

单词 残酷的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕I think it's cruel to keep dogs locked up inside all day. 我认为整天把狗关起来是残酷的。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕The electric chair is possibly the cruellest method of execution. 电椅可能是最残酷的处决方式。朗文写作活用〔Draconian〕Draconian forms of punishment 残酷的惩罚形式英汉大词典〔FAIL〕She soon realized she'd never make it in the cut-throat world of journalism. 她很快就意识到,在这竞争残酷的新闻界,她永远都不会成功。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕He was capable of making the most ruthless decisions with no apparent pangs of conscience. 他能作出最残酷的决定,丝毫看不出有良心上的不安。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕Disgust at cruel sports has come to be a common feature of British life. 痛恶残酷的运动已成了英国人生活中的共同特点。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕He felt that his son needed to learn some hard lessons about life. 他感到儿子在生活上需要吸取一些残酷的教训。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Concerns about cruel farming methods converted her to vegetarianism. 对于残酷的畜牧方法的关注使她转变成了素食主义者。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕It was a senseless and cruel murder. 这是一桩无谓而残酷的凶杀案。朗文写作活用〔abominate〕He abominates cruelty of all kinds.他痛恨一切残酷的行为。剑桥高阶〔barbarian〕A fierce, brutal, or cruel person.凶暴、粗野或残酷的人美国传统〔bend〕These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs.这些残酷的刑具是用来阻止犯人弯腿的。柯林斯高阶〔bloody〕It was a long and bloody battle and many men were killed.那是一场漫长而残酷的战斗,死了许多人。剑桥高阶〔conceive〕I can't conceive (= it is too shocking to imagine) how anyone could behave so cruelly.我不能想象有人竟然能做出如此残酷的事情。剑桥高阶〔confined〕It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces.把动物关在狭小的空间里是残酷的。牛津高阶〔cruelly〕She was cruelly deceived.她受到残酷的欺骗。文馨英汉〔cruelty〕The quality or condition of being cruel.残忍,残酷:残忍、残酷的性质或状态美国传统〔cruel〕Children can be cruel, as any child who has been made fun of by others knows.任何被人取笑过的小孩都知道,孩子们也有残酷的一面。韦氏高阶〔cruel〕Closing the school would be a cruel blow to this community.关闭学校对于这个社区将是一个残酷的打击。麦克米伦高阶〔cruel〕For a non-smoker, healthy and active, it was a cruel blow.这对于一个从不吸烟、身体健康而又充满活力的人来说是一个残酷的打击。外研社新世纪〔cruel〕It is a very useful defence to have in a very cruel world.在这样一个残酷的世界里, 这是一种很有用的防御手段。外研社新世纪〔cruel〕It's a cruel world.这是一个残酷的世界。麦克米伦高阶〔dead〕That cruel man is dead to pity.那个残酷的人亳无怜悯之心。文馨英汉〔deception〕The whole episode had been a cruel deception.整个经历都是残酷的骗局。牛津高阶〔destiny〕Destiny is sometimes cruel.命运之神有时是残酷的。英汉大词典〔destitution〕The people were reduced to destitution by this cruel exploitation.这种残酷的剥削使人民陷入贫困。英汉大词典〔expansionism〕He was a ruthless expansionist.他是个残酷的扩张主义者。牛津高阶〔exploit〕The workers are ruthlessly exploited by their employers.工人受到雇主残酷的剥削。牛津搭配〔fate〕Anne accepted the cruel hand that fate had dealt her.安妮接受了残酷的命运。牛津搭配〔fate〕Fate has dealt these people a cruel blow.上天让这些人遭受了残酷的打击。麦克米伦高阶〔fate〕It seemed a cruel twist of fate that the composer should have died so young.这位作曲家英年早逝似乎是残酷的宿命。牛津搭配〔foul〕Murder is a foul deed.谋杀是残酷的行为。英汉大词典〔fulminate〕Many people are fulminating against the cruelty of blood sports.许多人愤怒地反对残酷的流血娱乐。21世纪英汉〔harshly〕The harsh truth is that luck plays a big part in who will live or die.残酷的事实是,谁死谁活在很大程度上要靠运气。柯林斯高阶〔harsh〕She was told that her husband was receiving harsh treatment in prison.她被告知自己的丈夫在狱中受到残酷的折磨。外研社新世纪〔harsh〕The harsh truth of it is that luck plays a big part in who will live or die.残酷的事实是生死在很大程度上取决于运气。外研社新世纪〔hate〕He was a cruel tyrant who was hated and feared by his people.他是一个残酷的暴君,他的臣民对他既恨又怕。韦氏高阶〔hoax〕She was the victim of a cruel hoax.她是一个残酷的骗局的受害者。韦氏高阶〔hound〕He said he had been cruelly hounded in the concenration camp.他说他在集中营曾受到残酷的迫害。21世纪英汉〔ill〕Harmful; cruel.有害的;残酷的美国传统〔imaginable〕He had been subjected to the most terrible abuse imaginable.他遭受了能想象得到的最残酷的虐待。麦克米伦高阶〔inhuman〕The prisoners were subjected to inhuman treatment.囚犯遭到了极其残酷的虐待。麦克米伦高阶〔inhuman〕The refugees had suffered degrading and inhuman treatment.难民遭受了侮辱性和残酷的待遇。朗文当代〔innocent〕I was a complete innocent in the cutthroat world of high finance.我在竞争残酷的金融圈里算是个完全无知的人。麦克米伦高阶〔irony〕By a cruel irony, General Franklin was killed at the very moment of his army's great victory.