

单词 捐助
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕The generous response of the public to the disaster puts the government's contribution somewhat in the shade. 公众对这次灾难的慷慨反应使得政府的捐助有点黯然失色。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Getty had been the museum's chief benefactor. 格蒂曾是博物馆的主要捐助人。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕With limited resources, the club cannot continue to function without donations from members. 由于财力有限,这家俱乐部如果没有会员的捐助就无法继续办下去了。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Campaign finance records indicate many of the guests were donors to his own party. 竞选活动的财务记录表明,许多来宾都是他这个党派的捐助人。朗文写作活用〔accordance〕We will implore and beseech God for the accordance of grace to this magnificent benefactor.我们乞求上帝赐恩惠于这位高尚的捐助者。外研社新世纪〔anonymity〕An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.一个匿名捐助者施以援手提供了奖金。柯林斯高阶〔anonymous〕An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.一个匿名捐助者施以援手, 提供了奖金。外研社新世纪〔bear〕Federal regulators have been bearing down on campaign contributors.联邦监管人员一直向竞选捐助人施加压力。朗文当代〔benefaction〕The act of conferring aid of some sort.捐助:提供某种帮助的行为美国传统〔benefactor〕A private benefactor donated $20 000.一位私人捐助者捐献了两万美元。牛津搭配〔benefactor〕An anonymous benefactor donated $2 million.一位没留姓名的捐助人捐款二百万美元。朗文当代〔benefactor〕An anonymous benefactor paid for my trip.我旅行是位隐名的捐助人出的钱。牛津同义词〔benefactor〕He was a great public benefactor and gave land for building the sea wall.他是一位了不起的公益捐助者,捐出土地来修建海堤。牛津搭配〔benefactor〕One that gives aid, especially financial aid.捐助人:提供帮助的人,尤指钱财帮助美国传统〔benefactor〕She was a generous benefactor to the library.她对图书馆给予慷慨的捐助。牛津搭配〔benefactor〕With the help of a rich benefactor he set up a charity.在一位富有的捐助者的帮助下,他建立了一个慈善机构。韦氏高阶〔benefactress〕A woman who gives aid, especially financial aid.女捐助人:提供帮助,尤其是钱财帮助的女人美国传统〔beneficence〕A charitable act or gift.慷慨行为,捐助物美国传统〔benevolence〕A gift given out of generosity.捐助物:慷慨给予的礼物美国传统〔bulk〕Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.许多小额捐助不久就积成了一笔可观的款子。21世纪英汉〔charity〕Do you give much to charity? 慈善捐助你捐得多吗?牛津高阶〔charity〕The animals’ hospital depends on our charity.动物医院靠我们的捐助维持。牛津同义词〔club〕To contribute to a joint or common purpose.捐助:为共同的目的而捐献美国传统〔coffer〕Large public and private companies have long been contributors to Tory party coffers.长期以来,大型的上市公司和私营企业一直在为保守党捐助资金。柯林斯高阶〔cognizance〕The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.律师请求陪审团要考虑到被告对慈善事业的慷慨捐助。剑桥高阶〔community chest〕A fund financed by private contributions for aiding various charitable organizations and welfare agencies.社区福利公益金:由私人捐助投资的经费,用于帮助各种慈善组织和福利单位美国传统〔compassion fatigue〕A jaded attitude on the part of a contributor toward appeals for donations or charitable aid.同情心疲乏:捐助者对乐捐或慈善援助恳求的一种疲劳态度美国传统〔contributable〕They contributed food and clothing for the refugees.他们向难民捐助了食物和衣服。21世纪英汉〔contribute〕City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.市政府雇员不得捐助政治宣传活动。朗文当代〔contribute〕Do you wish to contribute? 你想捐助吗?牛津高阶〔contribute〕They say they would like to contribute more to charity.他们说愿意为慈善事业捐助更多的资金。外研社新世纪〔contributory〕No doubt most contributory members do not adopt such measures.难怪大部分捐助者都不采用这样的方法。外研社新世纪〔contributor〕A key figure in the sport is allegedly a long-standing contributor to Labour Party funds.一位在体育界举足轻重的人物据说是工党基金的长期捐助者。