

单词 无助于
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔conduce〕Such hasty words will not conduce to a settlement of the dispute.这种不耐烦的话无助于纠纷的解决。21世纪英汉〔crying〕Crying will not help you.哭泣无助于你。文馨英汉〔help〕It doesn't help for unity.这无助于团结英汉大词典〔impression〕Her performance did little to change my impression of her.她的表现基本上无助于改变我对她的印象。牛津搭配〔maladaptive〕Not assisting or promoting adaptation.不利于适应的:无助于或不能促进适应的美国传统〔matter〕Her angry attitude didn't improve matters.她生气的态度无助于事态的好转。麦克米伦高阶〔matter〕Her resignation is not going to help matters.她的辞职无助于解决问题。剑桥高阶〔moan〕Don't moan, it doesn't help solve your problems.别抱怨,那无助于解决你的问题。英汉大词典〔second〕And second, this kind of policy doesn't help to create jobs.其次, 这种政策无助于创造就业机会。外研社新世纪〔second〕And second, this kind of policy doesn't help to create jobs.再者,这种政策无助于创造就业机会。英汉大词典A series of scandals over the past year has not helped public confidence in the government.去年连续的丑闻无助于公众对政府的信心。剑桥国际Nothing serves to explain the violent fighting we have seen recently.任何事都无助于解释我们最近所看到的暴力打斗。剑桥国际Public disputations (= disagreements) between directors do nothing to improve the company's image.董事之间公开有分歧,这无助于改善公司形象。剑桥国际This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club.最近的挫折无助于消除人们对该俱乐部前景不断增加的疑虑。剑桥国际




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