

单词 昆虫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENVIRONMENT〕Pesticides destroy insects that are an important part of the food chain for several species of songbird. 农药把对于一些种类的鸣禽来说是食物链中重要一环的昆虫消灭了。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕Some insects’ wings vibrate so fast that the movement is invisible to the human eye. 有些昆虫翼翅振动得非常快,人眼是看不见的。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Lubbers are slow-moving flightless insects native to the southeastern U.S. 笨蝗是行动缓慢、不能飞行的昆虫,产于美国东南部。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕Not many of the insects survive the winter. 能熬过冬天的昆虫不多。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕The insect's evolutionary adaptations enable it to be almost invisible even when sitting in the middle of a leaf.这种昆虫在进化过程中形成了很强的适应能力,即使趴在树叶正中也很难被发现。韦氏高阶〔animal〕Humans, insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals are all animals.人、昆虫、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物都是动物。剑桥高阶〔ant lion〕Any of various insects of the family Myrmeleontidae, the adults of which resemble dragonflies.蚁蛉:一种蚁蛉科昆虫,其成虫与蜻蜓相似美国传统〔attractant〕A substance, such as a pheromone, that attracts insects or other animals.引诱剂:吸引昆虫或其它动物的物质(如外激素)美国传统〔aversion〕Many people have a natural and emotional aversion to insects.很多人生来讨厌昆虫。外研社新世纪〔aversion〕Many people have a natural and emotional aversion to insects.很多人生来讨厌昆虫。柯林斯高阶〔beetle〕An insect resembling a member of the order Coleoptera.甲壳虫:类似甲壳虫类的昆虫美国传统〔bristletail〕Any of various wingless insects of the order Thysanura, such as the silverfish, having bristlelike posterior appendages.衣鱼:一种缨尾目的无翅昆虫,长有刚毛状后鳍,如蠹虫美国传统〔bug〕An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig.昆虫:昆虫或类似的生物,如蜈蚣或土蚣美国传统〔cabbageworm〕A larva that feeds on and is destructive to cabbage, especially the bright-green larva of the cabbage butterfly.卷叶菜虫,甘蓝菜害虫:一种昆虫的幼虫,以卷心菜为食,并对其具有破坏性,特别是白粉蝶的亮绿色幼虫美国传统〔chalcid〕Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects.小蜂:小蜂总科的一种体态微小的蜂虫,许多此类昆虫的幼虫寄生于其他昆虫的幼虫内美国传统〔colony〕Some of the insects will leave to form a new colony.其中一些昆虫会离群去组成一个新的群体。牛津搭配〔complicate〕Biology Folded longitudinally one or several times, as certain leaves or the wings of some insects.【生物学】 复叶的:纵向折叠一次或多次,指某些叶子或一些昆虫的翅膀美国传统〔crawler〕One that crawls, especially an early form of certain insect larvae.爬行动物:爬行的东西,尤指某些昆虫幼虫的早期形体美国传统〔crop〕A similar enlargement in the digestive tract of annelids and insects.消化器官:环节动物或昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分美国传统〔ctenidium〕A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects.栉鳃,栉齿:一种梳子状的结构,如软体动物的呼吸器官或者某些昆虫的一排刺美国传统〔deal〕I want a book that deals with insects.我需要一本论述昆虫的书。牛津同义词〔debris〕Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.清洁通风管道,以清除灰尘和昆虫残骸。朗文当代〔diet〕They had to survive on a diet of insects and berries.他们只好靠吃昆虫和浆果生存。牛津搭配〔dimerous〕Consisting of two parts or segments, as the tarsus in certain insects.由两部分组成的:由两个部分组成的,如某些昆虫的跗节美国传统〔divaricate〕Biology Branching or spreading widely from a point or axis, as branches or on an insect's wings; diverging.【生物学】 分叉:从一点或一轴线叉开的,如树枝或昆虫的翅膀;展开美国传统〔drone〕Insects droned.昆虫嗡嗡叫。外研社新世纪〔ecdysone〕A steroid hormone produced by insects and crustaceans that promotes growth and controls molting.蜕皮激素:昆虫和甲壳纲动物产生的类固醇激素,以促进生长,控制蜕皮美国传统〔entomophagous〕Feeding on insects; insectivorous.虫生的:以昆虫为生的;昆虫体寄生的美国传统〔exude〕Some trees exude from their bark a sap that repels insect parasites.一些树的树皮会分泌出一种汁液来驱除寄生在树上的昆虫。剑桥高阶〔facet〕Biology One of the lenslike visual units of a compound eye, as of an insect.