

单词 无辜者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bear〕The criminals must bear full responsibility for the deaths of these innocent people.那些罪犯必须为这些无辜者的死承担全部责任。韦氏高阶〔involve〕The investigation involved many innocent people.这次调查牵涉到许多无辜者。英汉大词典〔justify〕The fact that we are at war does not justify treating innocent people as criminals.虽然我们处于交战状态,并不代表可以把无辜者当作罪犯对待。韦氏高阶〔liquidate〕Innocents were brutally liquidated by thousands.数以千计的无辜者遭到残忍地杀戮。21世纪英汉〔possibly〕We cannot possibly risk so many innocent lives.我们绝不可能拿这么多无辜者的生命冒险。柯林斯高阶〔put sb to the sword〕Thousands of innocents were put to the sword.数千名无辜者被杀。剑桥高阶〔stain〕The country's history is stained with the blood of (= the country is guilty of killing) millions of innocent men and women.这个国家的历史沾满了数百万无辜者的鲜血。剑桥高阶〔take〕Why did he take an innocent person's life?他为什么要夺去一个无辜者的生命?外研社新世纪〔the lesser of two evils〕But allowing a criminal to go free is perhaps the lesser of two evils if the alternative is imprisoning an innocent person.放走一个罪犯也许比把一个无辜者关进监狱要好一些。剑桥高阶〔unpunished〕The shedders of innocent blood shall not go unpunished.使无辜者流血的人必须受到惩罚。英汉大词典He's a ruthless dictator, responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent people.他是一个冷酷的独裁者,是杀害成千无辜者的元凶。剑桥国际In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have shown their lack of respect for human life (= shown that they do not think human life is important and valuable).在对无辜者丧心病狂的杀害中,恐怖主义者表现出他们对人命的不尊重。剑桥国际The butchery (= cruel murder) of innocent people by this dictator must be stopped.独裁者对无辜者的屠杀必须被制止。剑桥国际




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