

单词 旅店
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bed〕found bed and board at an inn. 在一个小旅店找到了床铺和膳食美国传统〔budget〕budget hotels 廉价旅店韦氏高阶〔bungaloid〕a bungaloid hotel 矮平房旅店英汉大词典〔characterful〕small characterful hotels serving local cuisine供应当地菜肴、别具一格的小旅店外研社新世纪〔down-and-out〕a hostel for down-and-outs 给穷人寄宿的旅店英汉大词典〔grotty〕a grotty little hotel 条件恶劣的小旅店牛津高阶〔hick〕a crummy little hick hotel. 脏兮兮的乡下小旅店柯林斯高阶〔hotel〕a friendly, family-run hotel 一家亲切随和、家庭经营的旅店牛津高阶〔hotel〕a small country hotel 小型乡村旅店牛津搭配〔hotel〕check into a hotel 登记入住旅店韦氏高阶〔oceanfront〕an oceanfront home/hotel/restaurant 海滨之家/旅店/饭店韦氏高阶〔razor wire〕plans to use razor wire to seal off hostels for migrant workers. 使用铁丝网封锁旅店以防止移民工人进入的方案柯林斯高阶〔relaxed〕a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere 家庭经营的旅店,气氛自由随便牛津高阶〔run〕to run a hotel/store/language school 经营一家旅店╱商店╱语言学校牛津高阶〔seedy〕a seedy hotel in a run-down neighborhood. 破旧的街区里一个肮脏的旅店美国传统〔shoe〕wait for the other shoe to drop 等着不愉快的然而总要发生的事发生(源出旅店楼下客常为楼上客脱鞋摔地噪声所苦的事实) 英汉大词典〔soulless〕a clean and soulless hotel. 一家干净而冷清的旅店柯林斯高阶〔theatrically〕a white hotel theatrically set along a ridge如同戏剧布景般坐落在一座桥边的白色旅店外研社新世纪〔thudding〕the thudding of the bombs beyond the hotel旅店远处传来的砰砰炸弹声外研社新世纪〔transient〕a transient hotel 过往客小住旅店英汉大词典〔unprepossessing〕an unprepossessing little hotel. 一个不讨人喜欢的小旅店美国传统〔wayside〕a wayside inn. 路边旅店美国传统〔wired〕a wired hotel room. 装有电窃听器的旅店房间美国传统




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