

单词 收音
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HEAR〕Could you turn the radio up - I can't hear the news. 请把收音机调响一点—我听不到新闻。!朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕Above the music on the radio was an annoying, high-pitched whistle. 盖过收音机里放出的音乐声的,是恼人的尖锐口哨声。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕I'd done food shopping and had barely gotten to the door, when Debbie asked if I'd been listening to the radio. 我去商店买好食品刚到家门口,戴比就问我是不是听了收音机广播。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕A radio was blaring out pop music. 一台收音机里高声播放着流行音乐。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕Pop music blasted out from her radio. 她的收音机大声地播放着流行音乐。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕We sat in the car with the radio on, crawling along behind a long line of other cars. 我们坐在汽车里开着收音机,跟在一条汽车长龙后面徐徐而行。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Do you have a radio in your car? 你的汽车里有收音机吗?朗文写作活用〔a touch〕Can you turn up the radio a touch more? 你能把收音机的音量稍微调大一点吗?韦氏高阶〔attach ... to〕He attached an aerial (或 antenna) to the radio.他把收音机装上天线。21世纪英汉〔attach〕I attached a wire (to the radio).我(在收音机上)接了一根电线。英汉大词典〔blare〕The radio has been blaring out that dreadful music all day.收音机整天刺耳地播着那讨厌的音乐。麦克米伦高阶〔blast away〕Clock-radios blast away until you get up.收音机闹钟会一直响到你起床为止。柯林斯高阶〔bleep〕The radio bleeps ten o'clock.收音机以嘟嘟的信号报告10点钟。英汉大词典〔box〕A very large portable radio.箱式收音机:可移动的大型收音机美国传统〔break〕My radio is broken.我的收音机坏了。英汉大词典〔buttonhole〕A voice from our radio buttonholed us.收音机里的声音把我们吸引住了。英汉大词典〔calibrate〕We should first calibrate the radio set.我们应该首先对收音机进行调谐。21世纪英汉〔change〕I paid £80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse.我花80英镑让人把我车上的收音机修了修,可我敢肯定,他们只是换了根保险丝。柯林斯高阶〔clock radio〕A radio having a built-in alarm clock that can be set to turn the radio on automatically.附带时钟收音机,收音机闹钟:一种具有内设警钟,可以设定时间自动打开的收音机美国传统〔complaint〕We've had complaints that you've been playing your radio too loud.我们接到投诉说你们的收音机音量开得太大。剑桥高阶〔connect〕We'll have to connect these wires to make the radio work.我们必须把这些电线接起来使收音机工作。外研社新世纪〔crackle〕The radio crackled again.收音机又吱吱啦啦地响了起来。柯林斯高阶〔crackle〕The radio crackled into life.收音机嘎嘎地响了起来。牛津高阶〔crackle〕The radio started to crackle.收音机开始发出噼里啪啦的声响。剑桥高阶〔crackly〕The radio was faint and crackly.收音机的声音很微弱,还噼啪乱响。麦克米伦高阶〔dead spot〕A zone within the range of a radio transmitter where little or no radio signal can be received.死点,静点:在收音机转播范围内,不能或只能收到一点无线电信号的地区美国传统〔dial〕A movable control knob or other device on a radio or television receiver used to change the frequency.调谐钮:收音机或电视机用来转换频率的转动控制钮或其它装置美国传统〔dial〕He dialled in the central station on the radio.他在收音机上调中央广播电台。21世纪英汉〔digital radio〕Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.制造商正在研制价格更便宜的新一代数字收音机。柯林斯高阶〔flick〕He flicked on the car radio.他打开了车上的收音机。