

单词 无准备
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕I wasn't prepared for the discomforts of living in a place with no electricity or running water. 我对居住在无电无水的地方所面临的困苦不适毫无准备。朗文写作活用〔ad-lib〕Throughout the plan she had to ad-lib constantly.在整个计划中她不得不经常无准备地做。21世纪英汉〔catch〕The railway companies had all been caught completely unprepared by the sudden snowfalls.暴风雪突降让毫无准备的铁路公司全都措手不及。麦克米伦高阶〔cold〕He played his part cold.他出演前毫无准备。外研社新世纪〔cold〕I can't just get up there and make a speech cold! 我不能毫无准备就上去演讲!朗文当代〔cold〕She was asked to perform the song cold.她毫无准备就被叫去演奏那首曲子。韦氏高阶〔extempore〕In an extemporaneous manner.无准备的,当场的美国传统〔field〕In South Africa, the early momentum had been sacrificed to the Boers because the British took the field unprepared.在南非, 英军毫无准备仓促上阵, 出师不利, 锋芒遭到布尔人重挫。外研社新世纪〔ill-prepared〕The country was ill-prepared for war.该国对战争毫无准备。朗文当代〔improvise〕To invent, compose, or recite without preparation.即兴创作:无准备地发明、创作或者背诵美国传统〔lamentable〕Lamentably, they were unprepared for the disaster.不幸的是,他们在这场灾难来临时毫无准备。韦氏高阶〔nakedness〕Bevan's appeal against going 'naked into the conference chamber'.贝文“不要毫无准备地走进会议室”的呼吁柯林斯高阶〔prepared〕When she called on me, I wasn't prepared.她拜访我时,我毫无准备。剑桥高阶〔unprepared〕Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.教职员工抱怨说他们的学生对大学的课业毫无准备。外研社新世纪〔unprepared〕He was completely/totally/wholly unprepared for what he saw.他对眼前的场面毫无准备。剑桥高阶〔unprepared〕I was completely unprepared for the heat there.我对那里的炎热毫无准备。麦克米伦高阶〔unprepared〕I was totally unprepared for the challenge which faced me.对于面前的挑战我毫无准备。朗文当代〔unprepared〕She was totally unprepared for his response.她对他的反应毫无准备。牛津高阶〔unprepared〕Students from hot countries are often unprepared for the British climate.来自热带国家的学生往往对英国的气候毫无准备。外研社新世纪〔unprepared〕We were pushed into battle unprepared.我们毫无准备即被推入战斗。英汉大词典〔unprepared〕We were unprepared to handle the crowds.我们毫无准备地去应付人群。韦氏高阶Students from tropical countries are often unprepared for the British climate. 热带国家的学生往往对英国的气候毫无准备。译典通The British were caught napping again. 英国人又一次毫无准备,张皇失措。译典通The storm caught them unprepared. 暴风雨突然袭来,他们毫无准备。译典通This was a contingency (= an event) we had not provided for.这是一起我们毫无准备的意外事件。牛津商务




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