

单词 收集
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔antique〕an antique collector/dealer/shop 古董收集者/商/店韦氏高阶〔army〕data collected by an army of volunteers. 由大批志愿者收集的资料柯林斯高阶〔assemble〕to assemble evidence/data 收集证据╱数据牛津高阶〔bag〕bag anecdotes 收集掌故英汉大词典〔browse〕browsed through the record collection for items of interest. 大致看一下收集的唱片,想找自己感兴趣的美国传统〔card〕a collection of recipe cards 收集的一批食谱卡片麦克米伦高阶〔collection〕a computerized data collection system 计算机化的数据收集系统朗文当代〔collection〕a stamp collection 一批收集的邮票麦克米伦高阶〔collect〕to collect data/evidence/information 收集资料╱证据╱信息牛津高阶〔collect〕water tanks which collect rainwater from the house roof从屋顶收集雨水的水箱外研社新世纪〔compile〕compile data 收集资料英汉大词典〔cutting〕collect cuttings about the royal family 收集有关王族的剪报英汉大词典〔discard〕a collection of automotive discards 一批收集在一起的废弃汽车英汉大词典〔dredge〕to dredge for long forgotten scandals收集陈年丑闻21世纪英汉〔dual-purpose〕a dual-purpose lawn-raking and leaf-collecting machine 草坪耙扫和树叶收集两用机器剑桥高阶〔folklore〕a folklorist who has collected many folktales 收集了很多民间故事的民俗学家韦氏高阶〔garbage〕garbage collection; a garbage disposal. 垃圾收集;垃圾处理美国传统〔gatherer〕professional intelligence gatherers. 专业情报收集员柯林斯高阶〔gather〕collects antiques; 收集古物;美国传统〔gleanings〕the gleanings of patient scholars. 耐心的学者一点点收集的结晶美国传统〔grist〕local news grist collected in police stations and schools 从警察局和学校收集来的有价值的当地新闻材料英汉大词典〔heist〕heisted the collection of jewels from the museum. 从博物馆偷窃收集的珠宝美国传统〔house-to-house〕a house-to-house collection/search 挨家收集╱搜查牛津高阶〔magpie〕a person with a magpie instinct for collecting scraps of information 生来喜欢收集琐闻的人英汉大词典〔mania〕a mania for collecting things.收集东西的癖好。牛津同义词〔manuscript〕a manuscript collection 手稿收集麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕monitor the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions 检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据英汉大词典〔music〕collections of jazz, country, rock and other musics 所收集的爵士、乡村、摇滚以及其他乐种的音乐英汉大词典〔objective〕a search for objective data 客观数据的收集英汉大词典〔oceanographic〕data gathered by an oceanographic ship 海洋调查船所收集的数据英汉大词典〔paper〕papers A collection of letters, diaries, and other writings, especially by one person: papers 文集:书信、日记和其它作品的收集,尤指一个人的:美国传统〔pick-up〕trash pick-up 垃圾收集朗文当代〔pick〕pick up news from all sources 从各方面收集消息 英汉大词典〔prime〕prime oneself with useful information 为自己收集有用的信息英汉大词典〔refuse〕refuse collection 垃圾收集朗文当代〔scoop in〕to scoop in stamps收集邮票21世纪英汉〔shard〕gather a few shards of information 收集几则零星消息英汉大词典〔upgather〕upgather information 收集信息英汉大词典〔work〕works The output of a writer, an artist, or a musician considered or collected as a whole: works 作品:作家、画家或音乐家被收集为或看作一个整体的作品:美国传统data collection 数据收集牛津商务




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