外研社新世纪〔contributor〕Politicians are often suspected of trying to appease campaign contributors from the oil industry.人们常常怀疑政客们会尽力满足来自石油行业的竞选捐助者的要求。牛津搭配〔debt〕I am glad to be able to use this opportunity to pay the debt of gratitude that we owe to our benefactors.我很高兴能借此机会向我们的捐助者表示感谢。外研社新世纪〔depend〕We depend entirely on donations from the public.我们完全依赖公众的捐助。朗文当代〔dig into〕It is a way of giving to charity without having to dig into your own pocket.这是一种无需花自己的钱来进行慈善捐助的方式。外研社新世纪〔direct mail〕Advertising circulars or other printed matter sent directly through the mail to prospective customers or contributors.直接邮件;直接邮寄广告:向未来的顾客或捐助者直接投寄的广告或其他印刷品美国传统〔donate from〕She donated a certain sum of money from her private purse.她个人解囊捐助一笔钱。21世纪英汉〔donation〕He made a generous donation to the charity.他向慈善机构作出慷慨的捐助。牛津搭配〔donation〕The organization is funded by private donations.这个组织由私人捐助成立。韦氏高阶〔donor〕She is one of the charity's/cause's major donors.她是这一慈善机构/事业的主要捐助人之一。韦氏高阶〔donor〕Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor, the charity was able to continue its work.多亏得到了一位匿名人士的大笔捐助,该慈善机构才得以继续运转。剑桥高阶〔donor〕The money was raised from individual donors.钱款来自于个人捐助者。韦氏高阶〔endowment〕The act of endowing.捐赠:捐助行为美国传统〔fallacy〕It's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous.富人比穷人对慈善事业的捐助更多些;这种观点是一种谬见。柯林斯高阶〔finance〕The campaign was financed mainly through voluntary contributions.竞选活动的资金主要是通过自愿捐助筹集的。英汉大词典〔flow〕Contributions flowed in from all parts of the country.从全国各地纷涌而至的捐助美国传统〔fork〕The arena won't be finished until private donors fork over more money.体育场要等有了更多的私人捐助才能建成。朗文当代〔fund〕Contributions are being sought for the disaster fund.正在寻求对救灾基金的捐助。剑桥高阶〔general public〕These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.这些慈善机构的运营依靠的是公众的同情心和慷慨捐助。外研社新世纪〔generous〕The school raised the money through donations from generous alumni.学校通过校友的慷慨捐助,筹集到了这笔款项。韦氏高阶〔gesture〕The government donated £500,000 as a gesture of goodwill.该政府捐助了50万英镑以示友善。剑桥高阶〔giver〕They are very generous givers to charity.他们是慈善事业的慷慨捐助者。牛津高阶〔give〕I gave a small donation.我给了一点微薄的捐助。牛津高阶〔give〕Most people are willing to give to charity .大多数人都愿意慈善捐助。朗文当代〔good〕Even a small donation can do a lot of good.即使一小笔捐助也可以帮上大忙。剑桥高阶〔grateful〕All donations will be gratefully received.如蒙捐助,定将报以衷心的感谢。牛津高阶〔insubstantial〕Their contribution to the fund was insubstantial.他们对基金的捐助不多。韦氏高阶〔kick〕An unknown contributor kicked in with £50,000.一位隐名捐助人捐了5万镑。 英汉大词典〔kick〕Sweden has kicked in about $10 million a year since 1993.自1993年以来,瑞典每年捐助约1000万美元。麦克米伦高阶〔largesse〕The medical foundation will be the main beneficiary of the millionaire's largesse.这个医药基金会将是那位百万富翁慷慨捐助的主要受益者。剑桥高阶〔long〕The school was long on prestige but short on endowment.这座学校享有盛名但缺乏捐助。外研社新世纪〔long〕Your contributions will go a long way towards helping children in need (=will help to reach a goal) .你的捐助对有困难的孩子大有帮助。朗文当代〔munificent〕Donating a new library to the school was a munificent gesture.向学校捐助一座新图书馆是慷慨之举。英汉大词典〔name〕The hospital was named in honour / honor of its principal benefactor.这所医院以主捐助人的名字命名以表纪念。牛津搭配〔patroness〕A woman who supports, protects, or champions someone or something, such as an institution, an event, or a cause; a sponsor or benefactor.女庇护人:给某人或某事物如某一机构、事件或事业以支持、保持和维护的女人;女赞助人或捐助人美国传统〔plate〕There will be a plate at the back for any donations.后面会有个用于投放捐款的捐助盘。