

单词 新进
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔advance〕recent advances in medical science 医学的最新进展牛津高阶〔advance〕recent advances in medicine 医学的最新进展韦氏高阶〔break〕a company that broke new ground in the field of computers. 在计算机领域取得新进展的公司美国传统〔budding〕a budding writer 新进的作家文馨英汉〔comparative〕a comparative newcomer. 比较新进的人员美国传统〔development〕the latest developments in the war 战争的最新进展情况牛津高阶〔entrant〕new entrants into a highly competitive field 新进入一个竞争十分激烈的领域的参与者韦氏高阶〔news〕news on the latest developments in the talks 关于会谈最新进展的新闻朗文当代〔plebiscite〕force a country into a new plebiscite on an amended treaty 迫使一个国家重新进行有关修订条约的公民投票英汉大词典〔relation〕latest developments in relation to the disease 有关这种疾病的最新进展朗文当代〔restock〕to restock a store给商店重新进货21世纪英汉〔resume〕to resume talks/negotiations 重新进行会谈╱谈判牛津高阶〔technology〕recent advances in medical technology 医疗技术的最新进展牛津搭配new entrants to the teaching profession 教师行列的新进者牛津商务recent advances in medical technology 医疗技术的最新进步牛津商务




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