

单词 政界
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔POLITICS〕an important figure in the world of politics 一位政界要人朗文写作活用〔bailiwick〕be highly successful in the political bailiwick 在政界飞黄腾达英汉大词典〔banishment〕banishment from political and industrial life. 受逐退出政界和产业界柯林斯高阶〔battlefield〕a political battlefield 政界激烈争执的领域韦氏高阶〔big shot〕a big shot in local politics 当地政界的要人韦氏高阶〔bow〕bow out of politics 退出政界英汉大词典〔business〕representatives from business and politics 来自商界和政界的代表麦克米伦高阶〔consort〕a politician known to consort with gangsters. 一名被确证与匪徒有来往的政界人物美国传统〔democracy〕the need to overcome political apathy and advance on the road to democracy 克服政界的淡漠以及推动民主进程的需要牛津搭配〔dropout〕a political dropout 退出政界者英汉大词典〔endorsable〕to endorse a political candidate支持某一政界候选人21世纪英汉〔end〕the violent end of some political leaders 某些政界领导人的横死英汉大词典〔fat cat〕political fat cats 政界大腕韦氏高阶〔flush〕go flush from school into politics 从学校毕业后直接进入政界英汉大词典〔foray〕her first forays into politics. 她首次涉足政界柯林斯高阶〔graft〕another politician accused of graft. 又一位被控贪污的政界人物柯林斯高阶〔green〕the greening of British politics 使英国政界增加环保意识的过程牛津高阶〔guard〕political leaders guarded by the police 由警方保衞的政界领袖们牛津高阶〔handpicked〕the King's handpicked political leaders 国王一手提拔的政界头目英汉大词典〔heavyweight〕a political heavyweight 政界要人牛津高阶〔important〕an important man of politics 政界要人英汉大词典〔lightweight〕an intellectual/political/ lightweight 智力平庸的人/政界的无名之辈麦克米伦高阶〔luminary〕political luminaries 政界名人英汉大词典〔mudslinger〕a political mudslinger 政界中的诽谤者韦氏高阶〔neophyte〕a neophyte at politics. 初涉政界的人美国传统〔novice〕a political novice 政界新人英汉大词典〔opinion〕legal/medical/political opinion(= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) 法学界╱医学界╱政界的观点牛津高阶〔opt〕opt out of politics 退出政界英汉大词典〔pre-eminence〕his fifty years as the pre-eminent political figure in the country. 他50年来一直都是这个国家政界的显赫人物柯林斯高阶〔private〕a politician's private life 政界人物的私生活牛津高阶〔prominent〕a prominent politician.着名的政界人物。牛津同义词〔publicize〕her highly publicized affair with a leading politician 她与一位政界头面人物广为人知的风流韵事牛津搭配〔reach〕the higher reaches of the political world 政界高层英汉大词典〔small-fry〕a small-fry politician 无足轻重的政界人物英汉大词典〔sphere〕the political sphere 政界牛津高阶〔splashy〕a splashy return to politics 惹人注目地返回政界麦克米伦高阶〔star〕a rising young political star 政界年轻的后起之秀英汉大词典〔unforgiving〕the harsh, unforgiving world of politics严酷无情的政界外研社新世纪〔virtuoso〕a virtuoso political leader 杰出的政界领袖英汉大词典〔world〕the political world 政界英汉大词典




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