

单词 拨火棒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔hook〕She hooked open the furnace door with a poker.她用拨火棒钩开炉门。英汉大词典〔poker〕Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒, 拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。外研社新世纪〔poker〕Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。柯林斯高阶〔poke〕To make thrusts or jabs, as with a stick or poker.刺或戳,如用棍子或拨火棒美国传统〔poke〕To stir (a fire) by prodding the wood or coal with a poker or stick.拔火:用拨火棒或棍子捅木头或煤块以使(火)烧得更旺美国传统〔rabble〕Any of various similar tools or mechanically operated devices used in roasting or refining furnaces.拨火棒:用于烧烤或精炼炉中的相似工具或机械操作装置美国传统〔rabble〕To stir or skim (molten iron) with an iron bar.用拨火棒搅动:用一铁棍搅动或撇去(熔铁)美国传统〔slice bar〕An iron tool with a broad flat end, used to loosen and clear out clinkers from furnace grates.长柄头铲,拨火棒:一种铁制工具,端部宽阔扁平,用于疏松炉渣和从炉栅中清除炉渣美国传统The poker must not have been used, for it looked brand new. 这根拨火棒一定没人用过,因为它看上去像新的一样。译典通




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