麦克米伦高阶〔flick〕The device, with the flick of a switch, can function as a radio.只要轻按开关, 该装置就可以当收音机用。外研社新世纪〔gat;got〕Can you get VOA on your radio?你的收音机能收听到美国之音吗?21世纪英汉〔guarantee〕The radio is guaranteed for twelve months.收音机保修12个月。21世纪英汉〔have〕I have my own radio.我有自己的收音机。牛津同义词〔have〕While I was working, I had the radio on.工作时我开着收音机。外研社新世纪〔headphone〕A receiver, as for a telephone, radio, or stereo, held to the ear by a headband.头戴式受话器,耳机:用头环套在耳朵上的用于接收电话、收音机或立体声等的接受器美国传统〔hear〕He heard it on the radio.他在收音机里听到的。韦氏高阶〔interfere〕Does the vacuum cleaner interfere with radio or TV? 真空吸尘器干扰收音机和电视机吗?英汉大词典〔lip-synch〕He lip-synched the song that was playing on the radio.他对口型假唱了收音机正播放的那首歌。韦氏高阶〔listen〕He sat at the radio set, eagerly listening for bulletins.他坐在收音机前,急切地等着听新闻公报。英汉大词典〔low〕I had the radio on low.我把收音机音量调得很低。朗文当代〔low〕The radio batteries are running low.收音机的电池快用完了。剑桥高阶〔majority〕The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.大多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视多于听收音机。牛津高阶〔mind〕Would you mind turning (= please turn) your radio down a little please? 请你将收音机的声音调小一些好吗?剑桥高阶〔morning〕The people next door play their radio from morning till night.隔壁邻居把收音机从早开到晚。英汉大词典〔most〕All of the rooms have private baths, and most have radios and TV.所有房间都自带浴室,大部分房间有收音机和电视机。柯林斯高阶〔muchness〕The songs you hear on the radio these days all sound much of a muchness.现如今,收音机里播放的歌都大同小异。剑桥高阶〔net〕A radio, television, or telephone network.网路:收音机、电视或电话通信网美国传统〔nuts〕Turn that radio off. It's driving me nuts (=annoying me very much) .把那收音机关掉,吵得我快发疯了。朗文当代〔off〕The radio can work off batteries or mains electricity.这种收音机既可以用电池播放也可以插电。外研社新世纪〔off〕The radio is off.收音机没打开。韦氏高阶〔one〕With this model you get a radio, CD player, and MP3 dock all in one.这种型号的产品将收音机、CD播放机和MP3播放器接口集于一体。剑桥高阶〔over〕I learned the news over the radio.我是从收音机听到这个消息的。21世纪英汉〔over〕We heard the news over the radio.我们是从收音机里听到这个消息的。剑桥高阶〔pick sth up〕Can you pick up (= receive broadcasts from) Moscow on your radio? 你的收音机能收到莫斯科的广播吗?剑桥高阶〔pip〕She turned on the radio and heard the five o'clock pips.她打开收音机,听到了5点钟的报时音。剑桥高阶〔play〕Passengers must not play radios or cassettes.旅客不得开收音机或录音机。英汉大词典〔play〕The bedside radio played softly.床边的收音机播放着轻柔的乐曲。朗文当代〔properly〕I can't concentrate properly with the radio on.收音机开着我没法集中精力。外研社新世纪〔radio〕Do you mind if I play the radio? 我开收音机会妨碍你吗? 英汉大词典〔radio〕The radio was playing very loudly.这台收音机播放的声音很大。韦氏高阶〔radio〕There's a problem with the car's radio.这辆车的收音机出了问题。韦氏高阶〔settle〕She settled (herself) down in a chair with a cup of tea, and turned on the radio.她泡了一杯茶在椅子里坐下,然后打开收音机。英汉大词典〔set〕The thunderstorm set the radio crackling.雷雨使收音机发出噼噼啪啪的声音。剑桥高阶〔smash〕He smashed the radio to pieces.他啪的一声把收音机摔得稀巴烂。牛津高阶〔song〕She knew the words to every song that came on the radio.她知道收音机播放的每首歌的歌词。麦克米伦高阶〔song〕The song was playing on the radio.当时收音机正在播放这首歌。韦氏高阶〔stupid〕I can't get this stupid radio to work.