通The pendant bears an oblong sapphire and is intricately engraved.挂件上镶有一块椭圆形的蓝宝石,雕刻的花样复杂精细。剑桥国际




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