

单词 文体
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aeolic〕Any of several verse forms built around a central choriamb, used especially by Sappho, Alcaeus, and their imitators.伊奥利亚韵律:以一个扬抑抑扬格为中心而写成的散文体,特别被萨福,阿尔凯奥斯以及他们的模仿者所使用美国传统〔Atticism〕A characteristic feature of Attic Greek.雅典式的习语,文体,风格等:古希腊雅典个性风格美国传统〔Avesta〕A body of ancient Persian writings, a sacred text of Zoroastrianism.阿维斯塔:古波斯语中的一种文体,用来书写祆教圣书美国传统〔Brahmana〕Any of several ancient Hindu religious prose texts that explain the relationship of the Vedas to the sacrificial ceremonies.梵书:几部古印度宗教散文体文章中任一部,针对祭礼阐释吠陀经义美国传统〔Edda〕A manual of Icelandic poetry, called the Younger or Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson.埃达:古冰岛诗歌手稿,称作新埃达或散文体埃达,作者是斯诺里斯图尔路生美国传统〔Johnsonian〕Of, resembling, or relating to Samuel Johnson or his writings.约翰逊的:塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的,似约翰逊文体的,与约翰逊或其作品有关的美国传统〔able〕Heat is able to cure breast tumours in some animals.高温可以治疗某些动物的乳房肿瘤。(此例用法中以非生物作主语的情况一般多见于科技文体)英汉大词典〔ample〕The city's many cultural and sports facilities offer ample recreation.这座城市的许多文体设施提供了充分的娱乐活动。英汉大词典〔appropriate〕The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。牛津高阶〔archaize〕To give an archaic quality or character to; make archaic.使(文体等)有古风:给出一种古体特质或特征;使古老美国传统〔at your command〕As a writer, she has both style and humour at her command.作为一名作家,她对文体和幽默都能运用自如。剑桥高阶〔bathos〕An abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect.突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果美国传统〔belles-lettres〕Light, stylish writings, usually on literary or intellectual subjects.美文学:通常关于文学或智力主题的轻快、时髦的文体美国传统〔bombast〕All these nouns designate speech or writing marked by an extravagance or affectation of style that the content does not warrant.这些名词都表示语言或文字的浮夸或空洞无物的虚假文体。美国传统〔confessional〕Confessional writing is a first-person style distinguished by revelations of a person's heart and darker motivations.自白性写作是一种第一人称文体, 其特点是揭示人的内心和阴暗动机。外研社新世纪〔convenient〕Letters are convenient for illustrating stylistic range.书信文字便于说明文体变化的范围。英汉大词典〔crab〕His writing is crabbed by a pedantic style.他的作品被学究式文体破坏了。英汉大词典〔cryptograph〕A device for translating plain text into cipher.密码机:一种将简单的文体译成密码的装置美国传统〔cute〕The style also gets cute at times.文体有时也流于造作。英汉大词典〔elegance〕Restraint and grace of style.文体的典雅美国传统〔embrace〕Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.语言学包括一系列不同的科目,如语音学和文体学。剑桥高阶〔enliven〕Colloquialisms, dialect and slang terms can enliven style if properly used.口语、方言、俚语如使用得当可使文体变得生动活泼。英汉大词典〔essayistic〕Of or relating to an essay or a writer of essays.论说文体的,散文的,小品文作者的或与之相关的美国传统〔file〕It's a prose style with all the ineptitudes filed away.这是一篇将所有拙劣之处修整过的散文体。21世纪英汉〔file〕It's a prose style with all the ineptitudes filed away.这是将所有不当之处修整过的散文体。文馨英汉〔for〕For all its clarity of style, the book is not easy reading.这本书虽然文体清晰,但读起来并不容易。牛津高阶〔higher criticism〕Critical study of biblical texts to ascertain their literary origins and history and the meaning and intention of the authors.《圣经》研究:对《圣经》文体进行评论性研究以解答各种疑问,其文学渊源、历史、作者意图和他的意义美国传统〔idiosyncrasy〕The style of Bacon has an idiosyncrasy.培根的文体别具风格。英汉大词典〔illuminator〕One who illuminates manuscripts or other objects.解释者:解释文体或其它对象的人美国传统〔imitator〕The difference between Ms McArthur and her countless imitators is the elegance of her writing.麦克阿瑟女士和她无数模仿者之间的差别就在于她文体的典雅。剑桥高阶〔jerky〕There are jerky passages, not wholly within the author's control.有些段落文体变化突兀,多少不大听命于作者的笔了。英汉大词典〔journalese〕The style of writing often held to be characteristic of newspapers and magazines, distinguished by clichés, sensationalism, and triteness of thought.(低劣的)新闻文体:常常被认为是报刊杂志所特有的文体,以陈词套词、追求轰动效应、及思想陈腐为特征美国传统〔literature〕A body of writings in prose or verse.