

单词 散布
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔UNTIDY〕when things are spread around in a messy way 东西凌乱地散布四周朗文写作活用〔bandy〕bandy a rumour (或story) 散布流言蜚语英汉大词典〔bestrew〕the street bestrew with dry leaves遍地散布枯叶的街道21世纪英汉〔bleat〕to bleat one's gossip散布流言蜚语21世纪英汉〔cushion〕a pile of scatter cushions(= small cushions, often in bright colours, that you put on chairs, etc.) 一堆零星散布的靠垫牛津高阶〔diffuse〕diffuse a rumour 散布谣言英汉大词典〔dirt〕dish the dirt 论人是非;散布流言蜚语文馨英汉〔disseminate〕disseminate information. 散布消息美国传统〔go〕go about spreading rumours 到处散布谣言英汉大词典〔hawk〕when he's hawking good news当他在散布好消息时外研社新世纪〔inspirable〕to inspire a scandal散布丑闻21世纪英汉〔merchant〕a gossip merchant (= someone who enjoys talking about people's private lives) 喜欢散布流言蜚语的人剑桥高阶〔monger〕a scandalmonger; a warmonger. 散布丑闻的人;战争贩子美国传统〔monger〕monger pernicious gossip 散布流言蜚语英汉大词典〔obstinate〕rusted farm equipment strewn among the obstinate weeds生锈的农场设备散布于顽强的杂草之中外研社新世纪〔pass〕pass rumours 散布谣言英汉大词典〔peddler〕the peddlers of fear. 恐惧的散布者柯林斯高阶〔peddler〕the peddlers of fear恐惧的散布者外研社新世纪〔peddle〕peddling lies. 散布谎言美国传统〔peddle〕the rumours that had been peddled for so long散布了太长时间的谣言外研社新世纪〔peddle〕to peddle malicious gossip 散布恶意的流言蜚语牛津高阶〔petty〕a petty gossip 散布流言蜚语的委琐小人英汉大词典〔plant〕a carefully planted rumour刻意散布的谣言21世纪英汉〔procreate〕procreating one rumour after another一再散布谣言21世纪英汉〔propagate〕to propagate lies.散布谎言。牛津同义词〔publish〕publish a libel 散布诽谤性文字英汉大词典〔rumour〕to start/spread a rumour 制造╱散布谣言牛津高阶〔scaremongering〕scaremongers warning the public of global catastrophe 向公众散布将发生全球性灾难谣言的人韦氏高阶〔set〕set about scandal 散布流言飞语英汉大词典〔sprawl〕untidy tenements sprawling toward the river. 散布在河边的几套不整洁的房子美国传统〔spreader〕a spreader of gossip/lies 流言/谎言散布者韦氏高阶〔spread〕spread gossip 散布流言蜚语英汉大词典〔spread〕the spread of a rumour 谣言的散布 英汉大词典〔spread〕to spread rumours/lies about sb 散布关于某人的谣言╱谎言牛津高阶〔strew〕to strew rumours among the troops在军队中散布谣言21世纪英汉〔strung out〕stars strung out across the galaxy 散布在银河系的星星韦氏高阶〔strung out〕villages strung out along dirt roads沿泥土路散布的村庄外研社新世纪〔suspect〕to suspect a person of spreading rumours猜疑某人散布流言蜚语21世纪英汉〔transmitter〕a transmitter of disease; a transmitter of tall tales. 疾病传播者;一个散布无稽之谈的人美国传统〔uncollected〕uncollected garbage; uncollected taxes; uncollected thoughts. 散布的垃圾;未征收的税款;散乱的思绪美国传统




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