

单词 描图
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PET scan〕A cross-sectional image produced by a PET scanner.正电子发射层析扫描图:由正电子发射层析扫描仪所绘制的模截面图美国传统〔electrograph〕An electrically produced graph or tracing.电示图:以电制作的图表或映描图美国传统〔electrograph〕Equipment used to produce such a graph or tracing in facsimile transmission.传真电报机:传真通信中用以制作这样的图表或映描图的设备美国传统〔linear perspective〕A form of perspective in drawing and painting in which parallel lines are represented as converging so as to give the illusion of depth and distance.直线透视作用法:描图和绘画时使用的一种透视法,平行线代表汇聚的一点从而表示深度或距离美国传统〔lineation〕The act of marking or outlining with lines.划线:描图的动作或用线描轮廓美国传统〔line〕Any of the marks that make up the formal design of a picture.设计图,草描图:构成正式图样的线美国传统〔outline〕A sketch done in this style.略图的素描:以此种方法画成的速描图美国传统〔scan〕A sideview brain scan reveals a tumour.脑侧面扫描图显示有一肿瘤。英汉大词典〔sonogram〕The sonogram showed that the fetus was developing normally.超声波扫描图显示胎儿发育正常。韦氏高阶〔tear〕Scans revealed a tear in the muscle.扫描图显示有肌裂。外研社新世纪The children copied the map using tracing paper (= thin transparent paper which you use for copying a picture by drawing over its lines through the paper).孩子们用描图纸复制了这份地图。剑桥国际The sonogram showed that she was carrying twins.超声波扫描图显示,她怀了双胞胎。剑桥国际




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