

单词 新闻媒介
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔elite〕Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.舆论为少数控制着新闻媒介的上层人士所左右。牛津高阶〔eye〕Frequently seen in public or in the media.常在公共场合露面的:常在公共场合或新闻媒介露面的美国传统〔field day〕The media had a field day with the sensational story.新闻媒介兴奋地得到这一具轰动性的故事美国传统〔gag order〕A court order forbidding public reporting or commentary, as by the news media, on a case currently before the court.禁声令:法庭命令禁止在开庭前利用新闻媒介公开报道或评论案件进展的法令美国传统〔honeymoon〕The honeymoon between the new President and the press was soon over.新总统与新闻媒介之间的蜜月期很快过去了美国传统〔let ... into〕The media let into the government for its hasty decision.新闻媒介抨击政府做出草率的决定。21世纪英汉〔report〕To serve as a reporter for a publication, broadcasting company, or other news media.当记者:作为某个刊物、广播公司或其它新闻媒介的记者美国传统〔stake〕The minority group has at last achieved parity in the media stakes.少数派在新闻媒介战中终于获得了均势。英汉大词典〔stringer〕A part-time or freelance correspondent for the news media.新闻媒介的兼职或特约记者美国传统Although regularly pilloried by the press as an obnoxious loudmouth, he is, nonetheless, an effective politician.尽管经常被新闻媒介辱骂为讨厌的吹牛大王,但他毕竟还是个有影响的政客。剑桥国际She's been omnipresent in the media since the song went to number one in the charts.自从这首歌位居每周流行唱片选目中的第一名后,新闻媒介中到处可以见到她。剑桥国际




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