

单词 捕捉
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔coarse fishing〕to go coarse fishing 去捕捉杂鱼牛津高阶〔descry〕descried a message of hope in her words. 从她的话中捕捉到一丝希望(的讯息)美国传统〔elusive〕a rare and elusive bird 珍稀且难以捕捉的鸟麦克米伦高阶〔freshly〕freshly caught fish 新捕捉的鱼麦克米伦高阶〔greatness〕her sense of colour and great eye for detail. 她对颜色的感觉和捕捉细节的非凡眼力柯林斯高阶〔hawk〕a bird hawking after insects 捕捉昆虫的飞鸟英汉大词典〔photography〕the shifting clouds caught in time-lapse photography 延时摄影捕捉到的浮云牛津搭配〔radiation〕trap and store radiation from the sun 捕捉并贮存太阳辐射能 英汉大词典〔snare〕to snare animals.设陷阱捕捉动物。牛津同义词〔trap〕a trap to catch someone or something.捕捉某人或某物的陷阱。牛津同义词〔trap〕lay [set] a trap for ... [to catch ... ] 设陷阱以捕捉…;设计诱陷…。文馨英汉〔trap〕trap a wood 在树林中设置捕捉机文馨英汉〔trap〕trap foxes 设陷阱捕捉狐狸文馨英汉〔underbelly〕photographs that capture the underbelly of the United States – its poverty, its injustice, and its alienated underclass 捕捉到美国社会中贫穷、不公正以及被孤立的底层阶级等阴暗面的照片朗文当代




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