

单词 捣碎
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECENTLY〕Add one clove of freshly crushed garlic. 加上一瓣刚刚捣碎的大蒜。朗文写作活用〔batter〕The mob battered the door to pieces [splinters].那群暴民将门捣碎。文馨英汉〔both〕Put both vegetables into a bowl and crush with a potato masher.把这两样蔬菜都放进一个碗里,然后用捣土豆器把它们捣碎。柯林斯高阶〔break〕Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a gentle heat.把巧克力捣碎放在文火上熔化。朗文当代〔bruise〕To pound (berries, for example) into fragments; crush.捣碎(例如,草莓);研细美国传统〔colcannon〕An Irish dish of mashed potatoes and cabbage, seasoned with butter.土豆泥包心菜:一道爱尔兰风味菜,把土豆和卷心菜捣碎并佐以黄油美国传统〔crumb〕To break into very small pieces; crumble.捣碎:把…弄碎成小片;捣碎美国传统〔crush〕Add three cloves of crushed garlic.加入3瓣捣碎的大蒜。剑桥高阶〔crush〕Add two cloves of crushed garlic.加入两瓣捣碎的蒜。牛津高阶〔crush〕Peel and crush the garlic.把蒜剥皮并捣碎。外研社新世纪〔crush〕Peel and crush the garlic.把蒜剥皮并捣碎。柯林斯高阶〔crush〕To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.压碎:把(石头或矿石等)挤压、捣碎或碾成小碎块或粉末美国传统〔dice〕Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.加入捣碎的大蒜和剩余的蔬菜丁。柯林斯高阶〔facility〕The kitchen has a garbage disposal and other modern facilities.厨房装有泔脚捣碎机和其他现代化设备。英汉大词典〔flavour〕Bay leaves should be broken to release their flavour.将月桂叶捣碎味道才能出来。牛津搭配〔fork〕Mash the mixture with a fork.用餐叉捣碎混合料。牛津搭配〔garlic〕For this recipe you need four cloves (= single pieces) of garlic, crushed.按照这个烹饪法,你需备4瓣儿大蒜,并捣碎。剑桥高阶〔garlic〕The recipe calls for two cloves of garlic, minced.这个食谱需要两瓣蒜,要捣碎的。韦氏高阶〔guacamole〕A thick paste of mashed avocado, often seasoned with tomato, peppers, or other condiments and usually served as a dip or in salads.鳄梨调味酱:捣碎的鳄梨酱,常与番茄、辣椒或其它调味品混和在一起,用来做蘸酱或拌制沙拉美国传统〔hummus〕A smooth, thick mixture of mashed chickpeas, tahini, oil, lemon juice, and garlic, used especially as a dip for pita.鹰嘴豆泥:一种由捣碎的鹰嘴豆、芝麻酱、油、柠檬汁和蒜组成的调匀的、粘稠的混合物,尤用于浸泡皮塔面包美国传统〔mash up sth〕He always mashes up his peas before he eats them.他总是先将豌豆捣碎然后再吃。剑桥高阶〔masher〕A kitchen utensil for mashing vegetables or fruit.捣碎器:用以捣碎苹果、蔬菜等的厨房器具美国传统〔mash〕Mash the bananas with a fork.用叉子把香蕉捣碎。外研社新世纪〔mash〕To convert (malt or grain) into mash.捣碎;磨碎:把麦芽或谷物调成麦芽浆美国传统〔mofongo〕A Puerto Rican dish made of mashed plantains, garlic, and pork cracklings.摩坊哥菜:一道波多黎各菜,由捣碎的大蕉、大蒜和烤猪肉的脆皮组成美国传统〔mold〕They broke the mold when they made you(= there is nobody like you).塑人完毕,模子捣碎(意指世上没有相同的人)。牛津高阶〔pemmican〕A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.肉糜压缩饼:一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品美国传统〔pestle〕A club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar.碾槌,捣锤:用来碾磨或捣碎研钵中物质的一种手持棒形工具美国传统〔pestle〕A large bar moved vertically to stamp or pound, as in a press or mill.杵,研棒:一种作垂直运动来压碎或捣碎的大棒,如在压榨机或磨粉机中美国传统〔pestle〕To pound, grind, or mash with or as if with a pestle.捣,研碎:用杵或类似杵的东西磨碎、研磨或捣碎美国传统〔pesto〕Pesto is made of basil leaves, parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and olive oil, all crushed together.香蒜酱是把罗勒叶、帕尔马奶酪、松仁和橄榄油混合捣碎制成的。剑桥高阶〔pound up〕My grandmother loves pounding sesame seeds up for special flavour.我奶奶喜欢把芝麻捣碎了吃,这是为了特殊的香味。21世纪英汉〔pound〕Pound the garlic and salt together.把大蒜放盐捣碎。外研社新世纪〔pound〕Pound the herbs and garlic until they form a paste.把草药和大蒜捣碎成糊状。韦氏高阶〔pound〕To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush.捣碎,碾碎,舂烂:打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎美国传统〔pug〕A machine for grinding and mixing clay.搅泥机:用于捣碎并搅拌泥土的机器美国传统〔pug〕Clay ground and kneaded with water into a plastic consistency for forming bricks or pottery.制砖黏土:将黏土捣碎与水揉和制成的一种用于制砖或陶的塑性粘稠物美国传统〔pug〕The mill pugs the clay.机器将黏土捣碎。外研社新世纪〔reduce〕Their daily work is to reduce the rocks to dust.他们每天的工作就是将岩石捣碎成粉末。21世纪英汉〔reduce〕To powder or pulverize.磨成粉:捣碎或碾碎美国传统〔shepherd's pie〕A meat pie baked in a crust of mashed potatoes.肉馅土豆泥饼:一种夹在捣碎的土豆馅饼皮里经烘烤制成的肉馅饼美国传统〔smalt〕A deep blue paint and ceramic pigment produced by pulverizing a glass made of silica, potash, and cobalt oxide.大青,大青色:将由硅石、钾碱和氧化钴制成的玻璃捣碎而生产出来的深蓝色图画或陶瓷上的颜料美国传统〔triturate〕To rub, crush, grind, or pound into fine particles or a powder; pulverize.研磨捣碎:搓擦、磨细、捣烂,使…研磨成细粉末,使成粉末状美国传统〔trituration〕The composing of a dental amalgam by mortar and pestle.研磨,捣碎:用作杵和臼来制作一种牙科用混合物的过程美国传统Crush three cloves of garlic and then add to the mixture.把三瓣大蒜捣碎,加入混合物中。剑桥国际He always mashes (up) his peas before he eats them.他总先将豌豆捣碎再吃。剑桥国际Mash the potatoes and then mix in the butter, onions and herbs.捣碎土豆,拌入黄油,洋葱和香草。剑桥国际We need a (potato) masher (= tool for mashing potatoes and other vegetables).我们需要一个马铃薯捣碎器。剑桥国际




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