

单词 捐赠者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕The Cranstons are among the museum's most generous donors. 克兰斯顿夫妇是博物馆最慷慨的捐赠者之一。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕A blood test will show if you are a possible bone marrow donor. 做个血液化验就可以验出你是不是合适的骨髓捐赠者。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕Becoming a donor is a simple process, but many people remain reluctant. 成为器官捐赠者的程序很简单,但是很多人还是不情愿。朗文写作活用〔acknowledgement〕The benefit to the donor was an acknowledgment of the donation in a printed bulletin.捐赠者被印入捐赠公示榜以示感谢。柯林斯高阶〔anonymous〕The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.这笔钱来自一位不愿透露姓名的捐赠者。剑桥高阶〔compassion fatigue〕Some donors, battered by so many appeals for help, may find themselves battling compassion fatigue.面对如此之多的求助,有些捐赠者可能会产生“同情疲劳”。朗文当代〔donee〕The recipient of a gift.接受捐赠者美国传统〔donor〕An anonymous donor (=whose name is unknown) has given £500 towards the restoration fund.一个匿名捐赠者向重建基金捐了五百英镑。朗文当代〔donor〕One that contributes something, such as money, to a cause or fund.捐赠者:赠送钱等物品给一个基金会的人美国传统〔donor〕She is one of the charity's main donors.她是这一慈善机构的主要捐赠者之一。牛津高阶〔donor〕The kidney transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor is found.找到适当的捐赠者就施行肾脏移植。文馨英汉〔generous〕The committee expressed thanks to everyone for their generous donations.委员会向所有慷慨捐赠者表达了谢意。麦克米伦高阶〔go under〕The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months.除非能在今后几个月中找到一位捐赠者慷慨解囊,否则这家慈善机构将会倒闭。剑桥高阶〔inscribe〕Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.一些美术馆把捐赠者的姓名镌刻在墙上以示纪念。外研社新世纪〔prefer〕The donor prefers to remain anonymous.捐赠者希望自己的姓名不被公开。牛津高阶〔put sth up〕The money for the new hospital was put up by an anonymous donor.建造新医院的资金是一位匿名捐赠者提供的。剑桥高阶〔receiver〕Molly's more of a giver than a receiver.莫利是捐赠者而不是接收者。牛津高阶〔romance〕The museum's director spends a lot of time romancing potential donors.博物馆的馆长花了很多时间讨好潜在的捐赠者。韦氏高阶〔transplant〕There is a shortage of donors for liver transplants.缺少肝脏移植的器官捐赠者。麦克米伦高阶Donors will receive ten comp tickets to all productions.捐赠者将得到十张所有作品的免费票。牛津商务Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor, the charity was able to continue its work.多亏一位匿名捐赠者的大笔捐献,慈善会才得以继续工作。剑桥国际The money to build the new hospital was put up by an anonymous donor.建造新医院的钱是由一位不愿透露姓名的捐赠者提供的。剑桥国际




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