

单词 据传
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔According to legend〕According to legend, the city was destroyed by a great flood in ancient times. = Legend has it that the city was destroyed by a great flood in ancient times.据传说,这座城市在古代被大洪水摧毁了。韦氏高阶〔Anthony of Padua〕Portuguese-born Franciscan monk who, according to legend, once preached to an attentive school of fish.帕多瓦的圣安东尼:葡萄牙裔圣方济会修道士,据传说曾给一群聚精会神的鱼传道美国传统〔Aulis〕An ancient port of east-central Greece in Boeotia. According to tradition, it was the embarkation point for the Greek fleet during the Trojan War.奥立斯:希腊中东部维奥蒂亚洲的一个古老港口,据传说,在特洛伊战争期间它是古希腊船队的出发点美国传统〔Deganawidah〕Native American spiritual leader. According to tradition, he founded the Iroquois confederacy with Hiawatha.德甘那威戴:美国原住民精神领袖。据传说,他与海华沙创立了易洛魁联盟美国传统〔HAPPEN〕It was rumoured that Apple would be sold to Sun Microsystems, but that deal never materialized. 据传苹果公司要出售给升阳电脑公司,但是这一交易从未发生。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕The industry asked the Federal Communications Commission to waive a rule that limits the amount of power used to send a data transmission over a telephone line. 该行业要求联邦通讯委员会取消限制电话线数据传输功率的规定。朗文写作活用〔Lilith〕The first wife of Adam in Hebrew folklore, believed to have been in existence before the creation of Eve.莉莉思:希伯来传说中的亚当的第一位妻子,据传她在夏娃被造出来之前就已经存在了美国传统〔PRISON〕According to the legend, Acrisius built an underground house for his daughter. Here he shut her up and guarded her. 根据传说,阿克里西俄斯为女儿在地下建了一座房子。他把她禁闭在那里,守护着她。朗文写作活用〔Prester John〕A legendary medieval Christian priest and king thought to have reigned over a Christian kingdom in the Far East or Ethiopia.祭司王约翰:传说中的中世纪基督教牧师兼国王,据传他在远东或埃塞俄比亚地区统治着一个基督教王国美国传统〔STORY〕According to legend, the whole castle was washed into the sea. 据传说所说,整座城堡被冲入了大海。朗文写作活用〔Stephen〕Christian protomartyr who, according to tradition, was stoned to death after his defense of Christianity before the Sanhedrin.史蒂芬:基督教的第一个殉教者,据传说在于犹太教公会中讲述完基督教教义后被乱石击死美国传统〔anecdotal〕Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in Europe have slipped.据传有证据表明欧洲的销售量已经下滑。外研社新世纪〔anecdote〕This research is based on anecdote, not fact.这项研究是根据传闻,而非事实。牛津高阶〔baud〕A unit of speed in data transmission usually equal to one bit per second.(电信)波特:发报、数据传输速率单位,每秒传输一个比特美国传统〔bid〕Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports.据传新加坡航空公司正在力争签下两家机场的经营权。外研社新世纪〔bursty〕There is a new international standard for handling high-speed, bursty data over wide area networks.已有一项新的国际标准用于规范宽域网间的高速突发性数据传送。剑桥高阶〔bus topology〕One of the three principal topologies for a LAN, in which all nodes are connected to a central cable along which data is passed.总线拓朴:三种主要局域网拓朴结构之一,所有的节点都连接到可进行数据传输的中央总在线美国传统〔cheat〕It is rumoured that Jim cheats on his wife.据传吉姆对他的老婆不忠实。英汉大词典〔come to a bad end〕According to legend, more than one person came to a bad end because of her.据传,不止一个人因为她而不得善终。韦氏高阶〔cry out〕According to the legend, she cried out that no storm was going to stop her from finishing her ride.据传, 她当时大声宣布, 即使有再大的暴风雨她也要骑到终点。外研社新世纪〔cry〕According to the legend, she cried out that no storm was going to stop her from finishing her ride.据传,她当时大声宣布,即使有再大的暴风雨她也要骑到终点。柯林斯高阶〔custom〕It's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.根据传统,由新娘的父亲支付婚礼费用。朗文当代〔data set〕An electronic device that provides an interface in the transmission of data to a remote station.数传机:一种电子设备,为把数据传送到远端工作站提供了界面美国传统〔death〕Legend has it that Sarah was put to death for practising witchcraft.据传说萨拉因为行巫术儿被处死了。朗文当代〔feedback〕The computer makes adjustments based on feedback from the sensors.计算机根据传感器返回的电流做相应的调整。韦氏高阶〔go〕A story is going about that...据传…英汉大词典〔go〕The story goes that she's been married five times.据传她结过五次婚。牛津高阶〔have〕Rumour has it that we'll have a new manager soon.据传我们即将有一位新经理。牛津高阶〔hearsay〕They started to piece the story together from hearsay.他们开始根据传闻把事情的经过一点点拼凑起来。牛津搭配〔hearsay〕We can't make a decision based on hearsay and guesswork.我们不能根据传言和猜测做决定。牛津高阶〔hearsay〕We had it by [from, on] hearsay that he was going to resign.根据传闻他们即将辞职。文馨英汉〔incriminate〕Police had reportedly searched his flat and found incriminating evidence.据传闻,警方已经搜查了他的公寓并发现了他涉案的证据。柯林斯高阶〔legend〕According to legend, he escaped by leaping from the cliffs into the sea.据传,他是跳崖入海逃生的。