【生物学】 小眼面:复眼的像透镜的视觉单位,如昆虫的美国传统〔feed on/upon〕Owls feed on insects, birds, and small mammals.猫头鹰以昆虫、鸟类和小型哺乳动物为食。韦氏高阶〔feed on〕Not all bats feed on insects.并非所有蝙蝠都以昆虫为食。外研社新世纪〔feeder〕Some insect larvae are root feeders.有些昆虫的幼虫以植物的根为食。麦克米伦高阶〔flea〕Any of various small, wingless, bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera that have legs adapted for jumping and are parasitic on warm-blooded animals.跳蚤:蚤目的各种小型、无翅吸血昆虫中的任一种,长有适于跳跃的腿,寄生在温血动物身上美国传统〔fly〕Not all insects can fly.并非所有昆虫都会飞。麦克米伦高阶〔fold〕She picked up the insect and gently folded it in a handkerchief.她拾起那只昆虫用手绢轻轻包好。麦克米伦高阶〔food chain〕Insects are fairly low down (on) the food chain.在食物链中,昆虫是相当低的一级生物。牛津高阶〔gallery〕A passage made by a tunneling insect or animal.地下通道:昆虫或动物挖的通道美国传统〔grub〕The thick, wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects.蛴螬,蛆:某些甲虫或昆虫的软原虫状幼虫美国传统〔hemimetabolous〕Undergoing a metamorphosis that lacks a pupal stage. Used of certain insects.半变态的:经历缺少蛹的阶段的蜕变的。用于某些昆虫美国传统〔hemipteran〕A hemipterous insect; a true bug.半翅目昆虫;真正的半翅目昆虫美国传统〔hexapod〕A six-legged arthropod of the class Insecta (formerly Hexapoda); an insect.六足的节肢动物:属于昆虫纲(原来为六足节肢动物门)的一种有六条腿的节肢动物昆虫美国传统〔illogical〕She has an illogical fear of insects.她毫无道理地害怕昆虫。牛津高阶〔inch〕The insect was about an inch long.这种昆虫大约有1英寸长。麦克米伦高阶〔incomplete metamorphosis〕A life cycle of certain insects, such as crickets and grasshoppers, characterized by the absence of a pupal stage between the immature and adult stages.不完全蜕变:蟋蟀、草蜢等昆虫的生命循环,以缺少幼年期和成年期之间的蛹期为特色美国传统〔instar〕A stage of an insect or other arthropod between molts.龄,蜕变期:昆虫或其他节肢动物两次蜕皮间的一个时间段美国传统〔jugum〕A yokelike structure in certain insects that joins the forewings to the hind wings, keeping them together during flight.翅轭:某些昆虫身上将前翅与后翅连接起来并使它们在飞行过程中结合在一起的一种轭状结构美国传统〔keep down〕Insects play an important part in keeping down garden pests.昆虫在花园除虫上起着重要作用。外研社新世纪〔labellum〕A liplike part, such as the tip of the proboscis of various insects, used for lapping up liquids.唇瓣:用于舔食液体的唇状物,如各种昆虫的喙的末端美国传统〔lacewing〕Any of various insects of the superfamily Hemerobioidea, having four gauzy wings, threadlike antennae, and larvae that feed on insect pests such as aphids.草蛉:任一种褐蛉属的昆虫,长有两对薄而轻的透明翅膀和线状触角,其幼虫以蚜虫等昆虫为食美国传统〔lactescent〕Biology Secreting or yielding a milky juice, as certain plants and insects.【生物学】 产乳汁的:象某些植物或昆虫那样分泌或产生出一种乳状汁液的美国传统〔lanugo〕A covering of fine, soft hair, as on a leaf, an insect, or a newborn child.细毛:,柔毛,例如覆盖在叶子、昆虫或婴儿的身上的细而软的毛美国传统〔live〕Small birds live mainly on insects.小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生。牛津高阶〔magnify〕The picture shows the insect's head magnified ten times.这张图片上显示的是放大了 10 倍的这种昆虫的头部。牛津搭配〔maxilla〕Either of two laterally moving appendages situated behind the mandibles in insects and most other arthropods.(昆虫的)下颚骨:位于昆虫和大多数其他节肢动物上颚后面的附属活动器官美国传统〔midge〕Any of various similar dipteran insects, such as the biting midges of the family Ceratopogonidae.蠓:一种类似双翅目小昆虫,如双翅科中咬人的小昆虫美国传统〔moderately〕Both are moderately large insects.两种昆虫都是中等大小。柯林斯高阶〔myrmecology〕The branch of entomology that deals with ants.蚁学:研究蚂蚁的昆虫学分支美国传统〔nerve〕A vein or rib in the wing of an insect.翅脉:昆虫的翅脉或翅纹美国传统〔of〕Locusts are the most harmful of all insects.蝗虫是所有昆虫中最有害。文馨英汉〔ootheca〕The egg case of certain insects and mollusks.卵囊:一些昆虫或软体动物的卵囊美国传统〔ordinate〕Arranged in regular rows, as the spots on the wings of an insect.按行排列的:按规则的行排列的,如昆虫翅膀上的斑点的排列美国传统〔parasitoid〕Of or relating to a parasitic insect of this kind.拟寄生物的:属于或有关这种寄生昆虫的美国传统〔pod〕Zoology A protective covering that encases the eggs of some insects and fish.