

单词 新闻标题
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NEWS〕I just have time to glance at the headlines before I leave for work. 我出门上班之前只来得及看一些新闻标题。朗文写作活用〔headline〕I'm sick of reading headlines involving the Kennedys in sex scandals.关于肯尼迪家族性丑闻的新闻标题都让我读得腻烦了。柯林斯高阶〔shock horror〕The media is full of shock-horror headlines about under-age crime.媒体上充斥着各种关于未成年人犯罪的骇人听闻的新闻标题。柯林斯高阶〔titillating〕People can't resist titillating headlines, especially if they're about Holly wood celebrities.人们似乎无法抵挡轰动性新闻标题的吸引,尤其是这些标题涉及好莱坞明星时。剑桥高阶Originally only one newspaper picked up on the minister's statement, but by the end of the week it was making nationwide headlines.一开始只有一家报纸赏识部长的观点,但到周末它成了全国性的头条新闻标题。剑桥国际The newspaper headline was ‘Vicar Caught In Sex Romp’.报纸的新闻标题是‘牧师在性游戏中被捉’。剑桥国际




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