

单词 拜占庭式
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕Byzantine architecture 拜占庭式建筑(在五、六世纪以Byzantium为中心兴盛一时的样式)文馨英汉〔Byzantine〕Of or relating to the ancient city of Byzantium.拜占庭式的:古拜占庭城的或与其有关的美国传统〔Byzantine〕They are playing some little Byzantine game.他们在搞某种拜占庭式的阴谋诡计。英汉大词典〔Gothic〕The images were Gothic or Byzantine rather than classical.这些形象属哥特式或者拜占庭式而非古典式。柯林斯高阶〔Gothic〕The images were Gothic or Byzantine rather than classical.这些画像是哥特式或拜占庭式的, 而非古典式的。外研社新世纪〔Melkite〕A member of a Christian church using the Byzantine rite and belonging to the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, or Jerusalem, especially a Uniat Christian.东仪天主教徒:采用拜占庭式仪式的基督教派之教徒,这些教派属亚历山大主教府、安提阿主教府或耶路撒冷主教府管辖,尤指合并教派之基督教徒美国传统〔narthex〕A portico or lobby of an early Christian or Byzantine church or basilica, originally separated from the nave by a railing or screen.教堂的西门廊:早期基督教或拜占庭式教堂或罗马天主教长方形教堂的西门廊或门厅,早期用围栏或屏幕与中殿分开美国传统




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