我无法弄响这台讨厌的收音机。朗文当代〔throwing〕On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother.他父亲曾有一次拎起收音机砸向他的母亲。柯林斯高阶〔transistor〕A transistor radio.晶体管收音机美国传统〔transmission〕There will be simultaneous transmission of the concert on TV and radio.电视和收音机将同步转播这场音乐会。牛津搭配〔tune〕His radio is constantly tuned to KROQ-FM, the local rock station.他的收音机总是锁定在当地摇滚乐台 KROQ-FM上。剑桥高阶〔tune〕She tuned the radio to a classical station.她把收音机调到古典音乐电台。外研社新世纪〔tune〕The radio was tuned (in) to the BBC World Service.收音机调到了英国广播公司国际广播电台。牛津高阶〔turn off〕I have to get up and turn off the radio.我必须起床关上收音机。柯林斯高阶〔turn up〕Could you turn up the radio?你能把收音机的声音开大点儿吗?外研社新世纪〔turn〕Turn up (the volume on) the radio.把收音机开响些。英汉大词典〔twiddle with〕Frank twiddled with the knobs of the radio.弗兰克转动收音机的旋钮。外研社新世纪〔useless〕Water had got into the radio, and now it was completely useless.收音机进了水,完全不能用了。朗文当代〔whistle〕I heard this song on the radio and I've been whistling it all day.我在收音机里听到这首歌,都吹了一整天的口哨了。朗文当代A radio is an accessory to a car. 收音机是汽车的附件。译典通He ripped the radio off yesterday.他昨天偷走了这台收音机。剑桥国际I bought a reasonably priced (= not expensive) radio.我买了台不算贵的收音机。剑桥国际I heard a good programme on the radio last night.昨晚我在收音机里听到了一档好节目。剑桥国际I heard an interesting snippet on the radio this morning.今天早上我从收音机里听到一有趣的片断。剑桥国际I heard the news over the radio.我们从收音机里听到这个新闻。剑桥国际I really need a double socket so I can use the kettle and the radio at the same time.我真的需要一个双插座,这样我就能够同时使用水壶和收音机。剑桥国际I returned the useless radio to the shop where I bought it and demanded/got a refund.我把那台坏的收音机退还给我购买它的商店并要求/得到了退款。剑桥国际I usually have the radio on for company.我通常打开收音机为伴。剑桥国际I usually set my watch (= make it show the right time) by the time signal on the radio.我通常是按收音机里的报时信号对表。剑桥国际I've brought my radio to the office so I can listen to the cricket.我把收音机带到办公室,这样我就能收听板球比赛。剑桥国际It was one of those wartime scenes of a whole family sitting around a wireless.全家人围坐在一台收音机前是那些战争年代的景象之一。剑桥国际She set her clock (=put it to the right time) by the time signal on the radio.她根据收音机的报时信号对表。剑桥国际She turned on the radio and heard the five o'clock pips.她打开收音机听到了五点的报时信号音。剑桥国际There is nothing I like better than (= I very much like) lying in bed on Sunday morning, listening to the radio.没有什么比在星期天上午躺在床上听收音机更舒服的了。剑桥国际There's an annoying hum on this radio.这台收音机发出一阵讨厌的嗡嗡声。剑桥国际There's so much static on this radio I can't hear what they're saying.这收音机的静电干扰太强我听不见他们在说什么。剑桥国际Transistors are safe to use because they only need low voltage.晶体管收音机使用安全,因为它们只需要很低的电压。剑桥国际Twiddle a dial/knob on a radio in Britain and you may hear more voices speaking crackly French or German than English.在英国旋弄收音机的旋钮,你可能听到更多人清脆地讲法语或德语, 而不是英语。剑桥国际You can pick up a lot of stations on the car radio but the sound is usually a bit fuzzy.你在汽车的收音机里可以收听到许多台,但声音通常是模糊不清。剑桥国际




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