

单词 措施
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PREJUDICED〕measures to tackle the problem of racial prejudice in the police force 警察中处理种族歧视问题的措施朗文写作活用〔accept〕incentives to private landlords to accept young people as tenants. 鼓励私人房东租房给年轻人的措施柯林斯高阶〔belt-tightening〕a belt-tightening measure/move/policy 紧缩措施/行动/政策韦氏高阶〔budgeting〕his readiness to raise taxes as part of an effort to cut the budget deficit. 他已准备把增加税收作为削减预算赤字的措施之一柯林斯高阶〔coercive〕coercive measures/techniques/policies 强制性措施/技术/政策韦氏高阶〔contingency〕contingency measures/plans/arrangements 应急措施/计划/安排麦克米伦高阶〔corruption〕take strict measures against all forms of political corruption 采取严厉措施对付一切形式的政治腐败英汉大词典〔counter〕counter measures 对立措施英汉大词典〔curb〕measures to curb the spread of the virus 控制病毒扩散的措施朗文当代〔deflationary〕deflationary measures 通货紧缩的措施文馨英汉〔discourage〕measures to discourage the use of cars in cities 限制在城市使用汽车的措施麦克米伦高阶〔disorder〕new restrictions aimed at preventing social disorder 旨在防止社会动乱的新限制措施牛津搭配〔draconian〕draconian measures to lower US healthcare costs. 削减美国医疗保健费用的严厉措施柯林斯高阶〔firm〕take firm measures 采取坚决的措施英汉大词典〔fix〕a quick fix for some of the nation's pressing energy needs 对国家某些紧迫的能源需求所作的应急措施英汉大词典〔halfway〕halfway measures. 不完全的措施美国传统〔hedge〕a way of hedging against currency risks 避免货币风险的保值措施牛津高阶〔insurance〕biking helmets that provide insurance against an accident. 为事故提供保护性措施的自行车头盔美国传统〔kill〕a measure designed to kill or cure. 孤注一掷的措施 英汉大词典〔lax〕lax security 松懈的保安措施朗文当代〔lowering〕a package of social measures which included the lowering of the retirement age. 包括降低退休年龄在内的一揽子社会措施柯林斯高阶〔measure〕protective/punitive/preventive measures 保护性/惩罚性/预防性措施韦氏高阶〔precautionary〕precautionary measures 预防措施英汉大词典〔precaution〕precautions against fire 防火措施牛津高阶〔preservative〕need for preservative action 采取保护措施的必要性英汉大词典〔public〕make a public request for more measures for environmental protection 公开要求增加环保措施英汉大词典〔restore〕measures aimed at restoring public confidence in the education system 旨在让公众对教育体制恢复信心的措施朗文当代〔restraint〕new restraints on trade unions约束工会的新措施外研社新世纪〔right〕measures designed to right generations of unfair labor practices. 为修正几代人不公平的劳工条例而制定的措施美国传统〔safety〕measures to improve the health and safety of employees 改善雇员健康状况和安全保障的措施朗文当代〔security〕lax security at airline check-in desks 航空公司办理登机手续柜台松懈的安全措施朗文当代〔smog〕measures to reduce smog 减少烟雾的措施牛津搭配〔stabilize〕government measures to stabilize prices 政府稳定物价的措施牛津高阶〔stem〕measures to stem the flow of illegal drugs遏制非法药物流出的措施外研社新世纪〔step〕steps to counter the drought 抗旱的措施英汉大词典〔stray〕new penalties for owners who allow their dogs to stray 对那些让狗随意乱跑的养狗人的新惩罚措施牛津搭配〔strengthen〕measures to strengthen the economy 改善经济的措施朗文当代〔undesirable〕security measures to keep out undesirables 阻止不良分子的保安措施朗文当代measures to control an inflationary spiral 控制通货膨胀恶性循环的措施牛津商务ways of minimizing costs/losses/risk 降低成本/损失/风险的措施牛津商务




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