文学:用散文体或韵文体所写的文字美国传统〔magnificence〕Chaucer brought a new stylistic magnificence to Middle English literature.乔叟给中古英语文学带来了文体上的新辉煌。外研社新世纪〔markup〕Detailed stylistic instructions written on a manuscript that is to be typeset.标示字体:写于待排版手稿上的详细文体提示美国传统〔model〕This clause was a model of lucidity.这一条款是明晰文体的典范。英汉大词典〔monotone〕Sameness or dull repetition in sound, style, manner, or color.单调:声音、文体、风格和色彩的同样性或单调的重复美国传统〔notwithstanding〕Thomas Carlyle, notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style.托马斯·卡莱尔,尽管他的措辞冗长乏味,但其文体隽永优美,不失为一位散文大师。英汉大词典〔obscurantism〕A style in art and literature characterized by deliberate vagueness or obliqueness.蒙昧文体:在文学或艺术中以含糊和缺乏明确定义为特征的风格美国传统〔officialese〕The bank's statement was couched in officialese with euphemistic phrases.银行的报告是用措词委婉的公文体写成的。英汉大词典〔period〕A sentence of several carefully balanced clauses in formal writing.复合句:正式文体中包括若干从句的结构匀称的句子美国传统〔phraseology〕The way in which words and phrases are used in speech or writing; style.说法,措辞:说话或写作时用词或短语的方法;文体美国传统〔prosaically〕His father wrote briefly and prosaically.他父亲的文笔简洁, 类似散文体。外研社新世纪〔prosaism〕A prosaic word, phrase, or other expression.散文体:散文式词语、词组或其他表达方法美国传统〔prose〕Novels are usually written in prose.小说通常是用散文体写的。英汉大词典〔prose〕Ordinary speech or writing, without metrical structure.散文体:普通的言语或写作,没有韵律结构美国传统〔prosy〕Matter-of-fact and dry; prosaic.散文的,平淡的:就事论事及干巴巴的;散文体的美国传统〔redundant〕His redundant style needs heavy editing.他冗长的文体需费力加工编辑。英汉大词典〔roman〕A narrative poem or a prose tale in medieval French literature.韵文体传奇故事:中世纪法国文学中的叙事诗或韵文美国传统〔style〕Faulkner's style 福克纳的文体英汉大词典〔stylistically〕Stylistically, he owes much to Hemingway.在文体风格上, 他受海明威的影响很大。外研社新世纪〔stylistics〕The study of the use of elements of language style, such as metaphor, in particular contexts.文体论:对于具体的上下文中语言,风格因素,如比喻的研究美国传统〔stylistic〕Of or relating to style, especially literary style.文体的:文体(论)的,与文体(论)有关的,尤指文学风格美国传统〔stylist〕A writer or speaker who cultivates an artful literary style.文体家:精心创造富有艺术性的文学体裁的作家或演说家美国传统〔subject〕His writings were deeply subjected to the classical style.他的作品深受古典文体的影响。21世纪英汉〔textbookish〕The style is heavy and textbookish.这文体是沉闷而呆板的。英汉大词典〔turgid〕His prose is rather turgid.他的散文文体相当浮夸。英汉大词典〔versify〕To change from prose into metrical form.把散文体改写成韵体诗美国传统He writes in a formal and rather stilted style.他用正式的、相当生硬的文体写作。剑桥国际Her latest novel is very Dickensian, and is full of Dickensian characters.她最近的小说文体很像狄更斯的风格,还充满类似狄更斯笔下的人物。剑桥国际His difficult style obscures his meaning. 他深奥的文体使他的意思晦涩难懂。译典通His style is void of affectation. 他的文体没有矫揉造作之嫌。译典通I appreciate his compact style of writing. 我欣赏他那简洁的文体。译典通I like an austere style of writing. 我喜欢朴实无华的文体。译典通I like her transparent style of writing. 我喜欢她明晰的文体。译典通Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.语言学包括许多不同的科目,如语音学和文体学。剑桥国际Newspapers are written in prose. 新闻是散文体。译典通She's no stylist, but she writes very exciting stories.她在文体上并不精雕细刻,但她写的小说很刺激。剑桥国际The difference between Ms McArthur and her countless imitators is the elegance of her writing.麦克阿瑟女士和她无数模仿者之间的差别是她的文体的典雅。剑桥国际The essay has a good style, but your argument is completely ahistorical.这篇文章的文体很好,但你的论据与历史丝毫无关。剑桥国际The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many novelists and poets throughout the ages.第一人称叙述方式是一种已被历代许多小说家和诗人用过的文体手段。剑桥国际The letter is written in a formal style. 这封信以正式文体写成。译典通The professor praised her fluid style. 教授称赞她流畅的文体。译典通The same principle may make for smooth writing. 同样的原则可能有助于流畅的文体。译典通You should use a formal style of writing in the report.报告中应使用正式的写作文体。牛津商务Your essay fails to show a detailed knowledge of the novel.你的论文体现出你对这部小说了解得不深。剑桥国际




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