麦克米伦高阶〔pledge〕Donors have made pledges totaling nearly $4 million.捐款人承诺提供总额为 400 万美元的捐助。朗文当代〔put〕I've put you down to help with the food.我已经把你的名字列入食品捐助者名单之中了。麦克米伦高阶〔register〕They keep a register of all those who have contributed to the fund.他们保存着完整的基金捐助人名单。牛津搭配〔rely〕The museum relies on voluntary donations to keep open.博物馆依赖自愿捐助来维持开放。麦克米伦高阶〔replace〕The plan is to replace state funding donations with private.这项计划要用私人捐款基金取代国家拨款捐助。麦克米伦高阶〔rummage sale〕A sale of assorted secondhand objects contributed by donors to raise money for a charity.捐赠品义卖:为慈善事业集资而卖的由捐助人捐赠的各种各样的二手货物美国传统〔save〕A local businessman saved the day by donating £30,000 to the school.一位当地的商人向这所学校捐助了 30,000 英镑,扭转了局面。朗文当代〔schmooze〕Politicians spent much of their time schmoozing with contributors.政客们花大量时间和捐助者闲聊拉关系。朗文当代〔seek〕The church is seeking donations/volunteers.教会正在征求捐助/志愿者。韦氏高阶〔sponsor〕Over £35,000 was raised by young people sponsored by friends at a penny a mile.在朋友们的赞助下,按每完成1英里捐助1便士的标准,青年们筹集了3万5千余镑。英汉大词典〔steady stream〕We've received a steady stream of donations.我们源源不断地收到捐助。韦氏高阶〔stingy〕That stingy man won't contribute a cent.那个吝啬鬼一分钱也不肯捐助。英汉大词典〔subscribable〕I have subscribed £20,000 for the institute.我为该机构已捐助了2万英镑。21世纪英汉〔subscribe to〕This is the school to which your farther subscribed generously in the past.这就是你父亲生前为之慷慨捐助的学校。21世纪英汉〔subscribe〕I subscribe €10 a month to the charity.我每个月向这个慈善团体捐助10欧元。剑桥高阶〔subscription〕The Institute was built with the help of public subscriptions.这所学院是在公众的捐助下创建的。麦克米伦高阶〔swing〕Do campaign gifts swing votes ? 竞选捐助能扭转票数吗?朗文当代〔usable〕Charity shops and jumble sales welcome usable clothes.慈善商店和义卖活动欢迎大家捐助能穿的衣服。外研社新世纪〔voluntarism〕The use of or reliance on voluntary action to maintain an institution, carry out a policy, or achieve an end.自愿捐助主义:用或依赖自愿行动来支持一个组织、推行一个政策或达到一个目的美国传统〔voluntaryism〕Reliance on voluntary contributions rather than government funds, as for churches or schools; voluntarism.自愿捐助主义:依赖志愿捐助而非政府基金,如为一个教堂或学校;自愿主义美国传统〔worthwhile〕Iwanted to do my bit for a worthwhile charity.我想为值得捐助的慈善机构尽一点力。麦克米伦高阶After making donations for earthquake relief, famine relief and war relief, even the most generous donors are beginning to suffer compassion fatigue.在先后为救济震灾、饥荒和战争捐助之后,甚至最慷慨的捐助者也变得麻木不仁了。剑桥国际Contributions are being sought for the disaster fund.正在寻求对救灾基金的捐助。剑桥国际Eva said she was doing a ten-mile walk for charity and asked if I'd sponsor her for £1 a mile.伊娃说她为慈善机构捐款走了10英里的路,并问我是否能按1英里捐助1英镑的标准赞助她。剑桥国际He contributed generously to the Red Cross. 他对红十字会慷慨捐助。译典通He's getting up a small group to go carol-singing for charity.他组织起了一小组的人,准备以挨家挨户唱圣诞颂歌的义演活动捐助慈善事业。剑桥国际The BBC's ‘Children in Need’Appeal attracted a lot of support from the public (= they gave a lot of money to it).英国广播公司“贫困儿童”节目吸引了广大公众纷纷捐助。剑桥国际The company chipped in with a million yuan contribution. 这家公司捐助一百万圆。译典通The foundation of the children's home was made possible by a generous donation from an anonymous benefactor.儿童之家的建立是受益于一位不知名的捐助者的慷慨捐献。剑桥国际The hospital is making approaches to local businesses (=asking them to help) in their bid to raise money.这家医院正在游说当地的一些企业,以便能争取它们的捐助。剑桥国际We always try to give to charity.我们总是想捐助慈善事业。剑桥国际We've received a handsome donation from an anonymous benefactor.我们从一位匿名的捐助者那里收到一笔可观的捐赠。剑桥国际




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