

单词 旅程
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔RETURN〕a journey back to the place where you started 回到起点的旅程朗文写作活用〔accomplish〕accomplish a journey 行完旅程英汉大词典〔adventurous〕an adventurous journey 惊险的旅程英汉大词典〔adventurous〕an adventurous trip/vacation 充满刺激的旅程/假期韦氏高阶〔arduous〕an arduous journey through the mountains 穿越山区的艰难旅程朗文当代〔best〕the best part of a journey 大部分旅程英汉大词典〔break〕plan to break the journey in Paris 计划在巴黎中止旅程英汉大词典〔bumpy〕a hot and bumpy ride across the desert穿越沙漠的炎热而颠簸的旅程外研社新世纪〔call〕a book called The Journey 一本叫做《旅程》的书麦克米伦高阶〔course〕the course of life 人生的旅程文馨英汉〔daylong〕at the end of a daylong journey一天的旅程结束之际外研社新世纪〔detailed〕a detailed account of the trip; 关于旅程的详细描述;美国传统〔dreary〕a long and dreary journey on the train 火车上漫长而乏味的旅程牛津高阶〔end〕the end of a journey.旅程的终点。牛津同义词〔eventful〕an eventful day/life/journey 不平凡的一天;多姿多彩的一生╱旅程牛津高阶〔exhilarating〕one of the most exhilarating journeys I have ever made最令我兴奋的旅程之一外研社新世纪〔farthest〕the farthest point of the journey 旅程的最远端牛津高阶〔felicitous〕a felicitous journey 愉快的旅程英汉大词典〔hazardous〕a hazardous journey 危险的旅程牛津高阶〔journey〕a bus journey坐公交车的旅程外研社新世纪〔journey〕a journey of 300 miles 300 英里的旅程牛津搭配〔journey〕a journey of five days 5 天的旅程牛津搭配〔journey〕a long slow journey from Odessa 从敖德萨出发的漫长徐缓的旅程朗文当代〔journey〕our journey through life 生命的旅程麦克米伦高阶〔journey〕the journey down the Rhine 沿莱茵河顺流而下的旅程牛津搭配〔leg〕a leg of a journey.旅程中的一段行程。牛津同义词〔overland〕an overland journey through Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. 途径伊拉克、土耳其、伊朗和巴基斯坦的陆路旅程柯林斯高阶〔overland〕an overland journey through Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan途径伊拉克、土耳其、伊朗和巴基斯坦的陆路旅程外研社新世纪〔perilous〕a perilous journey across the war-zone穿越战区的危险旅程外研社新世纪〔person〕a trip to Hollywood to meet his favorite actor in person. 去好莱坞亲自面见他最喜欢的演员的旅程柯林斯高阶〔pictorial〕a pictorial record of their journey 他们旅程的照片记录朗文当代〔return〕on the return flight/journey/trip 在返回的航班╱旅程╱路程上牛津高阶〔ride〕a train ride through beautiful countryside 乘火车穿越美丽乡村的旅程牛津高阶〔stretch〕stretch the journey to as much as 18 hours 使旅程延长到18小时英汉大词典〔swing〕a three-day campaign swing through California 为期三天的加利福尼亚州巡回竞选旅程牛津高阶〔train〕a train journey/driver 火车旅程╱司机牛津高阶〔unadventurous〕an unadventurous journey 安然无恙的旅程英汉大词典〔undertake〕undertake a task/journey 承担任务;开始旅程韦氏高阶〔westward〕the one-hour westward flight over the Andes to Lima向西飞越安第斯山脉到达利马的一小时旅程外研社新世纪a round trip between New York and Chicago 纽约和芝加哥之间的往返旅程牛津商务




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