

单词 无名
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NAME〕the nameless victims of the nation's civil war 国家内战中无名的受害者朗文写作活用〔Podunk〕folks who move to the big city from Podunk 从无名小镇迁往大城市的人们韦氏高阶〔anonymous〕an anonymous author. 无名作者美国传统〔anonymous〕the anonymous donor of a large sum of money 捐赠了一大笔钱的无名氏朗文当代〔blindfold〕a blindfold fury 无名火英汉大词典〔blind〕a blind fury/rage 无名的怒火韦氏高阶〔blind〕blind anger/faith/prejudice 无名怒火/盲目信任/盲目的偏见剑桥高阶〔climb〕her climb from relative obscurity to international stardom 她从无名之辈到国际明星的奋斗过程麦克米伦高阶〔execute〕a painting executed by an unknown artist一幅出自无名氏艺术家之手的画21世纪英汉〔grey〕the grey anonymous men in government offices 政府部门里那些呆板的无名小卒朗文当代〔hero〕the unsung heroes who drove convoys of aid to Bosnia 运载援助物品到波斯尼亚的无名英雄朗文当代〔inglorious〕an inglorious young writer. 无名的年轻作家美国传统〔innominate〕the innominate vein 无名静脉剑桥高阶〔lightweight〕an intellectual/political/ lightweight 智力平庸的人/政界的无名之辈麦克米伦高阶〔nameless〕a nameless benefactor. 无名捐助者美国传统〔nameless〕a nameless grave 无名墓英汉大词典〔nameless〕a nameless soldier 无名战士剑桥高阶〔nameless〕nameless stars 无名星英汉大词典〔nameless〕nameless stars. 无名的星星美国传统〔nameless〕the nameless dead 无名死者英汉大词典〔nameless〕the work of some nameless 13th century writer 某位 13 世纪无名作家的作品朗文当代〔name〕the group, which is now a political party in all but name. 这一团体,现在是有实无名的政党柯林斯高阶〔name〕the group, which is now a political party in all but name这一团体, 现在是有实无名的政党外研社新世纪〔nobody〕a mere nobody 一个微不足道的无名小卒英汉大词典〔nowhere〕a nowhere town 无名小镇英汉大词典〔obscure〕an obscure island in the Pacific 太平洋中的无名小岛剑桥高阶〔obscure〕an obscure poet.无名诗人。牛津同义词〔obscurity〕a girl who was plucked from obscurity to become a star 从无名之辈一举成为明星的女孩麦克米伦高阶〔poxy〕some poxy band from Denver. 从丹佛来的某个无名乐队柯林斯高阶〔sacred〕a monument sacred to the memory of the Unknown Heroes 无名英雄纪念碑英汉大词典〔smalltime〕a smalltime actor. 无名气的演员美国传统〔unheard-of〕an unheard-of actress 无名女演员英汉大词典〔unheralded〕an unheralded author 无名氏作者英汉大词典〔unidentified〕an unidentified gunman/person/body 身份不明的持枪歹徒/身份不明的人/无名尸体麦克米伦高阶〔unknown soldier〕the tomb of the Unknown Soldier 无名战士墓牛津高阶〔unknown〕cast an unknown in the starring role. 让一名无名小辈担当了主角美国传统〔unmarked〕an unmarked grave 无名冢朗文当代〔unsung〕the unsung heroes of the war 战争中的无名英雄牛津高阶〔upstart〕an upstart who had come from nowhere. 原本是个无名之辈的目中无人的新丁柯林斯高阶〔warrior〕the Unknown Warrior (遗体被选来代表所有阵亡兵士受到国葬的)无名战士英汉大词典




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