

单词 捞起
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK FOR〕The murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was found when police dragged a nearby pond. 警方用拖网在附近的一个池塘里打捞起了凶器,是一把菜刀。朗文写作活用〔bone〕She scooped the chicken bones back into the stewpot.她拿勺捞起鸡骨头放回了炖锅里。柯林斯高阶〔dredge〕The police dredged up the body from the muddy river.警方从浑浊的河水中捞起尸体。英汉大词典〔fish〕The body was fished out of the East River a week later.一星期后,尸体从伊斯特河里被打捞起来。朗文当代〔fish〕They fished a dead body out of the river.他们从河里捞起了一具尸体。牛津高阶〔scoop〕She scooped up the money John had left.她一把捞起约翰留下的钱。英汉大词典〔skim〕He skimmed the leaves from the pool.他捞起了水池里的树叶。韦氏高阶〔survivor〕The navy helped pick up the survivors.海军帮忙捞起了幸存者。牛津搭配〔swam〕He dredged a bottle up that swam on the water.他捞起漂浮在水面的一只瓶子。21世纪英汉〔wreck〕They're going to try and raise the wreck from the sea bed.他们将设法从海底捞起失事船只残骸。牛津搭配They dredged up (= brought to the surface) the man's clothes but not his body.他们打捞起那个男人的衣服,却没有他的尸体。剑桥国际




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