

单词 时间段
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMPTY〕I was surprised that the train was half empty at that time of day. 我很吃惊,这个时间段的火车上竟然会有一半的位置空着。朗文写作活用〔Mass〕Sunday Masses are held at three different times.星期日的弥撒在三个不同时间段举行。韦氏高阶〔TIME〕Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by a number of processes that operate on different time scales. 二氧化碳经过一系列的过程从大气层中被除去,这些过程所需要的时间段各有不同。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕In today's computer industry, the whole time scale of new product development is far shorter than it was 10 years ago. 在当今的电脑工业中,新产品开发的整个时间段比十年前短得多了。朗文写作活用〔bump〕The programme was bumped to a later time slot.这档节目被安排到了靠后的时间段。外研社新世纪〔instar〕A stage of an insect or other arthropod between molts.龄,蜕变期:昆虫或其他节肢动物两次蜕皮间的一个时间段美国传统〔nonstandard〕He works nonstandard hours so that he can pick his kids up from school.他在非正常时间段工作,这样可以去学校接孩子。韦氏高阶〔peak rate〕You pay the peak rate for calls at this time of day.在一天的这个时间段打电话是高峰收费。外研社新世纪〔period〕A point or portion of time at which something is ended; a completion or conclusion.完结:某事结束的时间点或时间段;完成或终结美国传统〔perpetuity〕For an indefinite period of time; forever.永远:持续一个无限期的时间段;永远美国传统〔programme〕Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。柯林斯高阶〔rainfall〕The quantity of water, expressed in inches, precipitated as rain, snow, hail, or sleet in a specified area and time interval.降雨量:雨的数量以英寸表示,为某一地区在特定时间段内雨、雪、冰雹或霰的积累量美国传统〔scarcely〕There was scarcely any traffic at that time of night.晚上那个时间段几乎没有什么车辆。麦克米伦高阶〔skip〕The movie skips around in time.这部电影的叙事在不同时间段来回切换。韦氏高阶〔slot〕The network moved my favorite TV show to a different time slot.电视台把我最喜欢的电视节目调到了另外一个时间段。韦氏高阶〔time warp〕A hypothetical discontinuity or distortion occurring in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another or suspend the passage of time.时间异常:在时间流动中发生的一种假设的断裂或扭曲,能把事件从一个时间段移到另一个时间段或停止时间的流动美国传统〔timescale〕He gave no timescale for these events.他没有给这些活动留出时间段。外研社新世纪〔trafficking〕Traffic was unusually light for that time of day.对于一天中的那个时间段而言,来往车辆少得有些不寻常。柯林斯高阶〔volume〕The period from 1940 – 45 is in volume 9.1940 – 1945 年这个时间段在第 9 卷。朗文当代Police officers are trying to construct the time scale of events leading up to the murder.警察正在努力构想导致这起谋杀的各事件发生的时间段。剑桥国际




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