

单词 撑柱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NARROW〕The columns supporting the arch are tapered and beautifully carved. 拱门的撑柱上细下粗,雕刻精美。朗文写作活用〔balustrade〕A rail and the row of balusters or posts that support it, as along the front of a gallery.栏杆:横栏和一排栏杆或支撑柱,如沿长廊前部的栏杆美国传统〔caryatid〕A supporting column sculptured in the form of a draped female figure.女像柱:一个雕刻成披着衣服的女子形象的支撑柱美国传统〔footpad〕A plate or similar structure on the leg of a spacecraft that distributes weight and helps prevent sinking after landing.防陷垫:在宇航器支撑柱尖上的板或相似物体,用于分散重量和帮助防止在降落时陷入美国传统〔queen post〕One of two upright supporting posts set vertically between the rafters and the tie beam at equal distances from the apex of a roof.衍架双柱:两根直立支撑柱之一,从屋顶的最高点垂直等距地设在椽子和系梁之间美国传统〔rail〕A bar extending horizontally between supports, as in a fence.横杆:(篱笆上)水平置于两个支撑柱之间的短棍美国传统〔rail〕A structure made of such bars and supports and forming a barrier or guard; a railing.围栏:用这种短棍和支撑柱构造架子,形成一个障碍或防护;栅栏美国传统〔shore〕A beam or timber propped against a structure to provide support.斜撑柱:一根支撑一个结构以提供支撑力的木梁或木料美国传统〔shore〕We laid the ship aground and shored her up on each side.我们把船拖上岸,两边用撑柱撑住。英汉大词典〔stanchion〕If this stanchion is removed, the stairs will collapse.如果把这根支撑柱拿走,楼梯会塌下的。剑桥高阶〔tapered〕Pillars and columns are usually tapered towards the top.撑柱和圆柱通常都是下粗上细。英汉大词典〔telamon〕A figure of a man used as a supporting pillar.男像柱:作为支撑柱的男人形象美国传统




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