【动物学】 卵的保护外壳:能包裹某些昆虫和鱼卵的一层保护性外壳美国传统〔polyhedrosis〕Any of several diseases of insect larvae, caused by infestation with polyhedral virus particles.多面体病:一种昆虫幼虫疾病,由多面体病毒微粒感染而引起美国传统〔prepupa〕An inactive stage just before the pupa in the development of certain insects.某些昆虫生长发育成蛹之前的不活跃的阶段美国传统〔project〕Some creatures project their tongue to catch flies and other insects.有些动物会伸出舌头捕捉苍蝇和其他昆虫。英汉大词典〔prothorax〕The anterior division of the thorax of an insect, bearing the first pair of legs.前胸:昆虫胸部前面的一节,第一对足就长在该处美国传统〔repellent〕A substance used to repel insects.驱虫剂:一种用来驱除昆虫的物质美国传统〔repugnance〕The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.昆虫很讨厌皮肤内维生素的气味。柯林斯高阶〔shard〕A tough sheath or covering, such as a shell, scale, or plate.昆虫翅鞘:一种硬质鞘或遮盖物,例如贝壳、鳞或包覆物美国传统〔social〕Ants are social insects.蚂蚁是群居的昆虫美国传统〔song〕A distinctive or characteristic sound made by an animal, such as a bird or an insect.叫声:如鸟或昆虫等动物所发出的有别于其它或具有特色的声音美国传统〔stemma〕A small, circular, simple eye present in various insect larvae.侧单眼:各种昆虫幼虫的小的环形单眼美国传统〔strictly〕Strictly speaking, spiders are not insects.严格地说,蜘蛛不是昆虫。朗文当代〔swarm〕A large number of insects or other small organisms, especially when in motion.一大群:尤指正在行进中的一大群昆虫或其它细小生物美国传统〔tactile hair〕Sensory hair, such as that of an insect, that responds to pressure or touch.触须:有感觉能力的毛发,如一只昆虫身上的这种毛发,能对压力或接触作出反应美国传统〔talk〕The next speaker will be talking about endangered insects.下一位讲者将就濒危昆虫作报告。剑桥高阶〔thorax〕The second or middle region of the body of an arthropod, between the head and the abdomen, in insects bearing the true legs and wings.胸节:生有真正的腿和翅膀的一些昆虫类节肢动物躯体的第二段或中段,位于头部和腹部之间美国传统〔truly〕It cannot truly be described as an insect.严格地说,它不能算作昆虫。英汉大词典〔trunk〕The thorax of an insect.昆虫胸部美国传统〔ventriculus〕A hollow digestive organ, especially the stomach of certain insects or the gizzard of a bird.消化器官,胃,中肠,砂囊:一种中空的消化器官,尤指某些昆虫的胃或者鸟的砂囊美国传统〔waist〕The narrow part of the abdomen of an insect.昆虫腹部的较窄部位美国传统〔water boatman〕Any of various aquatic insects of the families Corixidae and Notonectidae, having long oarlike hind legs adapted for swimming.划蝽,水蝽:几种水生划蝽科和仰泳蝽科昆虫之任一种,有适于游泳的长的桨状后腿美国传统An entomologist specializes in studying six-legged creatures. 昆虫学家专门研究六只脚生物。译典通Bats use ultrasonic waves to locate flying insects at night, and engineers use them to detect flaws in metals.蝙蝠在晚上利用超声波确定飞行昆虫的位置, 而工程师们利用超声波探测金属里的瑕疵。剑桥国际Be careful. The insect has stings. 当心,这昆虫有刺。译典通Bees, mosquitoes and certain other insects and birds hum.蜜蜂、蚊子以及其它的一些昆虫和鸟会发出嗡嗡声。剑桥国际Fleas are tiny insects. 跳蚤是很小的昆虫。译典通From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.从摩天大楼顶上往下看,我们下面的汽车小得像昆虫一样。剑桥国际He has a collection of rare insect specimens.他收集了很多稀有昆虫的标本。剑桥国际Insects are articulate animals. 昆虫是有节的动物。译典通Millions of trees are being attacked by a plague of insects in east and southern Africa.在东非和南非,大群的昆虫袭击了几百万株树木。剑桥国际My leg puffed up all round the insect bite.我的腿上昆虫叮过的附近都肿了起来。剑桥国际Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.在这个地方发现过一百多种昆虫。剑桥国际Spiders are not technically insects, but people often think of them as such.从严格的专业意义上讲,蜘蛛不是昆虫,但人们常把它们看作昆虫。剑桥国际The butterfly is an innocent insect. 蝴蝶是一种无害的昆虫。译典通The insect causes damage to plants by direct feeding and by its toxic secretions.这种昆虫通过直接吞食并排出有毒分泌物对植物造成损害。剑桥国际The spider preys on (= kills and eats) small flies and other insects.蜘蛛捕食小苍蝇和其他昆虫。剑桥国际Their new sun cream has the added advantage of smelling unattractive to insects.他们的新防晒霜还有一个优点,就是气味不会吸引昆虫。牛津商务




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