

单词 数到
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕Shut your eyes, count to twenty, then come and find us. 闭上眼,数到20,然后来找我们。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕It is still unlikely, but unemployment could conceivably begin to fall by the end of the year. 虽然仍不大可能,不过失业人数到年底可能会开始下降。朗文写作活用〔at the count of〕I'll give you a count of three to get out of here. = I'll give you until the count of three to get out of here.我数到三,你就得离开这儿。韦氏高阶〔backwards〕Count backwards from ten to one.从10倒数到1。麦克米伦高阶〔backwards〕Count backwards from ten to zero.从10倒数到0。外研社新世纪〔breath〕Hold your breath and count to ten.屏住呼吸,数到十。牛津高阶〔cool〕He forced himself to count to ten and act cool.他强迫自己从一数到十,好冷静行事。牛津搭配〔count down〕Count down to your wedding.倒数到你举行婚礼的日子。外研社新世纪〔count down〕He counted down from 10 to 1.他从10倒数到1。韦氏高阶〔count sb out〕Cooper was counted out in the final round.库珀在最后一个回合中被裁判数到10后判负。剑桥高阶〔count up〕She can count up to one hundred and backward.她能数到一百然后再倒着数回来。21世纪英汉〔count〕Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars.布赖恩数到20,然后举起双筒望远镜。柯林斯高阶〔count〕He counted up to 10 and then stopped.他数到10,然后就停了下来。韦氏高阶〔count〕He got up at the count of five.他在数到五时站了起来。文馨英汉〔count〕He was knocked to the ground and stayed down for a count of eight(= in boxing).他被击倒在地,躺在地上直至数到八(拳击用语)。牛津高阶〔count〕Hold your breath for a count of 10.屏住呼吸数到10。朗文当代〔count〕Hold your breath for a count of five, then slowly breathe out.屏住呼吸数到五, 然后慢慢把气呼出。外研社新世纪〔count〕Hold your breath for a count of ten.屏住呼吸,一口气数到10。麦克米伦高阶〔count〕I can count up to ten in German.我能用德语数到10。麦克米伦高阶〔count〕I shall count up to ten and then we can begin.我数到十然后我们就开始。21世纪英汉〔count〕I'm going to count up to three.我要数到三。文馨英汉〔count〕Keep counting until there are no more left to count.接着数,一直数到最后一个。韦氏高阶〔count〕Let's count out loud (= speak the words) from one to ten.我们来大声地从1数到10。剑桥高阶〔count〕My son can count to one hundred.我儿子能数到一百。韦氏高阶〔count〕On the count of three, I'd like you all to stand up.我数到3时希望你们全都起立。剑桥高阶〔count〕Raise your leg and hold for a count of ten.抬起一条腿,保持这一姿势,直至数到十。牛津高阶〔count〕Raise your leg and hold it there for a count of ten.抬起一条腿,保持这个姿势,一直数到 10。牛津搭配〔count〕Sarah can count up to five now.萨拉现在能数到五了。朗文当代〔count〕She can count up to 10 in Italian.她可以用意大利语数到 10。牛津高阶〔count〕Sports The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be declared the loser.【体育运动】 数十:从一秒数到十秒,在此期间被击倒的拳击手必须站起来,不然便被宣布失败美国传统〔count〕The fight ended when Mendoza landed a hard right to the chin of Palacios, who went down for a count of eight.门多萨一记重拳打中了帕拉西奥斯的下巴, 后者倒地, 在裁判数到8后比赛结束。外研社新世纪〔count〕The referee counted ten over the fallen boxer.裁判员对着倒在地上的拳击手数到十。21世纪英汉〔count〕We are counting down the days until the end of the exams.我们倒数着日子,一直数到考试结束。麦克米伦高阶〔gravitate〕Most visitors to London gravitate to Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square.多数到了伦敦的游客被吸引到皮卡迪利广场和莱斯特广场。朗文当代〔hold〕Hold this position for a count of 10.保持这个姿势别动,数到 10。牛津高阶〔hold〕Hold your breath and count to ten.屏住呼吸数到十。朗文当代〔infinity〕It is impossible to count up to infinity.不可能数到无穷大。外研社新世纪〔land up〕Half of those who went east seem to have landed up in southern India.前往东方的人似乎有半数到了印度南部。柯林斯高阶〔number〕Can the child number to ten? 这孩子会数到10了吗?英汉大词典〔reckon〕She could reckon from 1 to 100 when she was more than one year old.她一岁多时就能从一数到一百。21世纪英汉〔so〕He counted 1,2,3 and so on up to 100.他从1,2,3一直数到100。英汉大词典〔stand〕He stood up when the coach counted eight.当裁判计数数到8时,他站立了起来。21世纪英汉〔stop〕There was an Underground map above one of the windows and I counted the stops to West Hampstead.其中一扇窗户上方有一张地铁线路图,我数了数到西汉普斯特德站共有几站。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕Hold the stretch for a count of ten.保持伸展姿势,一直数到 10。牛津搭配〔to〕She can already count from one to twenty.她已经能从一数到二十了。朗文当代〔up to〕He counted up to fifty.他数到了50。外研社新世纪If you don't do as I tell you by the time I've counted (up) to three, there'll be trouble--one, two, three.我数到三时你还不照我说的做,你就有麻烦了----一、二、三。剑桥国际Most borrowers of library books go for romance, mystery and crime.大多数到图书馆借书的人喜欢关于爱情、神秘故事和犯罪的书。剑桥国际On the count of (=After I have counted) three, start work on the puzzle.我数到三时开始解这个谜。剑桥国际The child can count from one to a hundred. 这孩子能从一数到一百。译典通




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