真是个残酷的讽刺,富兰克林将军被害时正是他的军队取得伟大胜利之时。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕For many people, make do and mend (=when someone manages with the things they have and does not buy anything new) was a harsh reality.对许多人而言,勉强度日是残酷的现实。朗文当代〔mal-〕The animals were seriously maltreated.这些动物遭到残酷的虐待。柯林斯高阶〔massacre〕To kill indiscriminately and wantonly; slaughter.大屠杀;屠宰:大规模且残酷的屠杀;杀戮美国传统〔mean〕Cruel, spiteful, or malicious.残酷的、可恶的或怀有恶意的美国传统〔merciless〕Having no mercy; cruel.无怜悯之心的;残酷的美国传统〔mock〕It is cruel to mock at the afflicted.嘲弄苦恼人是残酷的。英汉大词典〔ogre〕A person who is felt to be particularly cruel, brutish, or hideous.可怕的人,残酷的人:让人感到特别残忍、野蛮或可怕的人美国传统〔oxymoron〕The phrase “cruel kindness” is an oxymoron.“残酷的仁慈”用了矛盾修辞法。韦氏高阶〔persecute〕Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.这些教派的教徒们遭到了残酷的迫害和镇压。英汉大词典〔reality〕The book confronts the harsh social and political realities of the world today.这本书直面当今世界残酷的社会和政治现实。剑桥高阶〔reality〕The harsh reality was that she doesn't reciprocate his love.残酷的事实是她对他的爱情无动于衷。英汉大词典〔remorseless〕Unyielding; relentless.不屈服的;残酷的美国传统〔retreat〕I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life.我认为人们所居住的房子应该能让他们远离残酷的现实生活。外研社新世纪〔retreat〕I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life.我认为人们所居住的房子应该能让他们远离残酷的现实生活。柯林斯高阶〔rival〕He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power.他在一场残酷的权力争斗中将对手一一铲除。柯林斯高阶〔rival〕He eliminated his rivals in a struggle for power.他在一场残酷的权力争斗中将对手一一铲除。外研社新世纪〔standard〕Many early child-rearing practices were cruel by modern standards .许多早期的育儿方法按现代标准来看是残酷的。朗文当代〔stark〕The stark choice is between moving out or staying here and paying more.搬出去还是付更多的钱住在这里是个残酷的选择。麦克米伦高阶〔stark〕Too many community leaders seem unable to grasp this stark reality.似乎有太多的社区领导人无法理解这个残酷的现实。麦克米伦高阶〔stark〕We are faced with a stark choice.我们面临残酷的选择。朗文当代〔stop short of sth〕I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth.我差一点把残酷的真相告诉他。剑桥高阶〔suppress〕Political dissent was brutally suppressed.持不同政见者遭到了残酷的镇压。韦氏高阶〔suppress〕The rebellion was brutally suppressed.叛乱遭到了残酷的镇压。牛津高阶〔suppress〕The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed.起义遭到了残酷的镇压。朗文当代〔torment〕The prisoners would soon suffer worse torments.囚犯们很快就要遭受更为残酷的折磨。麦克米伦高阶〔truculence〕Ferociously cruel actions or behavior.凶猛,残忍:狂暴残酷的行径美国传统〔truth〕Almost at the end of the letter the cruel truth emerged.在信的结尾处终于道出了残酷的事实。牛津搭配〔tyrant〕An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.压迫的,残酷的,专横的人美国传统〔wake〕It's time you woke up to the fact that it's a tough world.你该清醒了,这是一个残酷的世界。朗文当代〔wanton〕Gratuitously cruel; merciless.残酷的:无缘无故地残忍的;冷酷无情的美国传统〔world〕I wouldn't want to bring a child into this cruel world.我不想把孩子生到这个残酷的世界上。麦克米伦高阶〔writing〕The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.该作品带有残酷的强悍和野性的幽默感。柯林斯高阶He had presided over a brutal regime in which thousands of people had‘disappeared’in mysterious circumstances.在他残酷的统治下,成千的人神秘“失踪”。剑桥国际How could she have made such a cruel joke about his lame leg--I think it was totally uncalled for.她怎么能对他的跛腿开这么残酷的玩笑----我认为那是完全不恰当的。剑桥国际Human beings have always been cruellest to their own kind (= other human beings).人对其同类总是最残酷的。剑桥国际I can't conceive (=It is too shocking to imagine) how anyone could behave so cruelly. 我不能想象一个人竟能做出如此残酷的事情。剑桥国际I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth but only just.我差点把残酷的事实告诉他,真是只差一点。剑桥国际Quarrels between rival gangs have led to a series of brutal killings.敌对帮派之间的争吵导致了一系列残酷的谋杀。剑桥国际She was at the mercy of her cruel husband. 她任凭残酷的丈夫摆布。译典通The brutal military regime has struck terror into the whole population.残酷的军事统治使全体民众感到恐惧。剑桥国际The country is ruled by a ruthless dictator.那个国家被残酷的独裁者统治着。剑桥国际The film contains some very violent scenes, so some cuts were made (=some parts were removed) when it was shown on television.这部电影里有些残酷的暴力场面,因此在电视上播映以前做了些删剪。剑桥国际The occupiers were driven out after fierce street fighting.在残酷的街道战后,占领者被驱逐了出去。剑桥国际The towns near the border have suffered some of the worst bombing.靠近边境的城镇已经遭受了几次最残酷的轰炸。剑桥国际




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