

单词 损害的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breakage〕A commercial allowance for loss or damage.破损费,赔偿损失费:损失或损害的商业折扣美国传统〔breathe〕The ruined economy is barely breathing.遭受严重损害的经济几乎不能生存。21世纪英汉〔canker〕Any of several diseases of plants characterized by the presence of such lesions.植物溃疡:以这种损害的存在为特征的几种植物的疾病的任一种美国传统〔detrimental〕Causing damage or harm; injurious.引起损害的;有害的美国传统〔enphytotic〕Of or relating to a plant disease that causes a relatively constant amount of damage each year.植物恒定流行病的:植物恒定流行病的,或与引起每年相当稳定数量损害的植物疾病相关的美国传统〔factor〕Hypertension is a risk factor for heart attack, stroke, and kidney damage.高血压是导致心脏病发作、中风和肾脏损害的危险因素。外研社新世纪〔foresee〕The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.损害的程度是无法预见到的。牛津高阶〔harmful〕Causing or capable of causing harm; injurious.有害的:造成或能够造成损害的;有害的美国传统〔hurtful〕Causing injury or suffering; damaging.造成损害的,有害的:引起伤害或痛苦的;造成损伤的美国传统〔intact〕Remaining sound, entire, or uninjured; not impaired in any way.完整无缺的,未受损害的:保持健全、完整或未损伤的;未受损害的美国传统〔integrity〕The state of being unimpaired; soundness.未受损害的状态;安全美国传统〔loser〕The real losers in all of this are the students.在这一切中真正受损害的是学生。牛津高阶〔nocuous〕Harmful; noxious.有害的;有损害的美国传统〔photoaging〕The process by which skin is changed or damaged as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and other sources.日照老化,光致老化:皮肤因为暴露在太阳或其它光源的紫外线辐射下而受到改变或损害的过程美国传统〔phototoxic〕Rendering the skin susceptible to damage by light. Used of certain medications and cosmetics.光毒的:使皮肤易受光线损害的。用于一些药物和化妆品美国传统〔prejudice〕They continued hostile attacks without prejudice to their negotiations.他们在不使谈判受损害的同时, 继续进行敌对性的攻击。外研社新世纪〔prejudicial〕Detrimental; injurious.损害的;伤害的美国传统〔reparation〕All of these nouns refer to something given in compensation for loss, suffering, or damage.这些名词都可指作为对损失、苦难或损害的补偿而给予的东西。美国传统〔restitution〕The chemical company promised to make full restitution to the victims for the injury to their health.化学制品公司承诺,对所有健康受到损害的受害者予以全额赔偿。剑桥高阶〔salami slicing〕He argues that cuts should be achieved by fundamentally re-thinking the role of the state rather than by salami slicing.他提出削减开支应该通过从根本上重新思考政府的角色来实现,而不是靠会造成损害的逐量减少。剑桥高阶〔scale〕It was not until morning that the sheer scale of the damage could be seen(= how great it was).直到早晨才看清了损害的严重程度。牛津高阶〔storm〕Insurance companies face hefty payouts for storm damage.保险公司面临对暴风雨造成损害的巨额赔付。牛津搭配〔themselves〕The biggest hurt eventually comes to the countries that themselves enforce such a ban.结果蒙受最大损害的正是那些本身实施此种禁令的国家。英汉大词典〔tubercle〕Pathology A nodule or swelling, especially a mass of lymphocytes and epithelioid cells forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.【病理学】 结核节:结节或肿瘤,尤指形成典型肿结核损害的堆淋巴球和上皮细胞美国传统〔weatherproof〕Capable of withstanding exposure to weather without damage.防风雨的:能经受风吹雨淋而不受损害的美国传统Compensation will be paid to people who have suffered physical damage as a result of vaccination.将给由于接种疫苗而遭受健康损害的人们支付赔偿金。剑桥国际It has not yet been possible to assess the severity of the damage.到现在为止还不可能估计损害的严重程度。剑桥国际Punishment for offences can include reparations to the owners of damaged property.对犯罪的处罚可以包括向财产受到损害的业主支付赔款。牛津商务The serried ranks (= many rows) of fir trees showed serious signs of damage by pollution.一排排枞树显示出受到污染严重损害的痕迹。剑桥国际




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