

单词 捐献者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GIVE〕The patient needs a liver transplant, and the search has begun for a suitable donor. 病人需要做肝脏移植手术,而寻找合适器官捐献者的工作已经开始。朗文写作活用〔anonymous〕The donor wishes to remain anonymous.捐献者不愿透露姓名。韦氏高阶〔contributory〕One that contributes.捐献者:捐款或捐献的人美国传统〔crudely〕The donors can be split – a little crudely – into two groups.捐献者可以大致分为两组。外研社新世纪〔crudely〕The donors can be split — a little crudely — into two groups.捐献者可以大致分为两组。柯林斯高阶〔donor〕Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.医生从捐献者体内取出健康的肾脏。柯林斯高阶〔donor〕Some patients die before a suitable donor is found.在找到合适的器官捐献者之前有些病人就死去了。朗文当代〔donor〕The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found.一找到合适的捐献者即可进行心脏移植手术。牛津高阶〔donor〕The hospital is searching for a bone marrow donor for the child.医院正在为这个小孩寻找骨髓捐献者。麦克米伦高阶〔donor〕The operation will go ahead as soon as a suitable donor can be found.一找到合适的器官捐献者就进行手术。牛津搭配〔graft-versus-host disease〕A pathological condition in which cells from the transplanted tissue of a donor initiate an immunologic attack on the cells and tissue of the recipient.移植物抗宿主症:一种病症,即捐献者的移植组织的细胞引发了对接受者细胞和组织的免疫排斥美国传统〔list〕By July the list had grown to approximately 350 contributors.到 7 月,捐献者名单已经增加到约 350 人。牛津搭配〔marrow〕The marrow donor is her 14-month-old sister.骨髓捐献者是她14个月大的妹妹。柯林斯高阶〔organ〕The Health Service has a register of potential organ donors.社会保健服务中心对可能的器官捐献者作了登记。麦克米伦高阶〔plasmapheresis〕A process in which plasma is taken from donated blood and the remaining components, mostly red blood cells, are returned to the donor.血浆除去法:从捐献者的血液中提取血浆,将剩余的成份,大多数是红血球,返还给献血者的一种方法美国传统〔recipient〕One who receives blood, tissue, or an organ from a donor.接受者:从某个捐献者处接受血液、组织或器官的人美国传统〔stroke〕In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available.正巧,有了合适的器官捐献者。朗文当代〔transplant〕She received a bone marrow transplant from an unknown donor.她从一个匿名捐献者那里得到了移植的骨髓。韦氏高阶At the back of the programme, there is a list of contributors to the theatre appeal.节目单的背后是对剧院的求助作出反应的捐献者的名单。剑桥国际




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