朗文当代〔legend〕Here, according to legend, Robin Hood lies buried.根据传说,罗宾汉就葬在这里。麦克米伦高阶〔legend〕Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god.据传说这个湖是一位神仙的眼泪积聚而成的。牛津高阶〔man-eater〕An animal, such as a tiger, that eats or is reputed to eat human flesh.吃人的动物:吃人的或据传说吃人肉的动物,如老虎美国传统〔marry off〕Tradition dictates that girls should be married off early.依据传统, 女孩子应该早点嫁出去。外研社新世纪〔overburden〕The Web site was overburdened with a high amount of traffic.万维网站因大量数据传输而超载。韦氏高阶〔perambulate〕According to traditions, the selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years.根据传统法律要求市镇行政管理委员会成员每隔五年巡视边界一次。21世纪英汉〔pibroch〕A series of variations on a traditional dirge or martial theme for the highland bagpipes.风笛变奏曲:根据传统的挽歌或战争主题,用高地风笛演奏的一系列变奏曲美国传统〔protocol〕Computer Science A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers.【计算机科学】 规程,协议:为调整计算机间数据传递的标准程序美国传统〔pull back (from sth)〕The news is that the company intends to pull back from petrochemicals.据传闻,该公司想撤销石化产品项目。剑桥高阶〔reportedly〕Her husband's assets are reportedly worth over $15 million.她丈夫的资产据传超过 1,500 万美元。朗文当代〔reportedly〕The mayor is reportedly going to resign next week.据传市长将在下周辞职。文馨英汉〔reported〕There has been a reported hijack in Tel Aviv this morning.据传今天上午在特拉维夫有一架飞机被劫持。剑桥高阶〔report〕It is reported that the prince ran away to France with his sweetheart.据传说王子携情人已逃奔法国。21世纪英汉〔report〕She is reported to earn over $10 million a year.据传她一年挣 1 000 多万元。牛津高阶〔report〕She was reported to exercise (或 as exercising) great political influence over her husband.据传她在政治上对丈夫有很大的支配力量。英汉大词典〔report〕The President is reported as saying that he needs a break.据传总统说他需要休息一下。牛津高阶〔ripple〕There's a ripple he's walking a bit heavy these days.据传他这几天有点神气活现。英汉大词典〔rumor〕You can't fire him solely based on rumor.你不能仅根据传闻就炒他鱿鱼。韦氏高阶〔rumoured〕The group is rumoured to be splitting up.据传这个团体即将解散。麦克米伦高阶〔rumour〕Rumour has it that Jean's getting married again.据传琼又要结婚了。朗文当代〔rumour〕Rumour has it that he's seriously ill.据传麦克米伦高阶〔set〕They were rumoured to have fallen in love on the set of the film 'Cold Mountain.'据传他们是在拍摄《冷山》期间互生情愫的。外研社新世纪〔steam〕The President was reported to be steaming mad on hearing the news.据传总统听到这消息后暴跳如雷。英汉大词典〔supposedly〕He was more of a victim than any of the women he supposedly offended.相比任何一个据传他曾冒犯过的女人,他其实是更大的受害者。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕There's talk that she's difficult to work with.据传她这个人很难共事。朗文当代〔tradition〕According to tradition, a headless ghost walks through the corridors of the house at night.据传说,晚上有个无头鬼走过这幢房子的走廊。剑桥高阶〔tradition〕According to tradition, a tree grew on this spot.根据传说,这儿长出过一棵树。牛津搭配〔tradition〕According to tradition, the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.根据传说,女神睡在这座山的下面。韦氏高阶〔tradition〕By tradition , it's the bride's parents who pay for the wedding.根据传统习俗,由新娘的父母承担婚礼的费用。朗文当代〔way〕He is rumoured to be on the way out of professional cycling following a disastrous season.经过一个失败的赛季之后,据传他即将退出职业自行车赛。柯林斯高阶〔whisper〕It is whispered that he intended to resign.据传他打算辞职。柯林斯高阶According to reports (=stories without real proof) there has been an earthquake in Los Angeles.据传,洛杉矶发生了地震。剑桥国际According to the old tradition, the first American flag was made by Betsy Ross. 根据传说,第一面美国国旗是贝慈‧罗斯缝制的。译典通According to tradition, a headless ghost walks through the corridors of the house at night.据传说,晚上有个无头鬼穿过房子的走廊。剑桥国际Convention dictates that it is the man who asks the woman to marry him and not the reverse 根据传统应由男人向女人求婚而不是相反。剑桥国际He was widely tipped for the top job.据传他会出任高职。牛津商务It is rumored that she has committed suicide. 据传闻,她已自杀身亡。译典通Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper. 据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫儿。译典通The data is transferred at a rate of about 9 000 bits per second. 数据传输速度约为每秒 9000 比特。牛津商务The president traditionally has the right to designate his or her successor.根据传统总统有权力指定其继任者。剑桥国际The story goes that the Prime Minister will resign. 据传首相将要辞职。译典通There has been a reported (=unofficial news about a) hijack in Tel Aviv this morning.据传,今晨特拉维夫发生了劫持事件。剑桥国际There is talk of a merger between the two banks.据传这两家银行要合并。牛津商务Word has it (that) they may separate.据传闻他们也许会分手。剑桥国际




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